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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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So i hadden't been here for a while n i see this thread n get a hard on. What i would like to hear in a new AWEtechre album hmmmm, well I've been around here enough to know that Oversteps n Move of Ten had initially been priased only to be slowly downscalled as being labeld as not as good as Untilted etc etc, but they're progressive so i'd be suprised if it's anything like O and Mof10. As much as i think that Oversteps is the shit, i would like to hear something akin to the minimal/ambiant feel of tracks like Draun Q, Nine and even stuff like Are y are we.... Some of there melodies just really do it for me and to here something like Vose In and really not "getting' the melody due to lack of patience or whatever it was would be something to really behold as i'm not AE naive like i was when i was first getting used to thier....them and understanding what they're all about.


They're so adept with thier beats, thier programing of beats on Untilted blows me away and Ipacial Section is like a better version of Afx's Saint Michaels mount... not that it's a comp for me between the 2 artists but i'd gotten into AFX first and stuggled with Ae for a little while initally (I'm still getting into Ae after 5 years and they're my fav artists of all time). So the Melodies in Untilted and Confield might not be so instantly gratifying for me and seem almost hidden by the powerful beats, they are what i love most about AE, its the patience to "get them" that counts. Stuff like Altibzz is classical music and i envision a rich symphony upon hearing it... warm and lush, where as the first time i played it i remember thinkinking it sounded rather cold and alienating. A track like LCC where i don't much care for the first half but i'll listen to it coz i know whats comming. I accidently listened to minidisc in it's entiraty because i was incompasitated due to taking too much mushrooms(damn battiers razies, me no scales) and i loved it but haven't had the patience to listen to it since, but it was perfect for that moment while in a vegative state on the couch too far gone to even think about what music i wanted to listen to.... all i needed to know was that i couldn't go wrong with AE, even if i had neglected minidisc for so long.


so at the end of the day i would like to hear Au tec h re.


PS... at the start of the year i was looking here on the boards and there were prostpects for BoC having something out this year as well as AFX, the best thing about being an AE fan is that their so productive and THEY JUSt DON'T Give A FCUK.... just hope Afx gets over his ex and hope BoC come back out of thier shell(yes yes they're apparantly doing stuff, but no holding my breath). Sorry 4 the long post but i love this board, apart from a few kids that can't take things seriously and resort to talking about sexuality as a way to feel superior or just being downright rude and trolling... last time i started a thread and all i got was a shiteload of muppetry... Be nice next time and i'll come here more often :diablo:


sorry for any spelling mistakes i've no spellcheck and can't spell to well and most importantly i've had a few scoth and dry's

Edited by Ejectmusicaltrash
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