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The Caustic Window LP (CAT023) Kickstarter FAQ - LIVE NOW!


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Possibly a stupid question but are these tracks unheard/unreleased or are there bad rips on the interwebz already?

2 of them have appeared on compilations and 1 of them was bootlegged from a live set. other than that no leaked copies of the actual album exist

Mike P. played an excerpt from one of the other tracks in his Electronic Explorations set 4 years ago.


Edit: It's being mixed out of the Monolith track about 2 minutes into this:


That track is 'king awesome. Guess I need to fill in the gaps in my afx collection (all of Analord and that other Caustic Window album I just saw on Amazon).


That other unreleased AFX track is slammin' too - I wonder where that one is from...?

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I do kinda get people concerns over this. I think its really cool to be part of this & looking forwarding to hearing it but feel a little uncomfortable about rephlexs role in this, it seems likley the guy selling it has links to them & they approved the sale of it and now the seller and them are set to make a shit load of money from it. If rephlex want to put it out there they should have done it them selves. I've pledged & think its an amazing unique oppotunity & big up to joyrex & WATMM for that but is does feel a little uncomfortable to me.

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I do kinda get people concerns over this. I think its really cool to be part of this & looking forwarding to hearing it but feel a little uncomfortable about rephlexs role in this, it seems likley the guy selling it has links to them & they approved the sale of it and now the seller and them are set to make a shit load of money from it.


And this is wrong, why?

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Guest sonnyskare





Possibly a stupid question but are these tracks unheard/unreleased or are there bad rips on the interwebz already?

2 of them have appeared on compilations and 1 of them was bootlegged from a live set. other than that no leaked copies of the actual album exist

Mike P. played an excerpt from one of the other tracks in his Electronic Explorations set 4 years ago.


Edit: It's being mixed out of the Monolith track about 2 minutes into this:


That track is 'king awesome. Guess I need to fill in the gaps in my afx collection (all of Analord and that other Caustic Window album I just saw on Amazon).


That other unreleased AFX track is slammin' too - I wonder where that one is from...?


Isn't that the supposed AFX remix of luke vibert's song whatever it was. It's a bit different than the copy I have though.... weird.


There's also weird hihats at a couple parts, but I think that's from the song he's mixing into.

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I do kinda get people concerns over this. I think its really cool to be part of this & looking forwarding to hearing it but feel a little uncomfortable about rephlexs role in this, it seems likley the guy selling it has links to them & they approved the sale of it and now the seller and them are set to make a shit load of money from it. If rephlex want to put it out there they should have done it them selves. I've pledged & think its an amazing unique oppotunity & big up to joyrex & WATMM for that but is does feel a little uncomfortable to me.

You are honestly thinking too much into it... there never was any "plan" behind this... the guy wanted to sell his copy, he got permission from Rephlex, and put it on Discogs - when I approached them with this idea, none of that changed, and I highly doubt they predicted the fans would jump up and crowdfund the whole thing, and that it would raise this much money, etc.


When you think about it, Richard stands to make probably what he/Rephlex made off of most of their releases if they pressed 2000 or so vinyl copies... of course, there's no duplication/distribution costs, or administrative fees in this (other than the hosting and the digital transfer), but those are much smaller than a traditional release, I would imagine. So this is hardly some huge windfall for Richard... this is probably average what he and Rephlex made off a release (this is speculation on my part... I have no proof or hard numbers to back it up).

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I think the complaint that this is not how kickstarter is supposed to work is legitimate but who cares, it works. Then again it's not like I'm getting the album, so my input probably doesn't matter.

even though Kickstarter approved the project, and people that work for Kickstarter have pledged to this project themselves?


Yeah it's clearly not that big of a deal. I just think that it's a more legitimate concern than others.

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I think the complaint that this is not how kickstarter is supposed to work is legitimate but who cares, it works. Then again it's not like I'm getting the album, so my input probably doesn't matter.

even though Kickstarter approved the project, and people that work for Kickstarter have pledged to this project themselves?


Yeah it's clearly not that big of a deal. I just think that it's a more legitimate concern than others.


How's it "supposed to work" then? Not quite sure what your point is here.

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Guest Drahken

This is cool on so many levels.


The whole kickstarter approach to selling music is pretty intriguing. Setting a reserve to be met before release could avoid piracy being a day zero issue and I think the results here show how willing people are to support making something happen even beyond that reserve point.


I also think it's pretty badass to see a 20 year old 'secret' album being crowd sourced to release. Take that wu tang.

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Guest jasondonervan

Much like everyone else, been listening to Caustic Window a lot recently. Forgot how much I love Cordialatron

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I still cant get my head around that some people complaint that it will be pirated and even raised the question about DRM.

Someone in the other thread had an great idea of more an archival approach, making this album public domain. And that Rephlex and Richard isnt onboard for this (well maybe they will now that theyve made a profit from something they never intended to release).


I havent chipped in yet, cant make up my mind :) The whole idea of putting it on auction to make money back and... I dont know... I would have gladly put up the 25 if when reachibg the goal + I guess some profit for the creators it went public. I mean this is a weird fan/creator situation. Well enough of my rant. :)

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this whole project has the potential to radically change how music is distributed and paid for forever. it's a fucking brilliant thing to happen - fuck the labels, fuck distribution companies, fuck the rights, fuck the whole sordid corrupt industry. gets my vote.

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Guest transmisiones ferox

For the first time in my life i've read Xltronic.






That's how I felt first time reading WATMM posts

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2WV how come? U mean crowdfunding albums? Thats cool and all... I mean if the artists did it. But i can only see established artists manage? And this is more akin to label can make money on stuff they dont want to release, i dont want to be overtly harsh either, its a small label.

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2WV how come? U mean crowdfunding albums?


yeah absolutely. of course you are right that it would work best for established artists with a fan base etc, but even if you're maybe not established - if the music's good (samples would be required of course) and people want it, hopefully they will be happy to pay something and support your project. i imagine there are a lot of artists looking at this with interest though and i could see this model of selling music really taking off. i mean if aphex now turned around and said "ok i have a new album but i'm not releasing it unless i get £100,000", then started a kickstarter to that effect, I bet it would hit the target very quickly. i guess it does kind of sound greedy, or almost holding fans to ransom, but in reality i don't think it's really any different in this regard to releasing an album via the normal channels, and hopefully a bit better as more of the money ends up in the hands of the artist rather than the labels and distribution companies.


i dunno, i like this idea...i really hate "the music business" and would be happy to see an alternative model where people actually go out and search for stuff they like rather than big media telling people what they should be listening to. i think crowdfunding releases could be a step towards this...

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Yeah I maybe am over thinking it and the good points of this well out weigh any weirdness but think I would feel better if extra money was all going to charity or back to the backers rather than to rephlex. Maybe a bit controversial as its still Mr James music at the end of the day but I sort of think if rephlex wanted to release this and make money from it they should have just released it them selves this way they make money for them and the seller without really doing anything. But yeah feel bad being negative as this is cool project and I am pleased to be a part of this. So will shut up and enjoy it!

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