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The Shining - after watching the Room 237 I had to give it a spin on blu-ray.

Its crazy to think that if it hadn't been for the documentary you might not have even bothered with the film at all. I'm glad at least the documentary is serving a purpose in encouraging noobs to watch the film for the first time.

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Cross of Iron - whoa...what a film. Peckinpah editing at its finest - the scene where Colburn is at the hospital and keeps having visions of his past comrades is so hauntingly presented, and so inspiring from a technical standpoint.
The war scenes do tend to over stay their welcome at times, but the cast is great, story great, editing great - just great. Defo top 3 war films.
James Coburn being such a badass/10



Cruising - very interesting film (also v.interesting back story to it all, including lost footage etc.) Solid Friedkin film, some nice devices - great ending which will make you think/talk/wonder.
Pacino acting gay/10


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the only gripe i'd have with it is the lack luster reasoning behind the killers kills - although its not the biggest deal - the film does give you just enough info in order to put together something in your head...which is nice

did y'all hear about the film James Franco did (+ another lad i'm not familiar with) about the lost 40mins of footage from the film, tis' called "Interior. Leather Bar"?


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lol, I think he's one of the few newish hollywood leading man actor dudes that aren't completely bland, but I see where you're coming from.

Edited by Gocab
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Guest zaphod

james franco wrote a novel or something. i haven't read it but i can't imagine it being any good. anyway, i've only liked him in pineapple express, otherwise he's a surefire way to get me to avoid a movie.

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The Shining - after watching the Room 237 I had to give it a spin on blu-ray.

Its crazy to think that if it hadn't been for the documentary you might not have even bothered with the film at all. I'm glad at least the documentary is serving a purpose in encouraging noobs to watch the film for the first time.



No I've seen the Shining plenty of times dude just not on blu-ray/hi-def TV knowing what to look out for as Kurbricks stuff is made for a big screen. I think some people took Room 237 a little too seriously as I was personally laughing at a lot at some of the OCD's especially with the so called 'erect penis' freeze frame. After watching it again the the theory of it depicting Kubrick lying to his wife about the moon landing footage could relate to certain scenes out of context.

I'm noticing that everytime I watch a Kubrick film after a while it seems to get better each time.

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james franco wrote a novel or something. i haven't read it but i can't imagine it being any good. anyway, i've only liked him in pineapple express, otherwise he's a surefire way to get me to avoid a movie.

unfortunately i carry this in my bookstore.* "james franco wrote a novel or something" is a rather generous description.


*along with his memoir. yes, his memoir.

Edited by Alcofribas
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agree with zaphod 100%, was ok in Pineapple Express but a big "no" to everything else.


He seems to be a deeply weird guy, and not in a good way. I have no idea what his problem (read: chemical dependency or some other kind of vice) is. He seems weirder than a plain vanilla stoner, but not sure. Back in his Spiderman and James Dean days, he was very handsome (though still a bad actor), but then something happened and he got all scruffy and glassy eyed and douchey, and never recovered. He seems kind of gay, not sure if his weird demeanor has anything to do with that (eg., late night amyl nitrate popping or something like that). Whatever the case, he always looks really pale and sickly and out of it, a far cry from his former self.

People say he's bright but he seems pretty average to me. A guy that certainly coasts through life, and doesn't seem to have the charisma to deserve an audience's attention...

oh crap i just read part of his latest huffpo entry:



each episode is a passing of the focalizing baton



*throws up in mouth*

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Guest Mirezzi

Pineapple Express was fucking terrible. Never has zaphod been so wrong. It's almost like he's trying to fake me out by liking a bad movie so he can match my own affinity for the oft-maligned (by WATMM at least) Tropic Thunder.


It's not working. I refuse to fall for your shenanigans.


What's next? Is lumpy gonna tell me he liked Killing Them Softly? :shrug:

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


Cruising - very interesting film (also v.interesting back story to it all, including lost footage etc.) Solid Friedkin film, some nice devices - great ending which will make you think/talk/wonder.

Pacino acting gay/10





love how they use the same font and font size for both the title and "al pacino". or is the film really called 'al pacino cruising'.

i can't think of other posters where they use the same font for both. I've probably seen the actor's names bigger but equal is bizzare






i saw wreck it ralph. fun movie i liked it alot. could have used more game character cameos or real game people in bigger roles would be my only complaint

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Pineapple Express was fucking terrible. Never has zaphod been so wrong. It's almost like he's trying to fake me out by liking a bad movie so he can match my own affinity for the oft-maligned (by WATMM at least) Tropic Thunder.


It's not working. I refuse to fall for your shenanigans.


What's next? Is lumpy gonna tell me he liked Killing Them Softly? :shrug:

i thought zaphod was joking at first but now i think you're right. fucking zaphod, probably sitting there right now reading franco's novel while franco's hart crane bio pic plays in the background with franco's indie rock single in one earbud and a cup of starbucks carefully placed behind pristine copies of franco's sundry theses from his numerous almas mater.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

pineapple express 2 is coming out soon I think (there was a flyover at coachella on 4/20 that had all the characters so i assumes it was PE2)


the only thing i remember about the first is the scene where he tries to kick out the windscreen and get his foot stuck.



oh maybe PE2 isn't happening.



so what was the happy 4/20 flyover all about then?



oh i guess 'this is the end' has all the same actors. so it was about that.



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Guest Mirezzi


Pineapple Express was fucking terrible. Never has zaphod been so wrong. It's almost like he's trying to fake me out by liking a bad movie so he can match my own affinity for the oft-maligned (by WATMM at least) Tropic Thunder.


It's not working. I refuse to fall for your shenanigans.


What's next? Is lumpy gonna tell me he liked Killing Them Softly? :shrug:

i thought zaphod was joking at first but now i think you're right. fucking zaphod, probably sitting there right now reading franco's novel while franco's hart crane bio pic plays in the background with franco's indie rock single in one earbud and a cup of starbucks carefully placed behind pristine copies of franco's sundry theses from his numerous almas mater.



^ flol

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He seems to be a deeply weird guy, and not in a good way. I have no idea what his problem (read: chemical dependency or some other kind of vice) is. He seems weirder than a plain vanilla stoner, but not sure. Back in his Spiderman and James Dean days, he was very handsome (though still a bad actor), but then something happened and he got all scruffy and glassy eyed and douchey, and never recovered. He seems kind of gay, not sure if his weird demeanor has anything to do with that (eg., late night amyl nitrate popping or something like that).



Lumpenprol, you are painting this guy as a deeply weird person. He don't even smoke weed according to the interview in Shortlist a month ago. I just know him as a guy who put in a great performance in 127 Hours who now thinks the world shines out of his anus.

Yet, I too found it extremely weird that he would revisit Friedkins lost 40 minutes from Cruising :sad:

i distincly recall dismissing it as a vanity project in the mould of 'I'm still There' but we can't judge until we see :mu-ziq:

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Guest zaphod

i stand by my opinion of pineapple express. danny mcbride is hilarious in it. the rest of the film is acceptable. alfrocribass and mirezzi are fools. i think we can all agree that james franco is like a wealthy woman who attempts to enter society, have opinions and be a person but is burdened by the knowledge that, whatever she accomplishes, she'll always just be a talking vagina, nothing more.

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