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New Tool record end of year?


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3 hours ago, Ivan Ooze said:

i just read that pitchfork lateralus review, what in the fuck is going on there



yeah, that review has not aged well at all, they should probably consider deleting that. I think that was back when they were trying to be funny like the old VICE.

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Weird how I keep reading reviews saying how overcomplicated and difficult these tunes are to get into. On the contrary I think these have been easy peasy to get into. Granted 10 minute plus tracks do not phase me at all, and my Sonic Magic Eye is battle hardened from listening and deciphering AE albums, Fear Inoculum was about as easy to get into as Abbey Road. Obviously these reviewers are pussycats!

The hate from Pitchfork seems really childish. I don't know anything about all those things they criticize the band for, I've never looked further than the music, all that extra curricular nonsense doesn't interest me. I guess Ignorance is bliss!

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I've been trying to listen to this, can anyone detail what I'm supposed to be hearing if not "Tool Does Meandering Guided Meditation on Angst"? It sounds like an approach to one idea moves into something related, but different, and no coda to anything recognizable for 10 minutes at a time and I get lost.

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21 hours ago, OneToThirtySix said:

I've been trying to listen to this, can anyone detail what I'm supposed to be hearing if not "Tool Does Meandering Guided Meditation on Angst"? It sounds like an approach to one idea moves into something related, but different, and no coda to anything recognizable for 10 minutes at a time and I get lost.

Think of it as the NTS version of Tool...

  • Farnsworth 1
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Heheh well I don't remember hearing any choruses, but I've only listened twice.  I'll answer that on the next listening (where I'll finally hear these bonus instrumentals too).  But Tool used to have those anthemic punch-you-in-the-face choruses back in the day.

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Ned from South park appears in my mind every time I hear the vocal spazzes at the intro of 7empest.  It's his weird affections in an angsty Maynard voice.  Definitely a highlight.

Chocolate Chip Trip (haha wtf @ that title) is my favourite track.  I think I would like the album more if it were entirely instrumental.  Maynard's vocals do nothing for me on this one.  Except for that bit above.  That does a lot for me. 

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The album is mastered to a lower maximum volume than ordinary, which some outlets have reported. What they fail to add is that it's still clipped pretty hard,  which is kinda self defeating (and nearly ruins some of the best parts). The kick, cymbals and some guitars are too sibilant in a lot of tracks. Other than that, I love the raw feel, it's hissy and buzzy, not too cleaned up. There aren't any obvious double takes or overdubs. The drums are so tight! At first I liked the overall laid back approaches but the energy of 7empest would've done good elsewhere on the album. The continuous chugs are a bit overdone and tame, except for on Invincible where it fucking rocks! Pneuma is brilliant. In fact, the developing structures of all the "real" songs are all right up my alley. It's Tool being Tool without trying to move out of the 90's, which in itself makes for a fresh record. I get the criticisms but it's kind of hard to crit an album like this, you either vibe with it or not. 

Edited by chim
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good interview with chancellor here: https://www.ernieball.com/strikingachord/justin-chancellor


he talks about how a lot of really cool sounding material didn't make it onto the album... and he has books of CDs of tool practices that contain a lot of that...

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Can somebody explain to me why in almost every review of this album I have to read about Tool fans being the worst type of music fan? I've personally never met one. I'm visualising a hippy/skater type metal head with a black t-shirt and a pair of baggy camouflage shorts, could do with a few square meals and a bit more sunshine induced vitamin D. Apart from that where the fuck is this reputation forged from?


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13 hours ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

That just seems like the nature of any fan forum though, doesn't it?  You get a group of people who are obsessed with one artist, and it's going to get really embarrassing really fast.  

Hey guys have you heard of this forum called twoism?

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  • 2 years later...

At last. Never seen them live, and it isn’t a headline festival slot either, which sometimes is the case. Hopefully I can get a ticket without too much hassle, unlike before COVID. 

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