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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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What is "liberal privilege"? What privileges are bestowed upon liberals but not conservatives?


Liberals are more empathetic and think outside of their national/family/personal boxes more, that's some kind of mental opportunity that makes them privileged

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I'll say it again, JE's hot ball-crushing dominatrix sister and this crazy blonde conservative wet-dream just need to get in a mud pit and wrestle while debating for the good of the nation.


I can't be alone in thinking this.


Conservative women are the biggest thots out here, b.

Red state girls pop get poppin' pussy every day, b.

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I'll say it again, JE's hot ball-crushing dominatrix sister and this crazy blonde conservative wet-dream just need to get in a mud pit and wrestle while debating for the good of the nation.


I can't be alone in thinking this.

I would like it to be a fight to the death, please.

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I'll say it again, JE's hot ball-crushing dominatrix sister and this crazy blonde conservative wet-dream just need to get in a mud pit and wrestle while debating for the good of the nation.


I can't be alone in thinking this.



sweet b'jesus that's a guilty lol

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I'll say it again, JE's hot ball-crushing dominatrix sister and this crazy blonde conservative wet-dream just need to get in a mud pit and wrestle while debating for the good of the nation.


I can't be alone in thinking this.


sweet b'jesus that's a guilty lol



maybe they can "accidentally" stab Ann Coulter while they're at it.

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BTW, couldn't stand yesterdays Obama-farewell speech. It was an overdose of pushing "American Exceptionalism". I'll loosely quote the prez-elect: "OVERRATED! SAD!"


(disclaimer: i'm not pro-trump!)

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How quickly this thread turned from hating MAGA groupie broads to hornin' over those same broads. Sorry, but I fail to see how one can have it both ways. Tomi Lahren was obv triggered in that video by Meryl Streep's speech. All these ass hat Trumplets boasting about the taste of "liberal tears from snowflakes" appear not to be any thicker skinned.


I saw live feeds of Obama's farewell speech on FB but didn't bother turning on the sound. I realize we're about to hand the White House key over to a comic book villain, but in truth Barack's legacy as POTUS isn't all sunny meadows and frolicking bunnies either.

Edited by ambermonk
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Coming across young women in the media who've forged a career by selling their soul to spout ultra conservative crap reminds me of that Charlie Brooker joke on Have I Got News For You about Sarah Palin that combined the words penis, of, like, a, vortex, hate, into, sticking, your, into some kind of funny order I can't exactly recall.

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The irony is our clicks and views help that barbie doll grow even bigger. Could we please ignore her?


Here's another shiny to look at:



do you know any leftie shiny's? 

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BTW, couldn't stand yesterdays Obama-farewell speech. It was an overdose of pushing "American Exceptionalism™". I'll loosely quote the prez-elect: "OVERRATED! SAD!"


(disclaimer: i'm not pro-trump!)


Really? I thought he was pretty explicit in saying that american exceptionalism is not about "how perfect America is and has always been, but that they show capacity to change".


I thought it was a good address - balanced but took a few subtle jabs at the mindless Trump supporters, but also the idiots on the "left" who spew the same nonsense but from their perspective.

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The comment section :facepalm:


the comments. ugh. cringe. 

"there's gonna be a a million "bikers for trump" at the inauguration so any protestors are gonna get obliterated!"  - meanwhile there's estimated 200,000 women protestors showing up to march. 


a lady i know is going. she said it's been really great to be a part of and it hasn't even started. she said all the rooms are booked everywhere and a church said "hey, you can stay in the church and we'll see if any of our church members want to host an activist/protestor" and that worked well then suddenly all these churches were doing the same thing.. so she's staying with a random family in baltimore or something. so these protests and marches are uniting a lot of people and and basically laying the ground work for potential networks across all kinds of boundaries to form.  some of the churches are asian, many are predominantly african american, many are white mostly people and a bunch are unitarian which are "everyone is welcome".. so it's going to be a pretty interesting cross section of american women out there doing their thing. 


that weekend is gonna be all kinds of crazy over there in DC area.. and Plaid is playing right in the middle of it at local venue. lol. 

Edited by ignatius
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BTW, couldn't stand yesterdays Obama-farewell speech. It was an overdose of pushing "American Exceptionalism". I'll loosely quote the prez-elect: "OVERRATED! SAD!"


(disclaimer: i'm not pro-trump!)



Really? I thought he was pretty explicit in saying that american exceptionalism is not about "how perfect America is and has always been, but that they show capacity to change".


I thought it was a good address - balanced but took a few subtle jabs at the mindless Trump supporters, but also the idiots on the "left" who spew the same nonsense but from their perspective.

Couldnt get past the first 5 or 10 mins with his history of american exceptionalism, at the first viewing. Really tiresome stuff, tbh. Skipped through his speech again later. I'll concede it had some good moments. Mostly him getting emotionial while he thanked his wife, kids and Biden. And a couple of good points in his speech. In general I'm a fan of Obama getting emotional on a stage. Those are often his most honest moments. Although I 'm sure the "dont trust obama" people would like to tell me it's all an act.


Sure it's a good speech and all. For Obama standards. For Trump standards... well, I won't even try to go there. (SAD!)

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Nah dude, lauren southern is red pill as fuck bro. not that NAWALT exists but if NAWALT did exist it'd be her. she's a good old fashioned traditional conservative woman with some meat on her. man, if i only had the chance to father her children i'd be in Heaven by the grace of god. anyway, it's good to see these bitches respect a true alpha like trump. hopefully their reproductive rights will go away again so i can finally find me a decent woman to marry.

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Has anyone read her book, Barbarians: How Baby Boomers, Immigrants, and Islam Screwed My Generation?


edit: She should be in the How Does the World View Canada Thread though. Don't blame us for this one.

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