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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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The burial EP is still in the bleep and boomkat bestsellers / front page, a month after release.

Can't remember the last time an EP lasted a month on bleeps bestsellers.

Part to do with the burial hype, part to do with it being good music, and probably in part to do with the no pre-publicity and word of mouth vibes. I definitely like this approach!





Edited by feltcher
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btw on the subject of promos and that I also think its pointless. Look at Burial, his last EP came out with no promo at all and still got hyped on the internet and reviewed etc. Also David Bowie created far more buzz around his new single simply by the fact that it just came out and no1 knew.


You do have to be already well known for that approach to work, but autechre are, so just suddenly releasing something with no announcement before hand and zero promotion would still generate them a big buzz with zero effort and would prevent leaks. I think its just warp being old school with how they do things


First, Autechre ain't David Bowie.

Second, Bowie new album's cover is ugly enough to buzz all over the Internet and spread the word. Pretty intelligent communication imo.

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Do you think the release of this album will be similar to that of Quaristice / Oversteps in that:


- 12 hour DJ mix to promote release

- digital unexpectedly released a month or so early

- companion EP announced a few months after physical release


the last one probably not considering the sheer amount of material on Exai... still, I'd be pretty damn happy about any of those

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sorry for letting you guys down. there was a problem with the download, so i only have the first cd. will give this a listen tonight and share my opinion tomorrow for sure.

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guys! some info on the new album, by an RA staff writer (https://twitter.com/andrewryce):


The Autechre album is incredibly dense... sometimes fussy, sometimes gorgeous. If Oversteps was a step towards clarity, this is a step back.




That's not a bad thing at all. It reminds me of Quaristice but with the songs fully fleshed out.. some tracks evoke old dubstep too.

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Just because this guy works for a music publication doesn't mean he has a clue. There's probably one or two tracks with some bass and he makes the dubstep comparison because as anybody in the know will tell you: Dubstep invented bass.

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Well, it was imo. All sounds more distinct, etc. I could hear in spl9 that they had changed up the track several times, as opposed to the more loopy stuff from before. I'm thinking these new tracks will have more distinct sections and that's why he's saying they're fleshed out. At least, I could hear that in spl9. Sounds nice too.

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