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yeah but at least in top gun you had main characters had had a remote aspect of on screen charisma. Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer aren't just straight up pieces of cardboard, and to top it off the fact that they cast 3 dirty blonde guys who all looked similar and were of similar heights and stuff was also weird. It didn't make sense at all. Usually in these types of popcorn movies it's easy to look past a cheesy casting decision or bad writing because the action and visuals are the payoff, but I will honestly say that the main character in this movie was so mis-cast and bland that it made movies like Battleship and Transformers 3 seem more balanced and character driven films than Pacific Rim.

i doubt it's an accident. a lot of people spend a lot of time doing thinky stuff when it comes to these things (movies). my theory is that they wanted the movie to do well in Japan etc and what do the Japanese love? Dirty blonde lumpy guys. So they put three of them in there just to be sure.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

The Hunt

Not understanding the love you guys have for this movie at all. I'd probably give it 5/10 for an interesting idea of a story, but the way the film went just left me pretty bored.


However my enjoyment of the film was disrupted by the fact that the captions were about 10 seconds earlier than the dialogue on the screen. So I had to wait to see who said what and how, which did ruin it.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


After the positive reviews of The Hunt, I had a watch and it is indeed worthy of the praise. All around top-notch performance by everyone involved, especially the little girl. Very grueling and conveyed what the director wanted very well. Had a look at what the IMDb discussion board had to say and I once again was amazed by some peoples stupidity and inability to follow a movie.


I have watched it twice now. It has haunted me. So much is implied, intentionally I believe. Many different levels at play in this film. It makes it hard for most people to be able to grasp what they are watching. I love when screenwriters and filmmakers successfully do this with cinema.



I must have missed this due the the out of sync captions.


Actually one part I thought was very effective was when fanny ****. that made me sad.

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Got the Pacific Rim 3D Blu-Ray arriving on my doorstep tomorrow morning (avoided reading very much about it thus far) so will report back after viewing.


You're Next 4/10 - Too lame and obvious. Expected more after seeing some 7/10 reviews.


Carrie 6/10 - Nice effort but too much of a by the numbers remake like 'Let Me In', some nice atmospheric scenes and cool special effects but it's too distracting when you know how chapters are going to play out.


Out Of The Furnace 7/10 - This was building up nicely for the first 3/4 of the film then just sort of faded out. Which was i guess intentional, to be poetic. Woody Harrelson is one scary son of a bitch in this, Bale is on top form, very sympathetic character as is Casey Affleck as the badass war vet and an unrecogniseable Zoe Saldana (didn't know it was her till afterwards). Redneck dramas rock.


Lovelace 6/10 - It had a kind of TV movie vibe, i expected Coumbo to appear and arrest her scumbag husband. Watchable.


Charlie Countryman 5.5/10 - A crazy ass caper with LeBiouf flying to Romania to find himself after the death of mum and believing that fate has found him a nice Romanian woman to love and cherish. It's ok, just seems a little pointless and not as poignant as it intended to be. Good supporting cast.


Saw 8/10 - I revisited this again on TV the other night for the first time in like 8 years. I really relish the mindfuck elements of the script and how these guys put it together on such a low budget. Good shit.


After Earth 4/10 - The first half hour was absolutely torture, verging on unwatchable. I almost gave up on it. I never give up though, even Sound Of My Voice i saw through to the bitter end. Sat and watched the special effects and the shit acting from Will Smith's son. Took it for what it was: An M. Night Shyamalan Turd. Some nice concept art on the DVD extras.


Trance 6.5/10 - Nice and twisty turny but would have benefited from watching not knowing any single thing about it, the problem was I think everyone knew it was twisty turny and it was impossible to explain anything about the plot without mentioning the twisty turny nature of the beast. Whether you embrace these twists and turns are another matter, i felt some bits were contrived and slightly naff, some were excellent. Will rewatch.


I'm So Excited 6.5/10 - Camp farce on a plane. I usually love this guys flashback sequences but these ones felt disconnected to everything else that was going on. Pretty disjointed overall. But some funny bit.


Grown Ups 2 - 5/10 - Expected worse but at an hour and 40 minutes was way too long.


Still nothing really up to the standard of Spring Breakers apart from maybe American Hustle and 12 Years. Will see how Pacific Rim goes tomorrow evening :-D

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The Hunt

However my enjoyment of the film was disrupted by the fact that the captions were about 10 seconds earlier than the dialogue on the screen. So I had to wait to see who said what and how, which did ruin it.

Man, that is not gonna work. You should have given up and waited for a proper dvd. It reminds me of when i'm watching football on an internet stream and seperate FM radio commentary on the hi-fi, the stream is usually 10 seconds behind the live radio commentary and it becomes a complete mindfuck. I would say rewatch it properly but you've ruined the movie for yourself already watching it in this way. You probably would have enjoyed it.

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However my enjoyment of the film was disrupted by the fact that the captions were about 10 seconds earlier than the dialogue on the screen. So I had to wait to see who said what and how, which did ruin it.

lol, no shit.

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Haneke's Amour


The body gets older whilst the mind will perish. One to watch again and again just to figure out if the husband was controlling like a mean bastard or was in love with her and liberating? Great film, also got the marvellous Isabelle Huppert in it in a very subdued role normally she comes on like some deranged intellectual toffee nosed nympho.

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Guest abreaktor

jagten is indeed great. kept me thinking who did what. thats how a movie should be.


also - good for the main actor, he seems to have fixed his bloody tear duct thing

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this was on netflix instant. very annoying but restarting it didnt help

Did you watch it on an Apple TV? I've experienced this a couple if times. Had to restart the little box and that did the trick

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


this was on netflix instant. very annoying but restarting it didnt help

Did you watch it on an Apple TV? I've experienced this a couple if times. Had to restart the little box and that did the trick



no on ps3. restarting didnt help either. sometimes it just gets out of sync (happens with audio sometimes too) and once it starts its impossible to fix in my experience

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saw this when it first came out (in 94) and thought it was brilliant. still holds up. an absolute riot


12 beaten up chinese dudes out of 10


Oh god I love that movie. It's a favourite from the first time I saw it. I saw it first when I was like 11 or 12, so it was a couple years after it came out. Blew me away.

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12 Years A Slave - Hard going but worthwhile, the lady sat next to me was literally crying through the entire thing. It's frustrating when people eat during most films but seeing a queue outside the screen for this waiting to go in with buckets of popcorn is beyond my understanding.

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12 Years A Slave - Hard going but worthwhile, the lady sat next to me was literally crying through the entire thing. It's frustrating when people eat during most films but seeing a queue outside the screen for this waiting to go in with buckets of popcorn is beyond my understanding.


yeah, i don't get why people can't go a couple hours without food they otherwise would never eat. it's fucking bizarre. what's also bizarre and kind of lol was watching the pre-trailer advertising blitz to fill up on pepsi and hot dogs prior to this film. the emotional rollercoaster you're expected to go on to see a movie, it's kind of psychotic.

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i remember liking this movie



12 Years A Slave - Hard going but worthwhile, the lady sat next to me was literally crying through the entire thing. It's frustrating when people eat during most films but seeing a queue outside the screen for this waiting to go in with buckets of popcorn is beyond my understanding.


im never watching this film because in the trailer it shows the main actor screaming something like "i will survive", i cant be bother, im not into that kind of movie.

Edited by Deer
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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


12 Years A Slave - Hard going but worthwhile, the lady sat next to me was literally crying through the entire thing. It's frustrating when people eat during most films but seeing a queue outside the screen for this waiting to go in with buckets of popcorn is beyond my understanding.


yeah, i don't get why people can't go a couple hours without food they otherwise would never eat. it's fucking bizarre. what's also bizarre and kind of lol was watching the pre-trailer advertising blitz to fill up on pepsi and hot dogs prior to this film. the emotional rollercoaster you're expected to go on to see a movie, it's kind of psychotic.



it is odd what people will happily eat through. however I have bought popcorn for a film and then not touched it because of the film, because I didnt know how dark it was going to be. or how quiet. its people who buy nachos,hotdogs and sodas and popcorn who annoy me.

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