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Nice. Reminds me a little of graffiti, but in a way it's like a hand-drawn rendering of Ae's Draft 7.30 album artwork.


When it comes to art, I'm better at making comparative observations than abstract ones.

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Man, that is so awesome. I don't know how you guys can do this stuff. I never get visual ideas anymore. All I can do is doodle random shapes and connect them into animals smoking cigarettes.

sounds like art to me! post!

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Trying to pare down the huge backlog of photos I took this summer before I go out taking more. This is one of them...









really like this

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I did a whole bunch of sketches somewhat recently, but didn't have a chance to scan them before I mailed them to someone in the Czech Republic.

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ah yes...high school doodles. very nice.

savor these days, drukqs. savor them.

...High school doodles? I SPENT DAYS ON THOSE DRNAWINGS

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Here is some mildly-generative HTML5 Art I did.


Please let me know if it isn't running properly or looks weird at your end; I have a few more ones to be styled with the same technique, and would be handy to snag any bugs early so won't repeat them again!

Edited by roasty
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Guest Frankie5fingers

those are great luke! like Salv says, its like ive never seen it before. even though i would see that every day where i used to live.

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