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Extracted - borrowing concepts from Inception, Source Code and even Quantum Leap the science doesn't get in the way of an interesting 'who done it' plot line. The good cast and sharp direction keeps this low budget sci-fi well away from feeling like a TV movie. 7.5/10


Oblivion - on a second watching, like you guys say, I now can see every other movie...









but the film still looks pretty sweet.

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the east


fucking terrible. it's like a hipster fever dream of an espionage/terrorism movie. the opening scenes where she's trying to "blend in" with "freegans" and people hopping trains were loltastic. this movie is completely divorced from reality.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

the east


fucking terrible. it's like a hipster fever dream of an espionage/terrorism movie. the opening scenes where she's trying to "blend in" with "freegans" and people hopping trains were loltastic. this movie is completely divorced from reality.


funnily enough the story was inspired by a month trip the star and director took train hopping. so...

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Tentacle porn/10

Pretty disturbing and shocking, yet slightly tongue in cheek...came out at an odd time in Japanese Anime censorship laws where they could get away with showing ALOT more than usual...each scene usually ends with a woman floating in the air suspended by 20 tentacles either groping or penetrating her in some fashion - for some reason we watched the UNcut version instead of the cut (42mins taken from the original episodes)

I both highly recommend it, yet don't recommend it,,,more so don't


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Tentacle porn/10


Pretty disturbing and shocking, yet slightly tongue in cheek...came out at an odd time in Japanese Anime censorship laws where they could get away with showing ALOT more than usual...each scene usually ends with a woman floating in the air suspended by 20 tentacles either groping or penetrating her in some fashion - for some reason we watched the UNcut version instead of the cut (42mins taken from the original episodes)


I both highly recommend it, yet don't recommend it,,,more so don't



Aside from all the unneccesarily mad sex, it is actually quite a good film. If you enjoyed it I recommend you watch Legend Of The Demon Womb (second instalment). The rest of the series (Return of the Overfiend, Inferno Road, New Saga, Final Chapter) tend to veer off into quite flaky territory, both story and animation wise.

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the company you keep - shia labeouf was mildly entertaining, but ultimately detracting when compared to others who potentially could have shined in his shoes. the entire film is worth the watch, but lacks elements that would have made it great. casting issues mostly i would say. redford always brings the entertaining performance; so if nothing else, maybe he is the reason to have this.

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Tentacle porn/10


Pretty disturbing and shocking, yet slightly tongue in cheek...came out at an odd time in Japanese Anime censorship laws where they could get away with showing ALOT more than usual...each scene usually ends with a woman floating in the air suspended by 20 tentacles either groping or penetrating her in some fashion - for some reason we watched the UNcut version instead of the cut (42mins taken from the original episodes)


I both highly recommend it, yet don't recommend it,,,more so don't



Aside from all the unneccesarily mad sex, it is actually quite a good film. If you enjoyed it I recommend you watch Legend Of The Demon Womb (second instalment). The rest of the series (Return of the Overfiend, Inferno Road, New Saga, Final Chapter) tend to veer off into quite flaky territory, both story and animation wise.


is this the movie that starts out with the nazis hooking up a bunch of bound ladies to fucking machines?

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Tentacle porn/10


Pretty disturbing and shocking, yet slightly tongue in cheek...came out at an odd time in Japanese Anime censorship laws where they could get away with showing ALOT more than usual...each scene usually ends with a woman floating in the air suspended by 20 tentacles either groping or penetrating her in some fashion - for some reason we watched the UNcut version instead of the cut (42mins taken from the original episodes)


I both highly recommend it, yet don't recommend it,,,more so don't



Aside from all the unneccesarily mad sex, it is actually quite a good film. If you enjoyed it I recommend you watch Legend Of The Demon Womb (second instalment). The rest of the series (Return of the Overfiend, Inferno Road, New Saga, Final Chapter) tend to veer off into quite flaky territory, both story and animation wise.


is this the movie that starts out with the nazis hooking up a bunch of bound ladies to fucking machines?



The original trilogy version is soooo much better than the UK cut which missed out a lot of plot/storyline. Extreme manga at its best but mainly for the lads methinx.

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i own all the overfiends. demon womb in particular is hilarious.


that last line usually works well on a first date:




a scene from the third movie where guys fight on top of nukes. some great one liners. the english dub is really the only way to go here. "we're in the shit now"



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Guest malkythealky

A place Beyond the Pines -- Good movie, although you loose investment in Ryan Goslings character towards the end, I still recommend it.


The wrestler -- Enjoyed

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The East - what about the sharing scene with the food? It was like some Willy Wonka communist propaganda. You survive with others or not at all. The relationship with the main woman and her husband was as bleak and empty as Cypher's various personas.


Dear Wendy - Bill Pullman reigns in on some american kids dreams. Pacifism exists as a warm gun. See this film please, wonderful undercurrent of alienation and inability to form meaningful relationships.

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Bringing Out The Dead

Defo worth checking out - it zips along, Cage is great, the supporting cast is possibly even greater (Ving Rhames and John Goodman on top form to name a few) Scorsese directs like it's a 2hour music video, pulsing energy through out/10


Edited by TRiP
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Bringing Out The Dead


Defo worth checking out - it zips along, Cage is great, the supporting cast is possibly even greater (Ving Rhames and John Goodman on top form to name a few) Scorsese directs like it's a 2hour music video, pulsing energy through out/10




very high quality film. i'll be watching again soon, thx u plees for reminding me

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disconnect - easily the worst film i saw recently, it's like crash (2004) mixed in with tabloid like internet phobia, excellent vomit inducing material.

there were a few edits that went from one persons screen to an unrelated screen, which was awkward. i would have preferred it if it was just about the webcam boy and 'puma' journalist. perhaps with some sex. like brazzers with slightly better acting. the worst bit was when they tried to link the three stories with some slow-mo action towards the end. regret not turning it off.
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took a flight to the US and back, so caught up on a lot of viewing:


The Last Stand: recent Arnold Schwartzenegger flick, just as bad as you'd expect, but a very curious piece of cinema that had me going "wtf" repeatedly. For one thing, the supporting cast, among them: Forest Whitaker, Luiz Guzman, Peter Stormare, Johnny Knoxville, Harry Motherfucking Dean Stanton (looking one foot in the grave) - you'd be forgiven for thinking from cast alone that it might be the next PT Anderson or Coen Bros flick. Another weird thing is the blatant product placement for two American cars (Camaro and something else iirc), yet in the climactic chase both cars are destroyed by...a corn harvesting machine. Really odd film, maybe it was the Korean director. 2/10 on quality, but 5/10 for curiosity factor.


The Campaign (Zach Galifianakis and Will Farrel) This was actually pretty entertaining, though the laughs dropped off towards the end. 6/10


Oblivion: Made no logical sense but was great to look at. Overlong at points, could have been edited better. Would love a video game set in the world, though...most original-looking post-apocalyptic setting in a while. Very happy at least to see this sort of sci-fi being made. If only they could restrain themselves from some of the 'splosions.


The Croods: this was actually a great children's flick, with an impressive visual imagination. Suffers from the same hyperactive ADD pacing and animation as other children's flicks (why is Miyazaki the only one who can tell a children's film at a normal, intelligible pace?). Ending was a bit dull but otherwise a very nice film. Dreamworks is now better than Pixar, there I said it. This is leagues better than Brave. 8/10


Louis CK: Oh My God (HBO special, also shown in-flight): I haven't been as impressed by Louis CK as others here, I bought his Louis series and found it to be a bit lacking, but this was pretty funny. I don't often find Louis CK to be laugh-out-loud funny (maybe because many of his thoughts are things I've also thought about, and so are familiar and not "surprising"), but I was smiling throughout. I think it was the best stand-up of his I've seen, and pretty consistently funny. 7/10

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disconnect - easily the worst film i saw recently, it's like crash (2004) mixed in with tabloid like internet phobia, excellent vomit inducing material.

That's harsh. I thought it was brilliant, unlike Crash it lets the storylines play out naturally and doesn't hit its message over your head every five minutes, and while it does build to a climax it does so in a way that doesn't feel contrived. I was so wrapped up in it that it didn't bother me how actually predictable it eventually proves to be, but then I wasn't trying to work it all out and instead just enjoyed watching it all unfold. It's not 'anti technology' either, that's how you see it, but that's not how the director sees it. It's more about how we allow ourselves to become isolated from the closest people around us and use technology as an outlet to express our true feelings. There's many moments in the film where technology - despite everything that has happened to the characters - is used as catharsis.

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Watched The Master again. Seriously this film gets better and better with every viewing. Most definitely a modern classic. So beautifully shot, so tightly written and so well acted. 10/10


i'm starting to agree. a singular film.

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surprised you thought oblivion was interesting to look at lumpenprol. seemed pretty bland and generic to me. i agree it would make a cool videogame though. maybe i was just put off by every goddamn sf trope ever being used in the film.




makes oblivion look like blade runner. i can't believe this was released in theaters. the effects were absurdly bad. the acting was uniformly horrendous. the whole movie seemed to have been shot with the actors in separate rooms in front of green screens. went in thinking it might be like a film version of a jack vance novel or one of those tor paperbacks you find in a used book bin at a library for a nickel. instead, one of the worst genre films i've ever seen.

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surprised you thought oblivion was interesting to look at lumpenprol. seemed pretty bland and generic to me. i agree it would make a cool videogame though. maybe i was just put off by every goddamn sf trope ever being used in the film.


keep in mind I was looking at it on one of those tiny airline screens. But yeah, I think I'm just starved for quality. I basically only liked the idea of the tops of the buildings being the new ground level. Didn't make much logical sense, but was cool to look at, the idea of current civilization becoming geological strata. His vehicle design was cool too, the bots and climactic enemy not so much.



I think I need to see Europa Report.

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