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Recrational cannabis passed the senate

Rejoice! In less than two weeks, Massachusetts will have lovely retail cannabis for our enjoyment. Spread the love.



I’ve been using quasi-legal delivery services for over a year but it shall soon be legit and a chorus of angels will ring out from the horizon.



They're still delaying this shit. But the unstoppable deliveries will remain heroic and true. It's just the ritual of being able to walk into a store and buy that will be truly poetic and downright patriotic tbh

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Recrational cannabis passed the senate

Rejoice! In less than two weeks, Massachusetts will have lovely retail cannabis for our enjoyment. Spread the love.



I’ve been using quasi-legal delivery services for over a year but it shall soon be legit and a chorus of angels will ring out from the horizon.



They're still delaying this shit. But the unstoppable deliveries will remain heroic and true. It's just the ritual of being able to walk into a store and buy that will be truly poetic and downright patriotic tbh



Yeah, looks like October here now. >.<

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Still enjoying my limited edition tDR speaker stands  :cool:


 Part of the furniture now. Such is the nature of  inanimate objects they serve their purpose until I go round the back of the telly to fiddle with the cables and one gets toppled over  :trap:

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i didn't realize getting lean would feel so physically satisfying

like i lost 40ish pounds a couple years ago & felt better, but most of that could be attributed to healthier diet + exercising + being happier with the way I looked. but going from 185 to the low 170s in the last couple months is when i've really started to notice that my entire body just feels better, physically. it's as though i'd been wearing shoes & had some weird shit caught between my toes, and it had been there so long that i'd forgotten about it, and now that it's dissolving away i'm suddenly aware of just how irritating it had been. that's what my entire body feels like, like all this stagnant goo that had been trapped in the contours of things is finally being burned off

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i didn't realize getting lean would feel so physically satisfying

like i lost 40ish pounds a couple years ago & felt better, but most of that could be attributed to healthier diet + exercising + being happier with the way I looked. but going from 185 to the low 170s in the last couple months is when i've really started to notice that my entire body just feels better, physically. it's as though i'd been wearing shoes & had some weird shit caught between my toes, and it had been there so long that i'd forgotten about it, and now that it's dissolving away i'm suddenly aware of just how irritating it had been. that's what my entire body feels like, like all this stagnant goo that had been trapped in the contours of things is finally being burned off

This is actually inspirational tbqh. I’m looking forward to this. I wanna be a lean machine with no pebbles in my shoes.

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Just had a 4 day weekend and thought I was back to work tomorrow. Looked more closely at my shift pattern and realised I'd booked some ad-hoc leave sometime in the past. I'm not actually back to work till next Monday :^)

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got this for $5. argus projector. salute to the sucker that sold it to me




I dreamt about your new projector, which opened up into an intricate array of cameras and cogs, Brazil style... and it was about the size of a large dog... and it collapsed into this multicoloured ornate pig.  I commented to my friend that it gave a much different impression in the photos posted at that electronic music forum I frequent.

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after being all day in the burning sun at a concert with my friends all drunk, they end up and my home 4 in the mornin, i blast marcus schmikler and convince everyone and myself to sniff poppers and it was like the best shit i ever heard

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  • 2 weeks later...

I fixed a screen flickering issue on my 55-inch Samsung TV monitor. All I had to do was unscrew the back cover, snip a jumper wire to the top left of the power supply intake, and screw the cover back on.

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Had a drunken day with my stripper/glamour model flatmate today. We did a bit of a pub crawl, went to Regents Park, then came back to my room and watched Hellraiser.

She was trying to get some coke the whole time. Not my cup of tea, not judgemental either.

Eventually she got some sad guy to come over, he clearly thought he was gonna get some sex. He came and hung out in my room with us. He didn't have any cocaine, despite my stripper housemate telling him if he was gonna come over, he needed to come over with cocaine.

I put on Gummo. Only took 30mins for them both to leave. This is my FWS.

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i dunno if this constitutes as a success or a problem or


i tend to sweat a lot when i'm dancing, to the point where now i'll weigh myself immediately before & after going out just to see how much fluid i'm losing over the course of the night. last night i lost (even drinking lots of water on the dancefloor & not going particularly hard by my standards) seven pounds. seven pounds of fluid, most of it seemingly soaked into the giant oversized t-shirt i was wearing, which was quite a bit heavier than a t-shirt should be when i got home


going out clubbing & then rushing home to log the weight of your sweat is pretty Ulillillidm imo

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^the truly fucked part is that i had been dry fasting for 30+ hours leading up to it (breaking it when i did go out tho), so would have been in a rather dehydrated state already


i recognize that i do some sketchy stuff with my body at times, but as far as i can tell i feel healthy & strong most of the time, very rarely get sick, etc. so maybe several years of gradually getting to this point has helped me build endurance or something idk

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Are you sure you didn't either take a shit or remove some clothes between weighings?  7 lbs of sweat in one night seems pretty much impossible imho.  But I'm no scientist.


FWS: wrote and demo'd 6 songs in the last couple weeks for one of my bands, all based off parts that caught my ear at jams.  And I really like all of it.  At this rate we will have a new album written before the current one is even released.  

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I often lose 5lbs in one day at work (running around in 35c, full PPE with lots of machinery = sweaty AF). So 7lbs isn't impossible?


Then again I'm 230ish lbs (I'm assuming crypto is smaller?) so proportionately 5lbs maybe isn't much.. =/





FWS - went hiking today, climbed a mountain. Always feels good.

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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