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story of a prostitute - seijun suzuki's 1965 tale of a woman deciding to dedicate herself to the war effort by selling her body for the benefit of japanese soldiers in china. quite a light and breezy approach to a fairly hefty series of ideas about the inevitability and dominance of love over sexual emotion, but indicates all the tangles and contradictions. some fairly hefty eccentric moments of suzuki's own bizarre breaks from the studios aims (remember, suzuki ultimately got dumped for being rebellious) give us some great slowmo and animated (briefly) shots. frequently, although relatively softly shot, there's some fantastic landscape photography in here.




also seen masumura's 'blind beast' recently, which really does descend into whacked out territory in the end.

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Guest Mirezzi

Random WATMMer re: His latest blowjob:

"I came for an incredibly long time and it was excruciatingly pleasurable but when it was over, I realized, the gimmick was served up and it was all over. Meh. 3/10"

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Guest zaphod

it means it's a cliche bucket o jizz. if i had to guess.


saving private ryan


for some reason i get free hbo so i caught this prior to marathoning game of thrones. i've never liked this movie. the more manipulative aspects of it have always bothered me. i don't mind spielberg, in fact i really enjoy his lighter films (indiana jones, catch me if you can, jurassic park). watching his mid to late 90s serious streak is very weird, kind of disturbing actually. he still applies all the sentimentality and manipulation that his big blockbusters require, but to serious, dark material. there's parts of ryan that work, as action sequences: the opening is still pretty overwhelming, and the final battle is extremely well choreographed, with the geography of the scene never becoming confusing. but then there's all the jingoism, the weird cross cutting of unnecessary humor, the stock characters. even in the final battle, while the jewish character is being stabbed (by the ss knife he got at the beginning, the irony!), the film cuts to tom sizemore throwing his helmet at people and running around like a looney toons character. of course there's the german character who is spared and then comes back and, during a war, in a battle, shoots someone. what a terrible person.

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Saving Private Ryan would have been better if they'd cut out the middle of the film which really drags to fook also Hank's gun-ho all American 'I want an Oscar' speech is just a bit too much.


The battle scenes kick ass tho.

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Guest Mirezzi

he still applies all the sentimentality and manipulation that his big blockbusters require, but to serious, dark material.


Yeah, that's more or less what Michael Haneke criticized so hilariously in that recent interview re: the shower scenes in Schindler's List.

Edited by The Overlook
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Guest RadarJammer

The Booby Hatch otherwise known as The Liberation of Cherry Jankowski I wish everyone could watch this masterpiece of 70's sexploitation made by people from the Night of the Living Dead camp but its pretty rare movie, i had to sign up to a website to stream it. Its about the existential crisis of a sex toy product tester who one day finds himself impotent and another sex toy product tester who is unhappy in her relationship with a man who won't have sex with her. for a bonus the guy who played Flyboy in Dawn of the Dead has a small role in it. 10/10





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If you've watched a movie before then you've watched Oblivion.


So... does this mean it's completely shit, or that there is some enjoyment to get out of it?

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^^ do you think a film with tom cruise has any enjoyment to be had?




a badly made documentary about the culture of making hiphop beats from mined records aka crate diggin'. ends up being just over an hour of guys talking into the camera about the same thing and beyond sloppy camera work with 0 research or effort given


also, everyone interviewed has a very high opinion of themselves

Edited by Nebraska
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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


Spring Breakers: 9 red cups / 10

10 disney sluts / 10

8 films / 10

1 given free Skrillex OST CD / 10


I was really close to starting a thread about this movie.

I just saw it tonight.


Spring. Break. Forever /10


10 Bikini vespas / 10








just want this on the current page thanks

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it means it's a cliche bucket o jizz. if i had to guess.


saving private ryan


for some reason i get free hbo so i caught this prior to marathoning game of thrones. i've never liked this movie. the more manipulative aspects of it have always bothered me. i don't mind spielberg, in fact i really enjoy his lighter films (indiana jones, catch me if you can, jurassic park). watching his mid to late 90s serious streak is very weird, kind of disturbing actually. he still applies all the sentimentality and manipulation that his big blockbusters require, but to serious, dark material. there's parts of ryan that work, as action sequences: the opening is still pretty overwhelming, and the final battle is extremely well choreographed, with the geography of the scene never becoming confusing. but then there's all the jingoism, the weird cross cutting of unnecessary humor, the stock characters. even in the final battle, while the jewish character is being stabbed (by the ss knife he got at the beginning, the irony!), the film cuts to tom sizemore throwing his helmet at people and running around like a looney toons character. of course there's the german character who is spared and then comes back and, during a war, in a battle, shoots someone. what a terrible person.


The "problem" with both Spielberg's holocaust memorials (Saving private ryan and Band of brothers) is the obviousness of propaganda. The quarterback character with Brooklyn NY written on his back, Jackson the religious sniper, Upham the never-shot-a-rifle guy, the bad German guy, the typical-American Sizemore, the retaliating jew... like you said, stock characters, typical of any Spielberg movie. It's hard to chew this stuff for me, even though my both grandparents were prisoners of the concentration camps. Just because Spielberg is a jew and therefore gets a lot of money to run the show, it doesn't mean that jews were the only ethnic group hunted by the nazis.


No wonder he decided to make another show, this time in a longer format that would allow him to make even more pro-jew references (Band of Brothers).

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convoluted storyline dressed over rotoscoped animation stetched to 1.5hrs that feels more like 8hrs. this isn't a film but rather a portfolio of how well frank frazetta could draw and how good bakshi could animate.

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haha, awesome review, but what does it mean?



it means it's a cliche bucket o jizz. if i had to guess.




The story is as cliché as it can be. A couple of minutes into it I figured out the first twist of the movie. At one point I asked my friend, "Do you think *tom cruise's character* is a *something*". 30 seconds later it turned out I was right.

The movie is at its best when nothing is happening because the design pretty cool and the same goes for the atmosphere, but whenever it tries to tell its story it just falls flat on it's boring stomach.

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Oblivion - Kosinsk's great eye for scenery and 70's concept sci-fi design was in abundance and made the film. Tom Cruise was manageable although the film did lack a little charisma and suffered some horrendous overcooked Michael Bay esque romantic scenes. Whilst having nods and cliches to other classic sci-fi the film but within the constraints of a big blockbuster just had enough of its own merit to make it worth watching. Although lacking in certain areas Oblivion has the right ingredients for a decent sci-fi flick that shouldn't look dated in years to come (kinda like Minority report) even if it just misses 'classic' status I didn't feel short changed leaving the IMAX. 8/10


Fish Story - saw this on film four last night and its one of te most original films I've seen in a while 10/10


How to Train Your Dragon - very enjoyable 8/10



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Oblivion - Kosinsk's great eye for scenery and 70's concept sci-fi design was in abundance and made the film. Tom Cruise was manageable although the film did lack a little charisma and suffered some horrendous overcooked Michael Bay esque romantic scenes. Whilst having nods and cliches to other classic sci-fi the film but within the constraints of a big blockbuster just had enough of its own merit to make it worth watching. Although lacking in certain areas Oblivion has the right ingredients for a decent sci-fi flick that shouldn't look dated in years to come (kinda like Minority report) even if it just misses 'classic' status I didn't feel short changed leaving the IMAX. 8/10


But the story was so average and you could see all the twists and turns coming from miles away.

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