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VHS Head - Persistence Of Vision

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Honestly not trying to flame, but I have to say Mr. Blacow is talking out of his arse with this record. I looked in my closet and there was nowt there. Just a few towels and a spare duvet cover.

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has anyone been able to work out what the voice sample is saying in Do You Understand?

Sometimes it is really easy to make out what is being said - some kind of psychological therapy program?

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Really had to force myself to have a third listen.....and glad I did, seemed much, much better. This album has so much going on it's fucking mental. I can understand why I hated it on first listen though. When Red Ocean Apocalypse came on I was becoming more and more convinced how good this album could be. Time will tell.

Is this your first VHS Head, if so I was exactly the same with the first EP a few years back. Hated it so much on the first listen, but kept going back to it for some reason. After listen no.3 things started to slowly fall into place. Now I bloody love the man - so much detail that only gets better on repeated listens.
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I think I like the bleep mix more than the actual album. The tracks benefit from being "simpler" on the the mix. The mix almost has a lego feet quality to it, when you compare it to the main release.

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^this is in tone with the impression I got from Body Magic.


He's crazy good at melodies, and he's super good at beats - but he tends to overdo it a little regarding the overall composition. The initial melody in Body Magic is enough to hold my attention for minutes. That merged with one of his sick beats is pure bliss. I don't NEED the crazy electric guitar sound on top of all that, really.



I have used a few VHS Head tracks in live sets (more dance-oriented sets) and for that I set a couple of rather simple loops using only little bits of his tracks, and some of them - especially Body Magic - kind of benefit from simplicity. Also some older tracks, from Video Club or Trademark, almost become real dancefloor-beasts when you isolate a few bits and repeat them - [

example ]


Regarding the album: I'm still missing out, haven't heard it yet. I used to listen to his stuff in Autumn which was extremely fitting, I don't know how I feel about breaking this tradition. On the other hand, it's nice to have a go-to-album that accompanies you throughout Summer ... Should I?

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Honestly not trying to flame, but I have to say Mr. Blacow is talking out of his arse with this record. I looked in my closet and there was nowt there. Just a few towels and a spare duvet cover.


fuckin lol.

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Holy shit - congrats man ! I'm wondering (will have to do some digging with the aid of some frequency analaysis tools) if the VHS tapes were the final mastering medium of the album: The EQ, dynamics and sound stage of the album sound like it was coloured by some sort of analogue-esque gear and a VCR seems like the ideal thing to have mastered it on.

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How'd you get it? Where the tapes on sale on Skam's site?

nope they're not for sale


perks of living up north? ;)



Nice work.


I'd be a lot more excited to own something like this than a 20 second snippet of vinyl.


I think you know what I'm referring to.

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How'd you get it? Where the tapes on sale on Skam's site?

nope they're not for sale


perks of living up north? ;)



Nice work.


I'd be a lot more excited to own something like this than a 20 second snippet of vinyl.


I think you know what I'm referring to.


I'm definitely very pleased to have this in my collection, and I agree - the inherent value in this VHS tape exceeds that of a 20 second loop pressed to acetate

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Guest Gravity

Oscillik with the connections. Nice one.


This got uploaded to youtube, some of the Dead to Morrow portion.


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already, it's clearly better than the Tomorrow's Hype promo. we have watmmers wanting to break into my humble abode


If you're anything like your avatar, I believe we'd need a crack team of commandos on the trail of a chopper that went down somewhere in the jungle.


"What's got Billy so spooked?"


"Major, there's something out there. And it ain't no man."

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