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ive been playing Sims for a couple days now. i always get depressed playing this game cause it shows me how vacant and boring my life truly is.......i need a girlfriend.

Welcome to the club brah. I never had a GF to begin with, but I feel less insecure about it now than I used to.


(Assholes gonna laugh, haters gonna hate, etc.)



get one, dude. I've seen you talk about it a couple of times, it's obvious you want a girl in your life. you're a good guy. I'm sure you'd be happy with someone if you tried.


Appreciate the input, as before. Sweepstakes often tells me the same thing.


My fear of trying might be the very reason I've never partnered up before. I dunno, it's a complicated feeling, and an obvious weak point of mine - something I've constantly repressed.


I hope I'm not derailing the thread here.

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lol playing Sims makes me feel the same way. The characters in there always end up becoming hella rich and successful while I'm just sitting there, playing a video game. Good thing they always end up drowning in the pool or something, to balance it all off.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

lol playing Sims makes me feel the same way. The characters in there always end up becoming hella rich and successful while I'm just sitting there, playing a video game. Good thing they always end up drowning in the pool or something, to balance it all off.

lol yeah, there is that. if there wasnt the almighty magical cursor to tell my sims what to do theyd just end up dead in their house laying face down in a pile of their own excrement. i just now spent the last 4-5 hours constructing a new mansion for my guy to move into. it still isnt halfway finished and its cost is already up to 300,000. thats 4-5 hours that i couldve used to start securing my own future in real life. but nope, i wasted that time playing a video game about the same damn thing.


and ambermonk, just go for it. there really isnt anything to worry about. its not like the world will explode cause they say no. at least you dont live where i do where there isnt a decent chick in this whole goddamn area (ive looked for several years. still havent found one worth my time).

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Just got Guacamelee last night, and it's a lot of fun.


i wanna try this eventually, heard nothing but good about it

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I haven't played Bioshock Infinite yet but I'm invited to my friend's place to play it tonight - he's already a few hours into the game though, and I don't know whether that'll ruin the story for me ... I don't wanna miss out though ...

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I haven't played Bioshock Infinite yet but I'm invited to my friend's place to play it tonight - he's already a few hours into the game though, and I don't know whether that'll ruin the story for me ... I don't wanna miss out though ...


Just watch a video of someone playing the first few hours on youtube or something.

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Possible, and that's what I usually do (I like Let's Play-videos) but with some games (like this one) I'd like to experience it myself. Maybe I can convince him that I can start a new game and play for an hour, just to get a feel for the environment and story, and then skip the bit in between.


I just don't know how the story is spread out - will there be tons of things that spoil surprises for me, or is it more slow-paced storytelling and I just miss out on a few environments?

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Irrational should make an official System Shock 3. The old-timey, artsy-fartsy Ayn Rand shit was legit, but I'd like to see something from them again that takes place in at least the 21st century, or 22nd.

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probably gonna download borderlands 2 while it's $13 on steam. just played through of orcs and men over the last week, decent game (too linear imo but enjoyable story)

Edited by luke viia
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Anybody ever play The Minish Cap (Zelda) for the game boy advance? Pretty awesome, I think I'm about halfway done now. I loved the Oracle games and this is pretty similar but with better graphics

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Anybody ever play The Minish Cap (Zelda) for the game boy advance? Pretty awesome, I think I'm about halfway done now. I loved the Oracle games and this is pretty similar but with better graphics

I did, years ago. Never finished it, but I think I got close to the end.

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Playing System Shock 2 now, since it's recently been made available thru Steam. This is the first time I've played it in almost six years.

I did have one minor technical issue at first though - no sound. All that needs to be done to correct it though is to go to the main menu, then to options, then audio, and turn off Hardware Acceleration.

I've never played any of the Dead Space games, but it would seem that their blending of survival horror and sci-fi are very similar.

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So I ended up starting a new game in Infinite last night (on a big-ass projection) and played for about three hours (but I didn't get very far cause I always look at all the environments and stuff) - still, I was positively surprised by the atmosphere. the graphics (especially textures) on PS3 did look slightly outdated and low-rez, but the game made up for it through brilliant lighting and an extraordinary feel for color, in fact this game may have the best palette I've yet seen in a game... not to mention the overall art-style.

I did fall asleep when the fighting started and my friend took over (yes it took me three hours to get to that point - somebody else would have played through that section in 5 minutes, but like I said, I look at it all) and it's a bit sad how this is still just an FPS game at its core. It could have been made into something even more amazing... but all in all, it's very impressive, I'll probably buy it.

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