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Binding of Isaac Rebirth heading to Wii U and 3DS



apparently, Isaac will only run on New 3DS Hardware, it chokes the old 3DS too much and was deemed implausible.
Strange that they'd release this now considering they cancelled it previously for being "inappropriate"
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anyone here played the updated version of Dark Souls II for PC, Scholar of the First Sin? "... the enhanced 64-bit version, with updated graphics and added features"


I've been meaning to buy DS2 for PC for a while now, and with this update being released just a few days ago, seems a good time. I just wanna know that it's not buggy/crap.

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anyone here played the updated version of Dark Souls II for PC, Scholar of the First Sin? "... the enhanced 64-bit version, with updated graphics and added features"


I've been meaning to buy DS2 for PC for a while now, and with this update being released just a few days ago, seems a good time. I just wanna know that it's not buggy/crap.

Dark Souls 2 wasn't that buggy to begin with, you should be safe.

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in other news, I have finally, after 160+ hours of play, reached the point in FO:NV where I can no longer avoid progressing the main quest and have to make the critical decision of whether I want to support House, the NCR, or go independent (fuck the Legion, I played along with Caesar for a bit and then took his head off with a katana).


I'm leaning towards NCR but I don't really like any of the choices. I've put this off for as loooong as possible, I think I've done pretty much every sidequest I possibly can, discovered at least 90-95% of the locations, and I'm close to level 40.


the problem is that every damn faction is greedy and looking to expand its borders. if only there were an agreement between NCR and House to keep the Strip exactly as it is.

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in other news, I have finally, after 160+ hours of play, reached the point in FO:NV where I can no longer avoid progressing the main quest and have to make the critical decision of whether I want to support House, the NCR, or go independent (fuck the Legion, I played along with Caesar for a bit and then took his head off with a katana).


I'm leaning towards NCR but I don't really like any of the choices. I've put this off for as loooong as possible, I think I've done pretty much every sidequest I possibly can, discovered at least 90-95% of the locations, and I'm close to level 40.


the problem is that every damn faction is greedy and looking to expand its borders. if only there were an agreement between NCR and House to keep the Strip exactly as it is.


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Strange concept from Nintendo, tap an Amiibo on Wii U and play a 3 minute segment of a random NES or SNES game.


It's called advertising.


bloodborne: Rom is a fucking dick, seriously fuck this guy and his magic bullshit!

Really? He wasn't too bad... and yes, everything goes full cthulu after that...


Vote for Most Disgusting Boss Encounter of All Time™: The One Reborn from Bloodborne.... fucking hell.

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Guest bitroast

don't exactly wanna spend money on ps4 so going back and enjoying a bit of demons souls from scratch.

not making the first amount of progress but man just playing in the world is fun enough, slashing up knight.

listening to drone in the background (eliane radigue, opn, zoviet france just last night, chris douglas). mmm. videogames and music. :)

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Guest bitroast

i'm sorry i love video game but fucking lol @ anyone getting upset because they can't make money from sitting on their ass playing video games uploading it to youtube. i understand that comparatively speaking nintendo are being tight-asses here restricting monetising when other companies are fine with it and understand it's free promotion, but man. this "career" of making money by playing video games didn't even exist a few years ago and now that companies are working out how to deal with it and where all the youtube ad money goes, people are getting upset asif they're entitled to being world famous sit on their ass playing video games commentary entrepreneurs.


am i tripping balls or is this kind of entitlement a mild form of delusion??



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you are not tripping balls, it's a bunch of bullshit and it's a major disincentive to being a part of broader gaming culture.

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It's ridiculous that the developers think they deserve a piece of the income their free promotion generators are getting. There is nothing about it that is entitled. If anything the companies are the ones who seem to think they are entitled. There is a reason the popular content creators get paid to try out certain games, and there is a reason that many of them get early access + free access and benefits for new games. There is a symbiotic relationship between content creators and developers. When you start talking about licensing and profit sharing for content creators you're just undercutting their pay. Most of them are not making millions. Many of them are making anywhere from supplemental income to a decent wage. If you begin to cut into that profit you're basically guaranteeing that the quality of content creation will suffer overall, because many will start to look at it as a weak career opportunity, and when you start giving the developers leeway regarding monetization then you're dooming content creators to getting fucked over in the long run.

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you are not tripping balls, it's a bunch of bullshit and it's a major disincentive to being a part of broader gaming culture.



i'm sorry i love video game but fucking lol @ anyone getting upset because they can't make money from sitting on their ass playing video games uploading it to youtube. i understand that comparatively speaking nintendo are being tight-asses here restricting monetising when other companies are fine with it and understand it's free promotion, but man. this "career" of making money by playing video games didn't even exist a few years ago and now that companies are working out how to deal with it and where all the youtube ad money goes, people are getting upset asif they're entitled to being world famous sit on their ass playing video games commentary entrepreneurs.


am i tripping balls or is this kind of entitlement a mild form of delusion??





Opinions like these will doom content creation just like Hollywood was destroyed. Just like the commercialization of music. Many of these content creators do not "sellout" because they don't want to be under the finger of the developers, because it is credibility destroying and creates pressure from content creators to give positive reviews to shit products. If the developers want to have a piece of the pie they should hire content creators and pay them salaries. Watch a gaming convention like E3 and you will see just how lame things get once someone is getting paid to engage developers and motivated not to be divisive in anyway because it damages their relationship and future potential for making that salary again.

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i'm sorry i love video game but fucking lol @ anyone getting upset because they can't make money from sitting on their ass playing video games uploading it to youtube. i understand that comparatively speaking nintendo are being tight-asses here restricting monetising when other companies are fine with it and understand it's free promotion, but man. this "career" of making money by playing video games didn't even exist a few years ago and now that companies are working out how to deal with it and where all the youtube ad money goes, people are getting upset asif they're entitled to being world famous sit on their ass playing video games commentary entrepreneurs.


am i tripping balls or is this kind of entitlement a mild form of delusion??



He's well known for crying foul if anyone but him is getting money.


There's a video of him almost in tears and throwing money at the screen telling YouTube to take his money. :cerious:


Fuck him. :cisfor:

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I'd also like to point out that almost every studio has a twitch channel where they can derive profits directly from their game with exclusive access already.

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i'm sorry i love video game but fucking lol @ anyone getting upset because they can't make money from sitting on their ass playing video games uploading it to youtube. i understand that comparatively speaking nintendo are being tight-asses here restricting monetising when other companies are fine with it and understand it's free promotion, but man. this "career" of making money by playing video games didn't even exist a few years ago and now that companies are working out how to deal with it and where all the youtube ad money goes, people are getting upset asif they're entitled to being world famous sit on their ass playing video games commentary entrepreneurs.


am i tripping balls or is this kind of entitlement a mild form of delusion??




You used to have to be really really REALLY good at playing games in order to make any money from it. And also not sit at home since you would be making the money at professional tournaments.


It does come off a bit entitled, but I can understand why advertising their game and having to fork over money for doing all the work (after paying for their game) is a bit frustrating.

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i'm sorry i love video game but fucking lol @ anyone getting upset because they can't make money from sitting on their ass playing video games uploading it to youtube. i understand that comparatively speaking nintendo are being tight-asses here restricting monetising when other companies are fine with it and understand it's free promotion, but man. this "career" of making money by playing video games didn't even exist a few years ago and now that companies are working out how to deal with it and where all the youtube ad money goes, people are getting upset asif they're entitled to being world famous sit on their ass playing video games commentary entrepreneurs.


am i tripping balls or is this kind of entitlement a mild form of delusion??




You used to have to be really really REALLY good at playing games in order to make any money from it. And also not sit at home since you would be making the money at professional tournaments.


It does come off a bit entitled, but I can understand why advertising their game and having to fork over money for doing all the work (after paying for their game) is a bit frustrating.




I don't think you guys are emphasizing enough how much time and work goes into playing a game enough to create enough footage to then edit down the footage into a digestible and interesting video. It already takes all day or days to get the footage before you begin editing. You have to get computer equipment capable of streaming in high quality which is a few thousand dollars depending on what scale you're looking at. If you make videos you need a high powered PC for editing and rendering. A couple thousand at least to get started. You need artwork for your channel which can include animated slides, videos, banners, etc. You need to manage your social media. You need to setup LLC's, bank accounts, handle your taxes generally with help of a CPA. You need to create ways to get viewership: giveaways, raffles, community events, etc etc You need to attend events which costs money and takes time to organize. If you're a streamer you need to be entertaining. Many use extra equipment, costumes, etc to create their own shtick. If it were easy to make millions of dollars creating content everyone would be doing it. It simply is not. Professional Competitive gaming is still very profitable and a large part of the gaming market, and many of the popular streamers of competitive games are professionals/ex-professionals. Good luck making a living streaming a competitive game you're not a professional at. It's an extremely hard market to crack. The truth is that the moment someone sees a content creator doing something fun in a game they want to play it which means they are going to buy it. The companies already know this though. The companies are simply doing what companies do best especially nintendo; extracting profit. It's like a manufacturer were going to charge consumers for mentioning their product or using it within a video. It doesn't make sense. It's free advertising and the person has already purchased ownership over the product.


"sitting in your living room" is so much different than "sitting in an office chair 30 minute away" o.O


Also, most competitive tournaments are online these days. Only the majors have LAN.


If these companies are capable of creating games and creating content that people want to view then they should do it and stop being bitches about it.

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It's also a predominantly white, middle class activity, and I have little sympathy for the white, middle class complaining about hard work that isn't very hard.


I don't find his service to be that valuable, but I also don't think that a large corporation should be hounding him for more money since he's giving them a free service.

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Guest bitroast

keeping in mind, the angry joe rant didn't stem from nintendo or youtube pulling the videos down, but from him choosing monetise ON, expecting to make money of course from him providing commentary to him and his friends playing a party game (i'm assuming there's commentary, i haven't actually watched the video in question and am even wondering what excellent "commentary" was even provided and so worth of them gorgeous precious youtube provided dollar bills.


but having pressed the monotise button and switched it ON, and the video being recognized as having nintendo owned content. nintendo are not pulling the video down but are asking for a mere 40% with the 'content creator' still making the larger cut.


funny thing is, with this specific 'content creator' in question. is that he wouldn't be facing this issue if he was using youtube to actually create content, instead of merely uploading video after video of talking over him sitting around not working and playing video games all day.


it's the equivalent of those fucking spam fake news youtube channels, that collate news from various news sites and upload millions of videos onto youtube with news automatically read out in computer generated text. playing a game from start to end takes TIME. and it's easy. long video lengths = multiple video uploads. more video parts = more chances for increased view numbers and higher dollar bills being sent your way. and for creating content ?? nope. for talking over video games that other people worked on and produced.


and all of this is over nintendo asking for 40%? give me a fucking break.

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keeping in mind, the angry joe rant didn't stem from nintendo or youtube pulling the videos down, but from him choosing monetise ON, expecting to make money of course from him providing commentary to him and his friends playing a party game (i'm assuming there's commentary, i haven't actually watched the video in question and am even wondering what excellent "commentary" was even provided and so worth of them gorgeous precious youtube provided dollar bills.


but having pressed the monotise button and switched it ON, and the video being recognized as having nintendo owned content. nintendo are not pulling the video down but are asking for a mere 40% with the 'content creator' still making the larger cut.


funny thing is, with this specific 'content creator' in question. is that he wouldn't be facing this issue if he was using youtube to actually create content, instead of merely uploading video after video of talking over him sitting around not working and playing video games all day.


it's the equivalent of those fucking spam fake news youtube channels, that collate news from various news sites and upload millions of videos onto youtube with news automatically read out in computer generated text. playing a game from start to end takes TIME. and it's easy. long video lengths = multiple video uploads. more video parts = more chances for increased view numbers and higher dollar bills being sent your way. and for creating content ?? nope. for talking over video games that other people worked on and produced.


and all of this is over nintendo asking for 40%? give me a fucking break.

This post is pure fact.

As long as you're making a living off (or making a decent amount of money from) playing and commenting on video games on the internet you're in no position to complain about anything. So shush.

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keeping in mind, the angry joe rant didn't stem from nintendo or youtube pulling the videos down, but from him choosing monetise ON, expecting to make money of course from him providing commentary to him and his friends playing a party game (i'm assuming there's commentary, i haven't actually watched the video in question and am even wondering what excellent "commentary" was even provided and so worth of them gorgeous precious youtube provided dollar bills.


but having pressed the monotise button and switched it ON, and the video being recognized as having nintendo owned content. nintendo are not pulling the video down but are asking for a mere 40% with the 'content creator' still making the larger cut.


funny thing is, with this specific 'content creator' in question. is that he wouldn't be facing this issue if he was using youtube to actually create content, instead of merely uploading video after video of talking over him sitting around not working and playing video games all day.


it's the equivalent of those fucking spam fake news youtube channels, that collate news from various news sites and upload millions of videos onto youtube with news automatically read out in computer generated text. playing a game from start to end takes TIME. and it's easy. long video lengths = multiple video uploads. more video parts = more chances for increased view numbers and higher dollar bills being sent your way. and for creating content ?? nope. for talking over video games that other people worked on and produced.


and all of this is over nintendo asking for 40%? give me a fucking break.

This post is pure fact.

As long as you're making a living off (or making a decent amount of money from) playing and commenting on video games on the internet you're in no position to complain about anything. So shush.


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