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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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The biggest piece of rhetoric I've heard is people getting online and saying shit like 'looks like all those lazy millennial shave to stop being entitled and get a job' or the racist assholes I've known posting things about immigration and 'making black people take drug tests before welfare' 


Apparently the beer-drinking soggy old white male who's cock has been laughed at, wife left him, worked horrible jobs to end up in a position that only comes from working shitty blue-collar jobs for decades ect.... is really 50+% of how the USA thinks. That is the person I see in those meme's getting posted. ALABAMA MAN IS HERE TO FINALLY HAVE HIS TOTALITARIAN VIEWPOINTS PUT TO ACTION BY A GUY WHO HAS NEVER BEEN A POLITICIAN.


There are people so indoctrinated with the usual conservative talking points that they fail to realize they are the poor and stupid pieces of shit they feel they are above. Kissing boots and licking assholes of people who 'have it better' than them because everyone who has it worse just isn't trying hard enough. The whole 'well I got mines so why should they get theirs easier' mentality is just fucking pathetic. 


It'd be sickening if it wasn't so absolutely fascinating to watch. God damn I hate the people of this country sometimes. 

Edited by Audioblysk
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The biggest piece of rhetoric I've heard is people getting online and saying shit like 'looks like all those lazy millennial shave to stop being entitled and get a job' or the racist assholes I've known posting things about immigration and 'making black people take drug tests before welfare' 


Apparently the beer-drinking soggy old white male who's cock has been laughed at, wife left him, worked horrible jobs to end up in a position that only comes from working shitty blue-collar jobs for decades ect.... is really 50+% of how the USA thinks. That is the person I see in those meme's getting posted. ALABAMA MAN IS HERE TO FINALLY HAVE HIS TOTALITARIAN VIEWPOINTS PUT TO ACTION BY A GUY WHO HAS NEVER BEEN A POLITICIAN.


There are people so indoctrinated with the usual conservative talking points that they fail to realize they are the poor and stupid pieces of shit they feel they are above. Kissing boots and licking assholes of people who 'have it better' than them because everyone who has it worse just isn't trying hard enough. The whole 'well I got mines so why should they get theirs easier' mentality is just fucking pathetic. 


It'd be sickening if it wasn't so absolutely fascinating to watch. God damn I hate the people of this country sometimes. 


20 years ago there was a minor push trying to unite poor people.  the base level reasoning was something like "if you poor white people and poor black people got together you could elect everyone everywhere" but of course people trying to make that happen shit the bed pretty early in the night. 


talking points are a very frustrating thing in political america and the right has been very organized that way. all through Bush/cheney the media were parroting the administration and the administration was parroting the media. it got to where mega churches would parrot the talking points as well. it's insidious shit to break down when talking face to face especially because people have all this rhetoric and talking points on the tips of their tongues. they've prepared for this argument to a point.  until they reach an actual free thinking smart person who can challenge them with questions and data and coherent open minded discussion in a non-pandering.. non-holier than thou way. 


but the right stays on message. during bush/cheney they rammed every bit of legislation down america's throat for 8 years and stayed in lock step. once obama took office and the dems had a majority and could get shit done they just faltered and couldn't get together on anything and missed their opportunity then the midterm elections came along and that was that.. they got voted out and republicans had majority in congress. it's unreal. was the most frustrating thing. if the dems would've just said "let's go for broke" the people would've stayed behind them.. but they took 2 years to shit out obama care and here we are.  because their corporate master in the insurance industry put the full press on.. or we could've been in good shape to slide into single payer health care system. 


oh.. fuck. words. .minor rant. sorry. i'm half in me cups. 

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i think i it's rather obvious that the pseudoleftist, post modern indentity politics is a neoliberalist strategy to prevent class based coalitions and politics ....


"we need to empower  the left handed community",  in truth, there is no left handed community or tranny community, they are just aggregate sets.or statistics..



Hillary said: Does breaking up the banks help us to get any more Black lesbians in wheelchairs in corporate boards ...



so instead of tackling structural inequalities these retarded "communities" get their token represantation in elite positions but other wise everything stays the same

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i think i it's rather obvious that the pseudoleftist, post modern indentity politics is a neoliberalist strategy to prevent class based coalitions and politics ....


"we need to empower the left handed community", in truth, there is no left handed community or tranny community, they are just aggregate sets.or statistics..



Hillary said: Does breaking up the banks help us to get any more Black lesbians in wheelchairs in corporate boards ...



so instead of tackling structural inequalities these retarded "communities" get their token represantation in elite positions but other wise everything stays the same

You seem like a swell guy
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Pence is the fucking "Christian Sharia Law" lunatic. so, he's worse. if trump gets impeached or something i hope it's close to the next election so Pence has no time to fuck us all to death with jesus.

Yeah that's why I was more afraid of Cruz winning the Trump to some degree. When someone Trump is full of shit it goes both ways, he comes from a backround as a apathetic rich guy, not a delusional religious nut.


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We also had a presidential candidate who wanted to outlaw masturbation...I think it was Santorum, but we've had so many fundamentalist nutjob candidates that they've kinda all blurred together in my head.


far too many of them.


religion is a bore.

I was the same room as Santorum (which is now a sex slang term btw, thanks Dan Savage). He was in Texas to lobby and serve as some prolife hype man during the Texas legislature...even though he's from PA. It was gross, he literaaly showed up for the press. Literally the only person I've refused to clap for when asked.





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Pence is the fucking "Christian Sharia Law" lunatic. so, he's worse. if trump gets impeached or something i hope it's close to the next election so Pence has no time to fuck us all to death with jesus.

Yeah that's why I was more afraid of Cruz winning the Trump to some degree. When someone Trump is full of shit it goes both ways, he comes from a backround as a apathetic rich guy, not a delusional religious nut.


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We also had a presidential candidate who wanted to outlaw masturbation...I think it was Santorum, but we've had so many fundamentalist nutjob candidates that they've kinda all blurred together in my head.


far too many of them.


religion is a bore.

I was the same room as Santorum (which is now a sex slang term btw, thanks Dan Savage). He was in Texas to lobby and serve as some prolife hype man during the Texas legislature...even though he's from PA. It was gross, he literaaly showed up for the press. Literally the only person I've refused to clap for when asked.





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the small forms of resistance are important. 


in some twist of fate i found myself in DC during president clinton's 1st inauguration and was some dinner sat at a table full of lawyers and lobbyists.. mostly listening quietly until conversation turned to "how to fix washington" and i chimed in "i think we there's too many damned lobbyists.. we should get rid of some"... to absolute silence and stares. i continued eating, took a sip of something and for a tiny moment felt good. then the fear and loathing came back. 


i'm thinking about how at GWB first motorcade on day one to the whitehouse his limo was egged.  it wasn't widely covered.. or at all.. and i didn't know of this until years later i saw fahrenheit 911 where the footage was played.. i felt betrayed.. 


and now i'm wondering what will happen on Trump day one motorcade.. often the new president would get out of the limo and walk and shake hands... we'll see.. personally i hope there are eggs. 

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Lobbyists are POS's, I agree. But medieval-style execution...maybe I'm taking it too literally.

As long as we can completely strip them of political power, I don't care what they do.

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nm, I guess she's just had some work done, so she's fallen into the uncanny valley for me. Her vocal mannerisms are pretty bizarre too though. Like a weird caricature of Paul Harvey.

She does look a bit like Charles Krauthammer too

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the small forms of resistance are important. 


in some twist of fate i found myself in DC during president clinton's 1st inauguration and was some dinner sat at a table full of lawyers and lobbyists.. mostly listening quietly until conversation turned to "how to fix washington" and i chimed in "i think we there's too many damned lobbyists.. we should get rid of some"... to absolute silence and stares. i continued eating, took a sip of something and for a tiny moment felt good. then the fear and loathing came back. 


i'm thinking about how at GWB first motorcade on day one to the whitehouse his limo was egged.  it wasn't widely covered.. or at all.. and i didn't know of this until years later i saw fahrenheit 911 where the footage was played.. i felt betrayed.. 


and now i'm wondering what will happen on Trump day one motorcade.. often the new president would get out of the limo and walk and shake hands... we'll see.. personally i hope there are eggs. 



Yeah I worked for a nonpartisan office of the Texas legislature for 5 years. I always respected even folks I didn't like IRL because it was my job and there was at the very least a sense of decorum and procedure in place. I would applaud Rick Perry like everyone else after an address because he was elected. I respect the system in that sense. I just couldn't do it for an asshat outsider like Santorum.


It was insightful, both in encouraging (i.e. you see a lot of legislators actually work together as statesmen for the people) behind the scenes and depressing (confirms everything we see here). I left after the Wendy Davis filibuster...which was a shitshow a lot of people on both sides were ashamed of, at least off public record anyway. I was burned out. A lot of people can hack the environment, either treat it like a game or tune it out, but I can't. I also left on 2014 and unfortunately I think the TX senate and house are even more conservative and full of cronies and hacks.


lobbyists should be hung, drawn and quartered, all of them.


Lobbyists are POS's, I agree. But medieval-style execution...maybe I'm taking it too literally.


As long as we can completely strip them of political power, I don't care what they do.


That term is a slippery slope - there are also environmentalist lobbyists, regulatory lobbyists, energy lobbyists, etc. who are not corporate or corrupt but experts and advocates in positive ways for an array of interests private and public. "Unions" carry the same baggage and complicated history as a term in the U.S. In some Democrat states they can be just as corrupt/empowering as your stereotypical big businesses that endorse Republicans but likewise unions have been historically revised as a bad thing in red states despite the huge positive impact they had on labor reform and worker's rights.


I agree though - corporations and anti-progressive lobbyists perpetually slow and ruin good and necessary legislation. In my state there's a pretty nasty but seemingly "ok" one called Empower_Texans that has been a perpetual headache. They literally bully anyone who doesn't do their bidding in the GOP - both sincere grassroots conservatives and moderate incumbents alike. The Tea Party quickly became a astroturf conglomerate of lobbyists. They made the well-meaning outsiders who one quickly fall in line and likewise forced out establishment GOP candidates in primaries. It's a cancer. 

Edited by joshuatx
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At least nine injured in Ohio State University attack - http://www.reuters.com/article/us-ohio-university-shooting-idUSKBN13N1KI

The mythological ingredients of evil:

Anger - "society is preventing me from getting what I want"

Resentment - "society is an obstacle that should be done away with"

Arrogance - "the problem is you, not me...because I'm perfect and my behavior *would* be producing the outcomes I want...were it not for you people"

Deceit - "here is a fake (linguistic) map of me that (self-servingly) omits the fact that I'm full of snakes"

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