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302? The sequel to 300... - whatever it's called, watched 3/4 before leaving to see Under the Skin...



please say you didnt pay to see 300 sequel but not under the skin!



I payed a hefty €11.50 to see Zero Therom...then snuck into 300 + Under the Skin....i'd like to think that €11.50 theoretically splits into both Zero and Skin....i'd like to think...


but you're right, i did feel slightly bad about not supporting it with a ticket sale





Under the Skin - Loved it. Two small things are stopping me from saying 'FILM OF THE YEAR!', but it's a darn good contender in a ridiculously strong year of film thus far. Great use of non-actors, loved the naturalistic cinematography, or rather videography(!), soundtrack and sound design were ace...and who can complain with seeing Johansson naked...multiple times!



What were the two small things?


I'll try spoiler this just in case:



Felt it hit a bit of a slow spot once Johansson shacks up with the Scot lad, starts to slightly drag and lose it's momentum, could have been cut tighter and still made it's point about her becoming more human etc. etc.


And the other thing was the ending - I had no idea it was based on a novel, so perhaps this is exactly what happens in the novel? But i just felt the burning thing was a bit silly - would have preferred if the man had just witnessed her transformation and then ran away - leaving us the viewer wondering "IT'S STILL OUT THERE, COULD BE ANYWHERE, ANYONE...WHEN WILL IT STRIKE NEXT!?"



But other then that, it was just great. Really refreshing to see such an experimental film in the mainstream cinemas.



I agree with your first point, I'm hoping that will improve on the rewatch and I can enjoy the journey rather than waiting to see what happens.


Second point is spoiler territory, don't go there unless you plan on reading the book, which you really should.



After gaining some empathy for humanity she has a man onboard that is going to the hospital to see his wife who is giving birth. She becomes distracted and crashes, injuring them both and trapping them in the car. A passerby offers to help and says they will find a payphone to call an ambulance. After failing to call the person back she knows her true identity will be discovered and presses a button that blows up the car and kills them both.


So err, a bit different but I guess the idea of her being burned and her remains floating to space is kinda similar. I've not really done it justice, sorry.



innnteresting, yea I guess I can see what he was going for so.


So the book's really good? It sounds so whacky in it's blurb, but I guess that's inherent in all sci-fi novels

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hunger games catching fire 10/10


exciting (hypocritical considering the entertainment aspect of the story?) film about fighting for freedom


hopefulness of the film makes it seem old fashioned (looming climate catastrophe, economic collapse, devaluing of human life in the real world means there may not be as much hope in reality as there used to be)

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Lost in Translation - never seen it before, A+ movie. LoL @ Squarepusher track in the film too


I thought it was nice! good use of it imo.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard




302? The sequel to 300... - whatever it's called, watched 3/4 before leaving to see Under the Skin...



please say you didnt pay to see 300 sequel but not under the skin!



I payed a hefty €11.50 to see Zero Therom...then snuck into 300 + Under the Skin....i'd like to think that €11.50 theoretically splits into both Zero and Skin....i'd like to think...


but you're right, i did feel slightly bad about not supporting it with a ticket sale



ah ok. zero therum needs your $ too.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Frozen Disney/10

Wife's choice. Few laughs. the snowman song was the best. your kids might like it. I don't have any.


American Hustle 5/10

Finally caught this on rental and it was about exactly what I expected it to be. a few laughs and bale's accent annoying throughout. way too long. didnt need to see this. hella wiggy

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the face on the cover is basically how these 2 spend the entire film. everyone keeps blaming it's failure and abysmal plot (and acting) on m night shamaylananananalyana'ya but the story was actually written by will smith- so focus your malice and criticism on him



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big trouble in little china


way better than i remembered it being. just hilariously weird and surreal. felt almost like a modern spoof of the 80's, only it's actually from the 80's.

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the face on the cover is basically how these 2 spend the entire film. everyone keeps blaming it's failure and abysmal plot (and acting) on m night shamaylananananalyana'ya but the story was actually written by will smith- so focus your malice and criticism on him



I like the fact that they kept M Nights Name out of the advertisment as much as possible.


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big trouble in little china


way better than i remembered it being. just hilariously weird and surreal. felt almost like a modern spoof of the 80's, only it's actually from the 80's.


thx u. time to turn on the nostalgia plees

Edited by Redruth
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i made it about 6 minutes into snowpiercer before turning it off. the over the top evil guard punching the old woman in the face made it feel like i was watching an episode of walker texas ranger.

I'm totally gonna watch this now

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the face on the cover is basically how these 2 spend the entire film. everyone keeps blaming it's failure and abysmal plot (and acting) on m night shamaylananananalyana'ya but the story was actually written by will smith- so focus your malice and criticism on him



What? No, The story was written by Gary Whitta and M Night Shallamalladingdong. It's quite funny... Gary Whitta was a regular on a podcast I used to listen to and during the production and post production of the film he would constantly talk about his upcoming film. After it was released he never mentioned it again.

But yeah, it was fucking terrible.

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Snowpiercer 5/10


What a fucking mess! Some of my friends have been hyping this movie the past 3 years. Sure, Joon-Ho Bong has made 2-3 good movies, so there was no reason not to be excited about this one. But what a trainwreck [long silence]...

And Tilda Swinton? What the fucking fuck? I've watched a bunch of Korean movies and I know how quirky they can be from time to time, but that quirkiness didn't translate well into a Hollywood production.

It felt like I was watching Under Siege 2 meets Charlie and the Chocolate Factory meets The Hunger Games.


This movie was so full of holes:




My girlfriend and I kept asking each other questions like, "who's this guy?", "how'd he do that?, "is it just me or does that make no sense at all?". Some guy on IMDB has written a pretty good list of all the bad and completely illogical things that we were pointing out while watching the movie. So here goes:


1. Why divide the train into classes? This makes no sense. The train ecosystem would function fine with some rules regarding population control.

2. Their great plan is to have a regular uprising to kill off people and keeping the population down? WHAT? See my first point.

3. They used to eat people and babies, but are now disgusted by eating protein bars made by cockroaches? How does that work? And furthermore:

4: WHERE did all those bloody cockroaches come from?

5: If you've invented perpetual motion; why the hell use it in a train? Why not use it to power a generator in a camp, or heat a underground city? The train is death on tracks, with ice regularly blocking the path.

6: Why is everyone on this train ready to kill? Seriously, 90% of EVERYONE is ready to murder everyone.

7: People take loosing their limbs SHOCKINGLY well in this movie. Like it's just a flesh wound, really.

8: What the hell happened with that one bad guy who got stabbed through his guts and choked? He just got up again? Furthermore: Tilda Swinton gets a knife through the leg, but walks fine right afterwards.

9: The starved people of the tail takes out an army of axe wielding fighters with night vision? After apparently yelling for help through the entire train, and a kid lighting a torch, and running up to them in no time? Stretching it thin, movie!

10: The soldiers had bullets, but they weren't using them at the ONE PLACE they needed bullets? Are you serious??

11: The shootout between Chris Evans and what I can only assume was Terminator. On opposite sides of the train, probably 1000ft from each other. Sniping with a submachine gun. Through a blizzard. Nice aim there, fellas.

12: Mr. Terminator shooting his comrades all the time. Seriously. What was to be gained from that? He did it several times. Who is this guy??

13: The only way the train can function is to stuff small kids down small holes to keep the engine running? Really? Was the train designed to stuff small kids down there, or did it just appear to be the perfect solution? How convenient.

14: The wagon closest to the engine is the RAVE-CLUB where all the freaks go to party? Incidentally, the elementary school is next to the slaughterhouse.

15: There is no policy on drugs on this finely tuned train? Everyone just goes buck wild with this incredibly potent drug next to the engine room? And furthermore...

16: The drug of choice is basically C4? And it just lies around everywhere - again - next to the engine room?

17: Why not pay attention to what the korean guy is doing to open the doors and then open them themselves instead of having him slow them down?

18: The people with axes putting fish blood on their weapons before fighting? That was random.

19: The other wagons are TOTALLY unaffected by the explosion in the first wagons. Wow. They don't really notice until they derail. What a masterfully crafted train.

20: I know it fits with his story, but did Mr. Evans really need to sacrifice his arm to pull that kid out? He could probably stop the machine with something else than a limb and take better care of that child.

21: The people who jumped off the train still haven't been covered up by snow after 15 years in a never-ending blizzard?


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the face on the cover is basically how these 2 spend the entire film. everyone keeps blaming it's failure and abysmal plot (and acting) on m night shamaylananananalyana'ya but the story was actually written by will smith- so focus your malice and criticism on him



What? No, The story was written by Gary Whitta and M Night Shallamalladingdong. It's quite funny... Gary Whitta was a regular on a podcast I used to listen to and during the production and post production of the film he would constantly talk about his upcoming film. After it was released he never mentioned it again.

But yeah, it was fucking terrible.



no. the story was written by will smith. the screenplay was written by whitta and shallamallaballahbomb




also check the video on this post where smith talks about writing the story

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