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Parker - scratched my jason statham itch, plus stuff happened and kept on happening, for a reason like an action film is supposed deport itself. ok man milk/10

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Gangster squad - I almost would have prefered watching the gangnam style film clip for the length of time i put into watching this dross. I got past half way through, until my friend that was watching it finally relented and agreed that it was not worth continuing./10

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yeah well, i thought it might have been LA noir with a little action. Looking pretty with some reasonable ... anyway, whatever. I'll never watch the end of it.

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Guest zaphod

jack reacher


was watching this on vlc media player, jack.reacher.2012.720p.brrip, minimized, posting on watmm, half registering the bad dialogue, when suddenly i heard a familiar voice. "...did i have a knife in siibeeriah?" fullscreened, saw werner herzog, started laughing, didn't stop for like an hour and a half. 10/10

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Assault on wallstreet 6/10


Woah a uwe boll film i could stand to watch and not think its total shit.


Sure this film has flaws but its his best film yet

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Guest zaphod

pete's dagon


a morphine addicted orphan arrives in a seaside village in rhode island with his invisible pan dimensional demi-god in tow. the mischief never lets up as racist light house keepers are flayed alive, young girls are dragged to monoliths on the open sea, and doc terminus, a crazed necromancer, learns about forgiveness. 9/10

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pete's dagon


a morphine addicted orphan arrives in a seaside village in rhode island with his invisible pan dimensional demi-god in tow. the mischief never lets up as racist light house keepers are flayed alive, young girls are dragged to monoliths on the open sea, and doc terminus, a crazed necromancer, learns about forgiveness. 9/10


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pan's labyrinth 2: pete's dagon


a morphine addicted orphan arrives in a seaside village in rhode island with his invisible pan dimensional demi-god in tow. the mischief never lets up as racist light house keepers are flayed alive, young girls are dragged to monoliths on the open sea, and doc terminus, a crazed necromancer, learns about forgiveness. 9/10


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falling down - still awesome 8.42 / 10


oldboy - considering all the hype i've heard about this over the years i wasn't all that impressed. also i expected it to be more like falling down for some reason. 6.79 / 10

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The Place Beyond (or was it Between?) the Pines: Well, don't know what to make of this one. It was certainly ambitious. I find it really hard to take Ryan Gosling seriously, maybe it's his smooth, pouty man-baby face, or those "feeding Gosling cereal" gifs, or that Funny or Die "acting like Gosling" bit. Or maybe it's because every time I see him onscreen I think of our very own smooth-faced Canadian, Essines, and can't stop myself from seeing "Essines riding his motorcycle" and "Essines crying in the church."


The film definitely managed to be tense, but I wasn't emotionally moved at any point. I found the flaws with the film made me want to watch Blue Velvet again. Was there any meaning to using "Pines" in the title? It's going for a pan-generational, ostensibly Biblical kind of cycle of violence thing, you think it could have done with a few more "trees blowing in the wind" shots. "Lynch would have aced this" I kept thinking. For a film that seems to take place in just a few small towns, it really lacks a sense of place.


So what's it left with? The cross-generational concept, which, by the third act, becomes pretty implausible. Maybe a more lyrical director could have pulled it off, I don't know. It had a few great shots, I guess - I loved the shot where Ray Liotta leads him down the dark country road and the scene becomes illuminated by the read taillights, with the sun going down between the trees. That shot was better than most of the rest of the film. Really don't know what to think about it, in the end I think it's just undone by too many Hollywood cliches (the touch of having the photo in the guy's wallet in the end made me want to projectile vomit). Er......5/10.

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Eli Roth's in the process of editing his Cannibal Holocaust homage ''The Green Inferno''. It's another film using his tried and tested formula of having some American college kid ass-clowns out of their comfort zone and getting tortured to death, instead of redneck hicks or eastern europeans this time it's an Amazonian tribes. The group of students are flying out to do a money raising campaign for the tribe. They're all listing to Skrillex on their iPod touch's waiting for the drop, only thing that drops is their plane...out of the sky...into the Amazonian hordes.

Watched yesterday, The Hunt which was another really good piece of drama, best film i've seen in a while actually. Then Essential Killing featuring the notorious method actor/butt monkey Vince Gallo as a beastly terrorist on the run in the snow. It was left too open to interpretation. We're not given enough background on the guys taliban training to give a damn about him, infact he's painted as a uncompassionate brute who kills innocent people. So it's difficult to dwell too much on his slow lingering death. As a story of survival out in the colds it's quite watchable (the scenery's nice), but as a portrait of a man (which is what i think they were aiming for) tis completely devoid of substance. Then watched Dark Skies which i quite liked in the way I liked Super 8, aliens called ''the greys'' targeted a money stricken suburb family and started messing with their heads in quite a cool way. More could have been done with the home surveillance angle but i think if the Grey's ever did visit earth this is how they would probably behave. Theres also a nice cameo by JK Simmons as an alien expert, he's pretty damn convincing. I also started watching From Beyond for the first time last night, the colours on this DVD reissue are translucent, its bringing out the best in the Bravia...i'll go and watch the rest just now and see how things pan out. Combs seems to be the victim this time instead of the instigator (Re-Animator). The acting is pretty overstated compared to Gallo's earlier performance. Oh, also, after watching The Hunt, watched the first episode of Hannibal on the tivo, the guys a great actor.

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Guest zaphod

that movie was pure artifice. didn't like anything about it. the title refers to schenectady where the film takes place. i think that's what it means in whatever native american language that word is. anyway, i thought it was a terrible movie, nothing recognizably human was happening. it was all tropes from other films. the ego on that director must be huge.

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side effects - those plot twists by the middle of the movie got me all excited but by the end there were some loose ends that didn't tie up or maybe i simply didn't understand it... the cinematography is awful, i understand it is succeeded in some technical way but it's just unpleasing and boring, blured lights with too much definition, everything looks like it was polished in a 3d render or something, geeez...


parker - whoever said this was an ok movie is out of her/his mind, what a dumb piece of crap with no goofy or campy feeling to turn it watchable. bad acting, bad dialogue, ignorant villains, dumb women, you name it...


cruising - al pacino goes into a gay bar and starts wondering about is sexuality, or was it about his unknown urge to kill? the movie is so weird/bad that by the end i ended up thinking that he was the real killer, mental stuff... lovely haunted cinematography.


the broken circle breakdown - well, it's not the first time i watch this dude acting, he's good! the plot itself, it's probably not that solid to carry such a delicate matter. anyhow, an atheist bluegrass singer? isn't that kind of a paradox?


promised land - felt like a sunday afternoon family movie, funnily enough it didn't mind me, i got to listen an awesome cover of Bruce Springsteen's Dancing in the Dark and that was worth it. but the movie is such a cliché from start to finish.


starlet - eugene didn't think this was utter shit? how can you be so easily manipulated dude? i liked the cinematography though, the color grade was a bit dead like but there were some shots where it matched perfectly with the L.A? vibe. the porn scenes were unnecessary, not that i'm some prude that got all disgusted, it's just that it felt it was trying to hard to be controversial.


the last stand - disappointed, taking in consideration that it is from the same guy who directed The Good, the Bad, the Weird (2008). it didn't take itself too seriously but it wasn't fun enough at the same time, generalized action flick shit...


the guilt trip - funny how i loved this fat dude 3 years ago but now i can't stand him anymore, maybe it's because he's not fat anymore.


jack reacher - and now, for the cherry on top of the cake, 10/10 what a nice action flick, love how the campy feeling was brought back on this one, plus, the night shots were so damn tasty, specially the car chases! i dunno all the cliché sounded like i was watching something like Last Action Hero or something which was nostalgically great! the cinematography on it is great that's maybe one of the reason i enjoyed it that much.


4:44 last day on earth - what is this i don't even...


the yellow sea - i've seen this before but the movie is a bit long so i couldn't keep track of it, but damn, even for the second time this movie didn't disappoint, 20 minutes of flying hatchets, what's there not to like? some of the scenes are way over the top and kind of fell out of the tone of the movie but fuck it, those are some indispensable priceless scenes.


somewhere - 20/20


this must be the place - ozzy osbourne meets some guy from the band The Cure meets Edward scissor hands. awesome photography, color grading, all that cinematography shit is perfect on this one, and i don't even know what cinematography means... the plot is flawless but it's a comedy after all, i had some good laughs and i immediately fell in love with the main character.


our day will come - again 10/10 on cinematography, this guy comes from directing justice videos and shits this beauty? top notch! definitely way over the top but i'm a sucker for Cassel acting like a prick, maybe it's cause he's probably one irl.


upstream color - this cinematography represents everything i hate about cinematography, you could film the entire movie inside a room and simply spit on the walls, if you're going to full focus on hands, shoulders, eyes, beards and let everything else out of focus why care about where you're going to film it? :facepalm: there were about 5 or 6 nice shots, and i mean shots, all the rest is pretty i dunno this is not even amateur, this is just a new crappy style, those low contrast colors full of brightness are so lame, i have 2 or 3 friends that call themselves directors and this is the exact same shit they use on their work...

plot wise, well, it is in fact pretty cool, bu the overall emo depressed tone mixed with the sci-fi Cronenberg style didn't work out for me. not to mention the resolution of the movie which was in fact pretty retarded. i wasn't expecting that at all, the entire movie suddenly changes when they kill the sampler and from there till the end it is told in a fast forward music video fashion way. did this movie really needed such an ending, i mean, they win??? kill the bad guy, save the pigs, and win? fuck me... and how did they get away with murderer? was police involved in all of that? why did Shanon care to elaborate such a lame ending?

after all, taking in consideration all the crap that's coming out nowadays, i give this movie a 10/10!






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