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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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Hedges getting down to it... 


These elites have no intention of instituting anything more than cosmetic change. They refuse to ask the questions that matter because they do not want to hear the answers. They are systems managers. They use these symbolic gestures to gaslight the public and leave our failed democracy, from which they and their corporate benefactors benefit, untouched.


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where are those guillotines?

“A Windfall of $435 Billion”

"As news cycles were consumed by Trump, the president’s political appointees were approving a regulatory change that could transfer hundreds of billions of dollars of Americans’ retirement savings to private equity firms."


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Sounds like some bloated ticks need a poppin'. Motherfuckers should've been jailed years ago like the banksters were in Iceland.

Edited by timbre monke
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7 minutes ago, timbre monke said:

Sounds like some bloated ticks need a poppin'. Motherfuckers should've been jailed years ago like the banksters were in Iceland.

^^^ the banks should've been broken up and people should've gone to jail for sure. failure to do anything of these things just leads to people wanting guillotines or tyler durden or both. 


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Went to my desktop to download the Facebook video but they had already removed it by then. Looks like some civil guard (militia) dude was being chased off by the crowd trying to remove a statue. He pulled out pepper spray as they chased him then they started to mob and attack him. He pulled out a gun and shot about 5 rounds. Everyone ran at that point and one person looked to be down.

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On 6/12/2020 at 12:27 PM, ignatius said:


I liked the part where he talked about his silence doesn’t mean he accepts what’s going on.

I did not like how he ended it. It sounds like a ultimatum and a call to violence if things don’t go the way he wants.


But it’s starting to look like the “rat ta tat tat” is starting anyway. Enjoy it Dave.

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42 minutes ago, hijexx said:

Went to my desktop to download the Facebook video but they had already removed it by then. Looks like some civil guard (militia) dude was being chased off by the crowd trying to remove a statue. He pulled out pepper spray as they chased him then they started to mob and attack him. He pulled out a gun and shot about 5 rounds. Everyone ran at that point and one person looked to be down.

it's a shit show. i watched a bunch of videos. the whole thing is dumb. why chase a guy who's already leaving. maybe he had his gun out when the skater dude hit him before he started leaving? i don;t know.. makes no sense. america.. everyone is packing.  it's fucked. 


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2 minutes ago, hijexx said:

Found it:


Blue shirt dude is walking away at 6:30 then gets tackled then mobbed. Someone starts swinging a skateboard at him that's when the gun comes out for self defense. He had pepper spray in his hand before that.

Don't bring a skateboard to a gun fight!

there's another video that shows him w/the crowd and someone starts yelling at him and skateboard dude hits him w/his board. some said he 'brandished' his gun and freaked some people out and was being antagonistic or something. i forget where it is.. saw it on reddit in the thread about the incident. 

the whole things seems dumb and crazy. why chase a guy who's leaving and then tackle him? why not just keep filming him as he leaves? i guess everyone was threatened? wtf. 

why bring a gun to a protest anyways? "free speech" blah blah.. good idea to antagonize a mob of people as they're tearing down a statue. i mean... it's not smart. i call bullshit on "we're here to protect public property" and all that. fucking tards. what a shit show. 

also, stupid statue. and why the fuck shoot someone over a stupid statue? 

are the protestors going to go to egypt and tear down the pyramids next? i mean.. .slaves built those right? or aliens i guess. 

how far back are we destroying the past? i know a dumb statue is a different thing to the pyramids and i'm being a pedantic twat but blah.. 

i hope the dude who got shot recovers. 

also, the journos are piling on w/this kind of stuff. 





America is How a Civilization Collapses

Hate. Racism. Violence. Brutality. Poverty. American Collapse Shows Us How Our Civilization Will, Too



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Yeah Slate magazine's hot take is predictably passive:



Protesters continued to advance on the man, trying to tackle him in the street, before he fell to the ground, got back up and fired shots at one of the advancing protesters.

I mean sure hahah, I guess if you want to leave a _few_ details out there then yes, that sequence of events occured, but...


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13 minutes ago, ignatius said:

are the protestors going to go to egypt and tear down the pyramids next? i mean.. .slaves built those right? or aliens i guess. 

how far back are we destroying the past? i know a dumb statue is a different thing to the pyramids and i'm being a pedantic twat but blah.. 


yeah we really need to think about re-naming some of the days of the week. wednesday, thursday.. I mean these were all named after norse gods and we know those mf's were out there raping and pillaging. how about the month of August? named after Augustus, and we know those roman dudes had a shit load of slaves. RACIST!

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7 minutes ago, zero said:

yeah we really need to think about re-naming some of the days of the week. wednesday, thursday.. I mean these were all named after norse gods and we know those mf's were out there raping and pillaging. how about the month of August? named after Augustus, and we know those roman dudes had a shit load of slaves. RACIST!


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28 minutes ago, zero said:

yeah we really need to think about re-naming some of the days of the week. wednesday, thursday.. I mean these were all named after norse gods and we know those mf's were out there raping and pillaging. how about the month of August? named after Augustus, and we know those roman dudes had a shit load of slaves. RACIST!


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1 hour ago, Braintree said:

There's a petition to rename Columbus, Ohio and, frankly, I'm in support of it: https://www.change.org/p/mayor-ginther-columbus-city-council-change-the-name-of-columbus-ohio-to-flavortown

Columbus statue removed in St. Louis, I'm betting Columbus Day will also be renamed / abolished eventually.  Is Thanksgiving next?


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1 hour ago, Rubin Farr said:


He definitely comes off like a bit of a tool, deflecting the question and turning it into an advertisement for himself, but I appreciate that he at least took a moment to chat with the dude, even if the conversation itself wasn't really making him look great.

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Regarding all these statues being pulled down and places being targeted for renaming I'm all for it. Not as some edgy woke radical but the fact that they are tangible testaments to the great lengths of historical revisionism and faux national mythology that so many leaders cater to, so much so it's quite absurd that we've tolerated it so long. They aren't historic. They aren't warranted or misunderstood.

- Most Confederate statues were erected by rich socialite groups and pro-segregationist and KKK allied "Lost Cause" leaders and politicians decades after the war, many on the 50th anniversary or later. Same revisionism and appropriation lead to the normalization of the Confederate Battle Flag becoming the "Southern Heritage" flag that most older folks cherish because it was in Dukes of Hazzard and at NASCAR races. It was intended this way as well to prevent poor and working class white solidarity with poor and working class blacks. Racism in the south has always been oriented that was in terms of power, LBJ summed it up well:  “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

- The vast majority of people supporting the statues literally have no context of actual history in any sense, it's completely reactionary. Juan de Oñate statues in Texas and NM were literally placed there in the last couple decades and we expensive pet projects of Conquistador mythos nuts with little public interest. Many of the "statue defenders" had the same knee-jerk reaction as the militia nuts who've perpetually shown up at the TX Capitol, Alamo, and San Jacinto monument with paranoid hysterical assumtions that Texas Revolution and Tejano statues were targeted too...(FYI they aren't - and neither are those of the U.S. Founding Fathers)

- People also forget much of the confederacy, especially beyond the deep south, had major populations who were pro-Union. Take Kentucky for example, 48 of it's 59 Civil War monuments are Confederate oriented. The actual state had 100,000 Union volunteer soldiers versus 20,000 (maybe 40k, estimates vary) fight for the Confederacy. 

- We literally have a dozen major US military bases named for Confederate generals and leaders. Bases named mostly in the 20th century. Literal traitors who fought against the U.S. government and it's constitution so they could maintain slavery and the status quo hyper-class based economy dependent on it. These might actually be renamed fairly soon, especially since there are literally hundreds if not thousands of well-deserving Medal of Honor recipients and other noteworthy veterans.

- Columbus Day was created as a shitty apology to Italian-Americans after 11 of them were lynched in 1892. It remained a local and community based holiday (similar to Cinco De Mayo or St Patrick's Day) until relentless lobbying by Mariano A. Lucca in 1966. 

To sum up, the whole goddamn "debate" is ridiculous. We don't need statues of Ho Chi Minh and Bin Laden to remember the Vietnam War or 9/11. We don't need statues and monuments to Nazis and SS generals in random pockets of the UK or Europe to remember WW2 happened. You know the site where Mussolini was killed by a mob? It's a fucking McDonalds and that's fitting.

So yeah, bring on the Dolly Parton and Mothman replacement statues and all that. Kitsch Americana should be scattered all over the Southern US, not bullshit statues and monuments installed on behalf of some turn of the century racist Karens.



Edited by joshuatxuk
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