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a bronx tale


would've been great if the main lead wasn't such a shitty actor. still pretty good but fuck, that guy was annoyingly bad.

Apparently he's as much of a thug in real life, doing 10 years for an attempted burglary, and barely got off an attempted murder charge.



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europa report - a found footage sci-fi that climaxes with the image of an octopus with lights.

no way, does it really?


p.s. i was hoping this would be cool :cry:

Edited by Alcofribas
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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

What- This Is The End sucked? Awww, man... Was hoping it would be amazing.


nah it was good. giving it a 0/10 after saying it was solid means he really hated the ended. you don't need to see it in theaters but its a good time

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Guest Shit Attack

stone roses made of stone - overrated band + overrated film maker guy make a pretty dull documentary about how great they all are ........probably the most 4 out of 10 documentary of all times.............4/10

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Guest jasondonervan

End of Watch - At times it feels like an episode of COPS with higher production values, but the banter between the two main characters helped it along. The ending was predictable, and dare I say a little cheesy, and the...



...'let's end it on a feel-good note' scene was a lazy way to wrap it up so that cinema audiences wouldn't feel all sad-face after being endeared towards the two cops.



In conclusion, it's no cinematic masterpiece, just a solid film that's certainly worth a watch if you get the chance. 7/10

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Evil dead 2013 6/10


For a remake it wasn't that bad. Didn't feel fuck all for the characters though. Least you were rooting for ash to win in the first 2 films.

Just seemed to focus on how many fucked up things they could do.


Dead by dawn, dead by dawn!

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Last Year at Marienbad

some hail it as a masterpiece, others find it incomprehensible/10

I kid...pretty spectacular film, highly innovative, challenging and engaging

It may repeat itself at times and drag slightly, but only for the overall good of the point its trying to make



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europa report-enjoyed it,best sci-fi in a while


sound of my voice-worth a watch,felt nicely short


once upon a time in america-epic,liked the 1st half more than the 2nd tho


the lost boys-huge grin i can,t remove from my face throughout movie,love this film!

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So will Pacific Rim or Lone Ranger be a bigger piece of shit bomb? Pacific Rim basically looks like Evangelion without the license, but damn LR cost $250 million?!

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Olympus has Fallen - better than average action blockbuster but the Die Hard clichés spoil what could have been half decent and I wasn't sure about Gerard Butler either 6.5/10


The Losers - great cast, shit film 4/10

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So will Pacific Rim or Lone Ranger be a bigger piece of shit bomb? Pacific Rim basically looks like Evangelion without the license, but damn LR cost $250 million?!


I've just had to turn down two tickets to the Pacific Rim European 3D IMAX premier on Thursday in London :cry: If it was next Thurs I'd be all over it. :dry:

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So will Pacific Rim or Lone Ranger be a bigger piece of shit bomb? Pacific Rim basically looks like Evangelion without the license, but damn LR cost $250 million?!


I was excited about the lone ranger but then they casted Jonnhy Depp and then it wasnt The Lone Ranger anymore, the movie should be called Johnny Depp is Tonto. I get that they need to fill seats but come on! fuck off hollywood.


Seriously they need to stop casting this actor, every movie hes in is a piece of shit.

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evil dead - great.

evil dead 2 - awesome.

evil dead 3 - fun, but a little too much on the goofy side. felt like a bad benny hill sketch at times.


is it worth checking out the 2013 version? i hear it's all gore/torture porn and none of the dark humor.

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it had some dark humor but none of the surreal aspects of even the original Evil Dead 1 (like ash putting his hand through the mirror and it turns into water or the stop motion weirdness)

From what i heard personally from a hardcore Evil Dead 1 & 2 fan is that they jumped on the Exorcism movie trend bandwagon in the remake, and instead of it focusing on just the ambiguous 'evil presence' awakened spirit in the woods like the original movies, it opts for a series of character possessions in succession one after the other, and the possessed people resemble 30 days of night vampires more than the quirky psychotic possessions from from Evil Dead 1 & 2

haven't seen it myself, ill wait for the dvd

I saw them in the reverse order, Army of Darkness was the first rated R movie I saw in the theatre. Odd too because it barely seems like an R, I bet the movie intended to be PG-13.
anyways, Evil Dead 2 was 2nd. I fell in love with it, way more than 3. When i eventually got around to seeing part 1 (it was very hard to find on VHS at the time, this was pre DVD and movie torrenting) i was really dissapointed. I first didn't understand how the plot was so similar and also how straight forward and serious it seemed. The low budget of it didn't help either.

Watching it now though about 14 years later, it's aged very well. I think in terms of comparing it to other break-out low budget horror films of the late 70s it's among the best and most ambitious. If i had to choose between Texas Chainsaw, Halloween 1 or Evil Dead 1, Evil Dead 1 would be my pick.

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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