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Guest zaphod

evil dead 2013

i guess it was ok. it was a reimagining. bruce campbell shows up after the credits and says "groovy". it looks like they filmed that snippet in an office, five minutes before the film came out. drives home the cash in aspect. lots of gore. little else. kind of represents everything that i don't like about hollywood filmmaking. even when they sort of get it right, they fuck it up.

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the foundation story and acting both were weak, kind of fucked the whole thing up for me. The demon make up and gore was over the top amazing and I loved the creepy scenes within the cabin pre-demonic overload. The lines the deadites say were not fucked up enough, at all! They should have said really nasty horrible things instead of,"I will chew on your soul," or whatever they did say. As far as gorror films go it was successful, but as far as being the scariest film ever. It failed miserably. 7.5/10

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Guest zaphod

i thought the drugs as inner demon metaphor was a perfectly acceptable foundation and kind of an original spin on the cabin in the woods tropes that otherwise would have seemed played out. but they threw that shit out the window as soon as the violence started. characters were mostly underwritten. and then the iconic stuff that makes crowds cheer, like the chainsaw, never goes into full throttle craziness like it's supposed to. as weird as this is to say, it felt too restrained. i want to see a really insane horror film that makes me feel violated. i'm probably just dead inside.

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evil dead 2013

i guess it was ok. it was a reimagining. bruce campbell shows up after the credits and says "groovy". it looks like they filmed that snippet in an office, five minutes before the film came out. drives home the cash in aspect. lots of gore. little else. kind of represents everything that i don't like about hollywood filmmaking. even when they sort of get it right, they fuck it up.


Thanks for that.

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in reality the only thing the Americans beat the Russians at during the space race was the first man on the moon, in every other conceivable aspect the Russians beat the fuck out of the Americans in terms of 'firsts' in space.

not exactly true, mariner 2 was also a major "first" accomplished by the us for instance but yeah, the russian space program is massively downplayed in the us. in many ways they really kicked our asses.


back on topic. watched "transelvania 6-5000" the other night. wtf is this shit? i'd never heard of it, just saw it on netflix and tried it out. are there still movies being made like this? it's hard to believe people get paid for this kind of thing. i feel like i made shit like this when i was 11 years old. idk, quite liked it for that reason alone. kramer/10

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went with my lady to see Jurassic Park 3D (Jurassic Park is her favorite movie).


Man I forgot how much fun this movie is/was. It's nothing mindblowing for today, and it's not some sort of indie art-movie masterpiece, but damn Spielberg could really make a great popcorn flick. Everything moves seamlessly, and again the John Williams soundtrack is always badass.


Im a huge skeptic/critic of the 3D trend, but I think this was the first movie I've seen with it that I didn't mind; in fact it increased some of the scene's notability (getting down from the car in the tree was particularly neat looking).


8/10. Great popcorn movie; if 3d wasn't so damn expensive I'd recommend everyone go see it.

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Guest isaki

someone/something is phoning my mobile, only for there to be complete silence from the other end. not even white noise


also, genuinely every American I have on facebook posts nothing, instead they fill my newsfeed with "shared" pictures. I have never added an American that doesn't do this. thanks Obama

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Guest isaki

yes, infact I'm 90% sure I saw it in there, somehow it's in here now. please do your thing


edit: do I have schizophrenia?

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Wishmaster II - pretty cool death scenes, andrew divoff is creepy as. didn't take itself seriously at all which is always good in these sort of horrors.


Spring Breakers - man this was so fucking hot, i love that sort of stuff, girls playing all sluttilly with each other and grinding on each other and shit. could have done with some proper frontal nudity from ashley benson tho, she is ridiculous. camera work in some scenes was just tailor made for perverts like me. ftw

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Guest zaphod

went with my lady to see Jurassic Park 3D (Jurassic Park is her favorite movie).


Man I forgot how much fun this movie is/was. It's nothing mindblowing for today, and it's not some sort of indie art-movie masterpiece, but damn Spielberg could really make a great popcorn flick. Everything moves seamlessly, and again the John Williams soundtrack is always badass.


Im a huge skeptic/critic of the 3D trend, but I think this was the first movie I've seen with it that I didn't mind; in fact it increased some of the scene's notability (getting down from the car in the tree was particularly neat looking).


8/10. Great popcorn movie; if 3d wasn't so damn expensive I'd recommend everyone go see it.


how was this scene in 3d?



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the movie still holds up, and i was pretty surprised when i saw the 3d trailer for it just how good the conversion looked. In some ways better than movies of today filmed in 3d like Prometheus

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Guest Mirezzi

Killing Them Softly - So singularly bad and so bereft of meaning or purpose that I started to question whether my appreciation of Jesse James had gone too far. What a clusterfuck of a movie.

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went with my lady to see Jurassic Park 3D (Jurassic Park is her favorite movie).


Man I forgot how much fun this movie is/was. It's nothing mindblowing for today, and it's not some sort of indie art-movie masterpiece, but damn Spielberg could really make a great popcorn flick. Everything moves seamlessly, and again the John Williams soundtrack is always badass.


Im a huge skeptic/critic of the 3D trend, but I think this was the first movie I've seen with it that I didn't mind; in fact it increased some of the scene's notability (getting down from the car in the tree was particularly neat looking).


8/10. Great popcorn movie; if 3d wasn't so damn expensive I'd recommend everyone go see it.

THIS! It was such a contrast to Thor 3D (in the 3D added later category). The 3D was really enjoyable. I am starting to think the color in 3D movies is a little weird due to the polarization of the glasses - there's something kind of gray and sunglassy about it. But it was great. Special mention also to 3D Jeff Goldblum beefcake shot.


how was the "hold on to your butts" scene in 3D?


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