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People seem so bummed about No Man's Sky.

I followed the game pretty closely, but I'm still surprised that no one ever stopped to think or consider if procedurally generated universes are worth exploring? If none of the planets have anything unique to them besides the fact that they're randomly generated then what's so interesting about them? Where's the stuff the developers planned or hid on the planets? Where are those planets that everyone is raving about? If every planet is just a based on the same parameters then how can you expect it the exporation to be any fun?


I know this is a very black and white way of looking at it, but I'm surprised people were so hyped by this game. Everytime they've showed the game it has all seemed very superficial and only skin-deep.


But hey, I'm still very excited about trying it out because I bet there's more to it than what meets the eye. And like Austin Walker wrote, "No Man's Sky is the stress reliever I didn't know I needed".

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^That's pretty much my feelings towards the game. Very interesting basis, and even with the things they pushed in to make it more interesting (learning alien language, larger/maybe stranger creatures towards the galaxy center, plus of course whatever happens when you 'win') it seems kinda empty, without real depth to what is there. What they've done is amazing, and I'm sure not shitting on anyone's enjoyment of the game, just doesn't look like it's for me because of those reasons.


That style of game though holds so much promise and interest to me, the kinda chill exploration and discovery and just enjoyment of the environment, love that sort of stuff (Eden and Journey come to mind, obviously on much smaller scales).

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20 hours or so into NMS and still loving it. The game becomes even more enjoyable the more inventory slots you unlock and the risk/reward system with various hostile Sentinel planets is super cool. I'm RICH at the moment!


It's still totally a niche game so I guess the mixed opinions is understandable enough. But I also feel like I'm basically right in the middle of that niche so this is the closest I've ever been to playing my dream game.

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I might try NMS later on then. I already have it downloaded, but I'm not in a hurry. I've been a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fan boy for over five years now, as it's one of those franchises that have such high replay value thanks to a thriving mod community.

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I don't have time for procedurally generated neverending games. I want a well told and carefully designed experience that doesn't waste my time.


I still want to try nms though

Edited by Gocab
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People's impressions of NMS seem to be either 'real fun' or 'meh'

I think it will become more fun when AI's are created that are able to 'create content'  or rearrange a procedurally generated world so that it's more appealing.

I wonder if that will be the eventual solution there.

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People's impressions of NMS seem to be either 'real fun' or 'meh'


I think it will become more fun when AI's are created that are able to 'create content'  or rearrange a procedurally generated world so that it's more appealing.


I wonder if that will be the eventual solution there.

That would be great!


I'm having fun with it but I can't really see myself spending tens of hours on it in its current state... I love exploration but it has to come with surprises at some point.

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I'd be more interested in a game where the generation process was controlled by someone in real time, say a developer announcing a particular day would be the day 'God' interfered and everyone had to play the game as it was being morphed and fucked with by a human hand.

As much as the concept is great, whatever a computer can churn out never comes close to what a human does, and have always had more fun with a singular crafted experience by a human than the sometimes fun but often empty feeling procedurally generated games where random runs free (that said, I'm really enjoying Death Road to Canada right now, and I will try No Man's Sky one day).


Yes, I am bigoted against computer intelligence.

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Guest bitroast

People seem so bummed about No Man's Sky.



I do sort of feel the marketing hurt the game in that regard. 

On hand, they've always said it's a space exploration game by a small team of 15, and that's exactly what they delivered on. 


But the level of marketing and hype for this game was pretty unreal and massive. 

The HYPE got to people probably outside the usual fans of small indie games / survival games and expectations based on the developer broad vague terms like "it's a space exploration game where you can do anything!!" planted seeds in peoples heads where imagination filled the blanks and a lot of people had this exaggerated idea of how amazing the game is going to be. 


It's like.. the whole reaction to the game atm has very little to do with whether or not the game is actually good or not. Is unfortunate but also a pretty good example of how you probably shouldn't set expectations when marketing something. 

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People seem so bummed about No Man's Sky.



I do sort of feel the marketing hurt the game in that regard. 

On hand, they've always said it's a space exploration game by a small team of 15, and that's exactly what they delivered on. 


But the level of marketing and hype for this game was pretty unreal and massive. 

The HYPE got to people probably outside the usual fans of small indie games / survival games and expectations based on the developer broad vague terms like "it's a space exploration game where you can do anything!!" planted seeds in peoples heads where imagination filled the blanks and a lot of people had this exaggerated idea of how amazing the game is going to be. 


It's like.. the whole reaction to the game atm has very little to do with whether or not the game is actually good or not. Is unfortunate but also a pretty good example of how you probably shouldn't set expectations when marketing something. 



You should always take any kind of gaming marketing with a grain of salt and instead make up your own idea of what is possible based on the gameplay videos you can see online.

When a game developers says, "Anything is possible" every single alarm bell needs to go off. I mean, it's so easy to see through the bullshit that gets thrown around by marketing people and if people believe it when the developers say "Anything is possible!" then they're being super naïve.

Remember how they marketed Spore? Same story.

I bet it must be hard to show off everything that's possible in a game since you don't want to spoil the game, but vague marketing can really ruin everything. Just see what happened to Sim City the last time they tried rebooting that.

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How do you get more things purchaseable from the "idea lister" area? There is nothing there for me to purchase, I've got about 100 of each potato item too. lol


You just need to buy more things from the Thing Maker list as far as I can tell and then the AI will generate new idea for the idea lister. Also, pay attention to the robot. It'll give you hints.


377.382 watts per second!


EDIT: Wait, scrap that... 545.382 watts per second!!!!!




EDIT2: 1.049.340 watts per second!!!



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i was at 800 sextillion cookies a second on that motherfucker and then deleted my save in a drunken fit of knowing i was actually wasting my life away on it. 

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