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Just watched Jodorowsky's Dune, ordered the original book... Also want to watch Interstellar... Man it's becoming real difficult for me not to order Elite: Dangerous. Looks amazing as fudge, but 60€ for a game without having a demo version to try first (at least to know if my laptop can REALLY take it, never trust estimated requirements) is making me bite my tongue hard.

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the true fallout 3 is actually new vegas.

Nyehhhh, story wise, maybe. I liked the environment better in 3.



Have that in my Steam library too - Will probably reach it around 2019.


Worth it when you do. I got both complete editions for my birthday, so when I get around to them, no one will hear from me again.

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I can relate mcb, I'm terrible at being relevant with games. I usually only buy them when they come down in price or are given away with Ps Plus. In fact, that's the only reason I can say I played BOI or Far Cry 3 etc, in that they were available with PS Plus. Of course, certain games I'll buy day one, but there are limits, especially if it's ridiculously expensive.


How people buy all of their games on release day I'll never know. And those who buy the digital pre-order bundles that go up to £90, just so they can play it at midnight? YOU'RE INSANE



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Yeah, I'm still playing the same character in Skyrim since it came out. I'm too busy to dedicate myself to open ended worlds anymore. And I'm so tired of errand boy missions. I just play quick rogue-like/rogue-lite games and board games on my phone.

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enjoying strider for ps4. feel like i'll clear it pretty soon. main thing that bugs me is the weird ambiguity of the foreground/background elements and how dark everything is. guess it saves tons of budget to just make everything black/grey.

Try adjusting your screen brightness (in the game options) - there's a lot of detail in the background you are missing out on.


It's a pretty long game - if you're trying to complete it 100%, you won't look forward trying to clear it on Hard (I finally gave up/lost interest ages ago)

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enjoying strider for ps4. feel like i'll clear it pretty soon. main thing that bugs me is the weird ambiguity of the foreground/background elements and how dark everything is. guess it saves tons of budget to just make everything black/grey.

Try adjusting your screen brightness (in the game options) - there's a lot of detail in the background you are missing out on.


It's a pretty long game - if you're trying to complete it 100%, you won't look forward trying to clear it on Hard (I finally gave up/lost interest ages ago)


will try that when i get home.


by "clear" i just meant beat it on normal. opened up the final temple last nite before bed so could probably get through it pretty easy this evening. do you have to complete looking for collectibles entering the temple or will it allow you to go back and complete it after you've beaten meios? is there a new game+ or just hard mode?

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I grabbed Alien: Isolation and am running it on my new GTX 970 at max settings. This is a really great looking game. And good gravy it's scary. I haven't been this scared playing a game since the first Dead Space. I heard the use of sound was done well in this game. I heard right. I haven't died yet. Probably because I'm playing a bit too paranoid. Anyway, lots of fun to be had with this one.

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enjoying strider for ps4. feel like i'll clear it pretty soon. main thing that bugs me is the weird ambiguity of the foreground/background elements and how dark everything is. guess it saves tons of budget to just make everything black/grey.

Try adjusting your screen brightness (in the game options) - there's a lot of detail in the background you are missing out on.


It's a pretty long game - if you're trying to complete it 100%, you won't look forward trying to clear it on Hard (I finally gave up/lost interest ages ago)


will try that when i get home.


by "clear" i just meant beat it on normal. opened up the final temple last nite before bed so could probably get through it pretty easy this evening. do you have to complete looking for collectibles entering the temple or will it allow you to go back and complete it after you've beaten meios? is there a new game+ or just hard mode?


Be warned (and the game will warn you too) - once you go into the final area, you cannot go back - so if you haven't maxed out your health/energy etc., do that before attempting the final stage. It's fairly challenging, but if you managed to get through the rest of the game with relative ease, you should be fine.


Once you beat the game, it starts over and you change the difficulty - so unless you're going for the platinum trophy (or whatever they call 100% complete on XBOX), once you beat the game, you're pretty much done.

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hmm, the new dragon age is getting decent reviews ..


dragon age 2 was shit, but dragon age: origins is still one of, if not the best rpg i've ever played. might get this one.

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its complete bullshit that steam dont do refunds under any circumstances, 30 quid on lords of the fallen and its completely broken. will not work on my pc for shit, and im running way over the recommneded specs.

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who the hell buys single player games for pc lol..

i mean there is some genius stuff like ftl and paradox strategy games that deserve money, but those modern consolized and overpriced turds really dont.

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who the hell buys single player games for pc lol.. i mean there is some genius stuff like ftl and paradox strategy games that deserve money, but those modern consolized and overpriced turds really dont.

i tend to make up my own mind on things.


also fallout: new vegas? farcry? dark souls? not sure what kind of shite logic gets you to avoid all single player games.

Edited by messiaen
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