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I thoroughly enjoyed Far Cry 3. I should have the platinum at some point today. I just have to finish the last 2 co-op missions. I'm borrowing the game from a friend so I can't play online. I've just been playing it with my brother in split-screen. They really tuned down the graphics in co-op, which isn't that important really. We are having a blast playing it.


Next up is Dishonored.

playing with a brother is the best possible way :)

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I have to confess, I'm approaching the end of second half of Bioshock and the lack of variety in the gameplay is starting to annoy me.


I run around killing splicers and the occasional Big Daddy. Rinse/repeat until the end?


There's been, what, one boss? It's pretty uneven.


System Shock 2, which came out eight years prior to Bioshock, was almost identical in gameplay style. Not a coincidence.


Bioshock just happened to get a lot more media coverage. Still, Infinite looks promising.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

i don't know why all the hate for Far Cry 3. the story really isnt that great but seriously, there hasnt been many games the last couple years with breathtaking stories; some but not many. that aside, the gameplay is pretty good and overall the game is enjoyable. i wouldnt lay down $60 for the game but once the price goes down i would definitely recommend to anyone that didnt play it.

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Has there been hate for Far Cry on here?


I think the game is really good. A solid 7/10 in terms of gameplay. The story has been the only thing people are hating on.

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Guest Iain C

Crusader Kings 2 and only Crusader Kings 2. My glorious Islamic Sultanate now extends all the way from Benghazi to Tangier, and as for Iberia - oh ho ho, how I've fucked Iberia. Granada, Seville and Lisboa have all fallen beneath the sword of Islam. Our long-term goal is to invade Britain, but that's probably at least 100 years in the future if it ever happens. For now, we'll continue to pluck off Spanish territory until we've got a real foothold on mainland Europe.


This is the first time I've managed to make a Muslim dynasty last more than about 50 years before getting wiped out. It's a fun way to play the game - a lot more focus on conquest and carefully managing your beloved sons / threatening brothers. The unique events and decisions are flavourful and brilliant too.

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Guest Iain C

System Shock 2, which came out eight years prior to Bioshock, was almost identical in gameplay style. Not a coincidence.


Bioshock just happened to get a lot more media coverage. Still, Infinite looks promising.


I see what you're getting at, but I think you're untrue. Bioshock was way more action-focused, and also not as scary.

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Going to move on to the Walking Dead next, I think. My gf has finished/loved it, and it will be nice to add a relatively easy platinum after Dead Space, which is only going to cough up a few silvers on the first play through.


Maybe Uncharted 3 on hard after that.

Edited by baph
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Guest Frankie5fingers
Has there been hate for Far Cry on here?


I think the game is really good. A solid 7/10 in terms of gameplay. The story has been the only thing people are hating on.

not here but in general. ive heard people hating on it and i just don't get it. its nothing spectacular but i agree that its a good solid game worthy of a 7/10.

Edited by Frankie5fingers
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Still playing Borderlands 2, trying get to Level 50 and Playthrough 2.5 by avoiding most of the side missions. My goal is to "farm" the Legendary loot.

There are some truly entertaining moments along the way though. A little while ago I faced one of those Nomad Torturers in Sawtooth Cauldron, and I freed the Midget he had chained to his shield. Then he shouted "Midget on the loose!" and they ended up fighting one another. Hilarious.

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Just got the platinum for Far Cry 3. Awesome game. To be honest, I'd give it an 8/10.


Dishonored just finished installing. Can't wait to start a new game as I've heard many good things about it.


My PSN account got hacked and someone bought some stuff with my credit card. Called Sony and they fixed it for me. Couldn't figure out who did it though. :dry:

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Just got the platinum for Far Cry 3. Awesome game. To be honest, I'd give it an 8/10.


Dishonored just finished installing. Can't wait to start a new game as I've heard many good things about it.


My PSN account got hacked and someone bought some stuff with my credit card. Called Sony and they fixed it for me. Couldn't figure out who did it though. :dry:

That's bullshit - they couldn't look at the IP for the unauthorized purchases and see it doesn't match your typical IPs you use when making legit purchases?


I'd call them back and get that info, and make sure it's not someone you may know.

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It's a shame how little they improved the core gameplay systems since the first game. The combat is still just the same mindless attack & counter system, the stealth is still overreliant on safe zones and has so little depth. AC1 and 2 were great because it was all novel. The game world was rich and expansive and the climbing animations were really awesome for that time. Take away the novelty and all that remains is a bunch of unengaging gameplay systems and more filler content than the rest of the industry combined.

Edited by Ego
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It is simply the best strategy game I've ever played, and I've played Civ 2.


EUIII will forever be my beloved, but Im finally starting to get the hang of CKII.



Current playthrough had me go from the Count of Dublin to uniting the Kingdom of Ireland, taking over the Kingdom of Scotland by force because of excommunication (i think), somehow inheriting Kingdom of Wales, and now I'm about one or two more wars with the English away from forming the Empire of Britannia, almost 600 years before the real Act of Union. Fuck me this is why history nerds blow loads all over Paradox releases.....so satisfying to work hard up to the point where you can challenge any of the most powerful realms in the world....starting out from a little crumbum county in the middle of nowhere.


What should I do after that? Try to inherit Brittany or France?


I really want to fuck with the Holy Roman Empire but its massive size suggests otherwise...

Edited by Smettingham Rutherford IV
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first teaser for the new game by the creators of The Witcher 1 & 2


hidden message at 2:14


Do you like our latest creation? We certainly hope so :) You may remember that we sometimes send you guys secret messages like this. It's a great way for us to speak right to you instead of burying ourselves in corporate mumbo-jumbo so let's begin!

First of all - have you noticed all the details in our teaser (yes, it's a teaser. We'll make a proper trailer in the future)? If you know the Cyberpunk setting there are some things you can spot, like implants - look for the weapon hands and the real skin - corporate emblems that should look familiar and more. Happy hunting!

You're probably curious about the release date. It's currently scheduled a way off in 2015 but in truth the delivery date is more like "when it's done". We will release Cyberpunk to you when we're convinced it is nothing but pure, refined, unadulterated awesome. We want it to be the most kick ass futuristic RPG ever - OK, maybe this sounds pretty bully, but it is our actual goal! You judge if we deliver it!

Oh - and you may wonder why we announced our game so early before the release. The reason is that we're still building our dev team so if you are a talented dude or dudette willing to work in a really different company (gamers rule & boring corporate stuff drools!) on a super ambitious project, send us your application right now! careers@cdprojektred.com

So you want to know what kind of game Cyberpunk 2077 will be? The short description is that it will be a story-heavy, nonlinear, open world RPG based on the well known Cyberpunk pen&paper system and setting. Building open world games is something we are mastering right now and we believe that properly joining nonlinear gameplay with an excellent story telling will bring a totally new quality. Mmm... We'll tell some more about it soon!

And that's not all that's new. We are about the reveal our other project which is much closer to being completed and yes, it will also be a fully open-world game with an intense story. You can probably guess the game we're talking about :-) On the 5th of February it will all be clear.

So stay tuned as we will have quite a lot to show and tell you soon!

We are waiting for you on our newly created forum called Afterlife - what other name could we have chosen for it?

CD Projekt RED Team

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I'm very excited for that game, it's based on the only pen & paper rpg I ever played, and fuck me I love me some awesomely designed cyberpunk stuff like this. *Bladerunnergasms*

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It is simply the best strategy game I've ever played, and I've played Civ 2.


EUIII will forever be my beloved, but Im finally starting to get the hang of CKII.



Current playthrough had me go from the Count of Dublin to uniting the Kingdom of Ireland, taking over the Kingdom of Scotland by force because of excommunication (i think), somehow inheriting Kingdom of Wales, and now I'm about one or two more wars with the English away from forming the Empire of Britannia, almost 600 years before the real Act of Union. Fuck me this is why history nerds blow loads all over Paradox releases.....so satisfying to work hard up to the point where you can challenge any of the most powerful realms in the world....starting out from a little crumbum county in the middle of nowhere.


What should I do after that? Try to inherit Brittany or France?


I really want to fuck with the Holy Roman Empire but its massive size suggests otherwise...



I formed Britannia in my last game having started as an English duke. Hilariously, my empire also included Lithuania, which I'd been granted after a Crusade.


I kept the English throne for myself, passed Ireland and Lithuania to relatives, and made vassals of a Scottish dynasty through pressing other people's claims. That led to some interesting challenges trying to keep the various monarchs on side - because if one of them joined or started a faction, it could be serious trouble. Very fun stuff.


From that point, Brittany and northern France are the logical next steps - but I spent a lot of time just managing the realm and ended the game in 1453 having been deposed from the Imperial throne by my brother, but still king of England even though I was languishing in his jail. Great story, great game!


If you want to mess with the HRE or France, your best bet is to wait until the Emperor/King is facing open rebellion. Send your Chancellor to sow dissent in their capital to increase the likelihood of that happening! Or if you really want to throw a spanner in the works, try to assassinate the ruler - odds are the new guy will be hugely unpopular for the first few years, and even if his vassals don't rebel they still won't send him anything like as many troops.


are you happy now? you just made compson cry



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In Cyberpunk 2077, the player will be thrown into a dark future. The metropolis of Night City is a stage set to tell the tale of one individual, raised on the streets, who tries to lift himself up from the gutter and find a way to survive amongst boostergangs and megacorporations in a city of filth and sin. Drugs, violence, poverty and exclusion haven't disappeared by 2077, as people stayed they were for centuries greedy, closed-minded and weak. But not only ghosts of the past trouble mankind, but new issues have appeared. Psychos go on rampages and the streets are filled with junkies addicted to a new form of entertainment the braindance, a cheap way to experience the emotions and stimuli of someone else, someone living a more exciting life.
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So many people getting hyped for Cyberpunk 2077. I couldn't get excited by a cinematic trailer made of no in game footage - Not since Dead Island. Also the police visors look retarded.


It's expected roughly around 2014/2015. Not even worth thinking about.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Friendly Foil" data-cid="1929908" data-time="1357907716"><p>

Is that real?</p></blockquote>

I don't know for sure. It's not very well written. Some more hype from the creators via kotaku for those interested.


Entering the mind of a serial killer means not only seeing the monstrosity he performs, but also living his lust to kill and fulfillment.
The teaser shows how the Psycho Squad might acquire a new member.


The Psycho Squad specializes in combating "psychos" individuals who overuse implants and substances that boost or otherwise alter the human body.


There comes a point when they overdose on these innovations, and their bodies start to rebel against their biological body parts as well as all things organic around them. Simply put, they start killing people, who they now derisively call "meatbags."


When a psycho goes on the rampage, strange things can happen. There's carnage, and the psycho might be taken down by regular police, but they're not always able to get the job done.


When things spin out of control, they call in MAX-TAC (Maximum Force Tactical Division), popularly called the Psycho Squad.


2015 is a long ways ahead though. Whyyyy iiiissss tttiiiiimmeeee mooovvinnnng so slooooooowlyyyy.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

im with Obel on this. the trailer shows nothing and the "explanations" -if they could even be considered that- are just long winded vague descriptions that mean absolutely nothing. i get that they are trying to create hype without giving anything away but they are doing a very shitty job at it. cause so far this game just looks stupid to me.

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