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  • 1 year later...

damn bran, those are some horrible memories you've had to wrestle through. i commend your bravery sir :catsalute:


i've had my fair share of depression. what i do know now is that drugs are not the answer to them, even, or especially, something seemingly harmless as marijuana. i also know now that beneath all that, the depression stemmed from the fact that i didn't feel autonomous in my choices: it felt like all my choices were made for me. this made me down as fuck. and also the general facts that the world is full of scum and that society is a JOKE i didn't get until now


considering all, i am feeling pretty good at where i am right now

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if your depression is related to any kind of trauma i'd recommend a course of treatment called EMDR - eye movement desensitization & reprocessing.


i've wrestled with demons all my life relating to the unwanted physical attention of priests when i was a nipper & then in the middle of last year the car i was driving had a blow-out @ 80mph and i ended smeared under/in/through the back of a stationary truck. The physical recovery of 2 crushed legs/pelvis & severe laserations/concussion was going really well given the xtent of reconstructive surgery, until about 3&half months after it i slowly began to lose my mind. It threw up all those suppressed sensory memories from my past, combined with understandable paranoia about being permanently maimed & unable to walk again unaided.


Luckily in Britain, i got an NHS referral to see a specialist in EMDR and after 14 sessions i'm beginning to feel "normal" again.


Its been extra-ordinarily tough, w/out doubt the toughest 6months of my existence, BUT, with the right treatment even a broken cunt like me can get fixed somewhat. I'd add that these EMDR sessions have achieved far more positive results than hours & hours & hours of CBT.




Cock ball torture? Also, congrats on making it through your hardships. You are probably a better person than most, because of it.


damn bran, those are some horrible memories you've had to wrestle through. i commend your bravery sir :catsalute:


i've had my fair share of depression. what i do know now is that drugs are not the answer to them, even, or especially, something seemingly harmless as marijuana. i also know now that beneath all that, the depression stemmed from the fact that i didn't feel autonomous in my choices: it felt like all my choices were made for me. this made me down as fuck. and also the general facts that the world is full of scum and that society is a JOKE i didn't get until now


considering all, i am feeling pretty good at where i am right now


I dunno. I just disrupted a serious depressive episode using self-applied cannabis. I don't think it's a one size fits all type of thing. It sort of seems counter-intuitive to get really stoned all the time when you are depressed and not able to function, but it helped me get control of my situation.


Society is a joke though. I agree. The biggest joke being that you first must become successful within the joke before you can have any hope of altering it.

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  • 1 year later...

come across an interesting vid on youtube. touching a couple of points already made in this thread, i guess. but it's just over 5 mins and makes a couple of good points. so i thought would be good to share.


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if you're not constantly depressed given the current state of things, there's something really fucking wrong with you.


really depends on how you fill in "the current state of things", isn't it. "current state of things is great!" and all that. It's just a story you're telling yourself. if your state of things makes you a cynic, you might try telling yourself a different story. it's not a given.

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if you're not constantly depressed given the current state of things, there's something really fucking wrong with you.

Well said.






Ha, this line under the Criticism heading gave me a hearty chuckle / brief respite from depression:



Some have argued that the evidence is not more conclusive because no standard for reality exists


Which further fuels my suspicions that we are (or at least I am) in a simulation and those things Magritte drew aren't pipes after all!

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try seeing a psychologist, not a psychiatrist


I agree, although be prepared for them to be shit.


I feel like finding a good psychologist is as hard as finding "the one".



Ye brah, the psychologist/therapist is "the one" u are looking for in your life, the the one that is talked about in films and movies. Gurls just offer u pussy and conditional love. u can't tell your gf/wife about any kinda fukked up shit becus they'll jus leave u.


psycholost is the woman u need. they sex up your mind


have a good depreson y'all!!!!

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it's true, I always want to bang my therapist. No matter what they look like. Within reason. That's why Im afraid of getting a male therapist. 



have you ever told them/her that? if yes, what was their/hers reply?

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Me too. My previous rapist was always just flirting with me. I cud not tell about my happenings becus she wud just stare into my soul and smile and shake her head all sexy and talk with that horny voice of hers. Had to switch becus of that. But this new therapist is even more sexier. But atleast she dont flirt with me.


Do you wank before or after your sessions?

if you really have depression you need a psychiatrist not a psychologist  


Lolz psyhciatrsts are all like "ok try this SSRI medicaton and why not an antipsychotic to help u sleep" when all u want is someone to hug and caress you


edit and iffu say to the(rapist) that u wana bang her then she will just say "ahhhhh bro u are just TRANSFERING YOUR FEELINGS". They are programmed to say that

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it's true, I always want to bang my therapist. No matter what they look like. Within reason. That's why Im afraid of getting a male therapist. 



have you ever told them/her that? if yes, what was their/hers reply?





yes, they call it transference, and it is totally normal

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if you really have depression you need a psychiatrist not a psychologist

Lolz psyhciatrsts are all like "ok try this SSRI medicaton and why not an antipsychotic to help u sleep" when all u want is someone to hug and caress you

Depression is a sirius illness. If "all u want is someone to hug and caress you" thats something else...

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yes, they call it transference, and it is totally normal

Itz not just transference. Itz a form of resistance to therapy...like, youd rather take her as a lover than a (the)rapist. Good therapist shoud know this and tell you this. Find another one...

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Three things:

1. I witnessed the OP get banned on CHATMM back in 2013 for making a flimsy coup attempt.

2. Sexual relations between therapist and client? What the fuck am I reading

3. Eugene is on point.

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Drink gin, go on safaris and catch giant Marlins in the gulf stream. All we need is a clean, well lighted place to drink before facing the harrowing darkness of the night. Go to a bullfight and admire the dance with death. You can also drink lots of whiskey and soda. Be a cultured iconoclast with an adventurous spirit. 

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Drink gin, go on safaris and catch giant Marlins in the gulf stream. All we need is a clean, well lighted place to drink before facing the harrowing darkness of the night. Go to a bullfight and admire the dance with death. You can also drink lots of whiskey and soda. Be a cultured iconoclast with an adventurous spirit.

Yeah get stuck in with some heinously cruel shit like marlin fishing and bullfighting. So cultured and iconoclastic, man.

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