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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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Pumpkin Spice Glut Arrives Earlier Than Ever



"Liz Dunn, founder of Talmage Advisors, a brand strategy consulting firm, said makers of pumpkin spice products were trying to capitalize on consumers’ urge to engage with and discuss limited-time offerings via social media. So it’s only natural they’d try to introduce the flavor earlier each year.


“If companies can get people to do it for a longer period of time, it can only increase relevance,” she said. “That’s brand magic right there — unless, of course, it backfires.”


"Pumpkin spice has been a kind of moment that consumers have coalesced around — it fit with how the consumer is shopping and sharing these days, creating social currency,' she said. 'But now it seems like it might be beating a dead horse a little bit.”

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Pumpkin Spice Glut

Whoa they're even making Pumpkin Spice Glut now? I mean I love some Glut but Pumpkin Spice Glut sounds amazing! Must have! Give it to me NOW! LMAO #pumpkinspicetime #finallyfall #pumpkinspiceglut #PSGlut #mommytime #meandthegirls 

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The nurse says she doesn't plan to sue anyone, but just wants more "education" for the police officers.  He should be immediately removed from duty and suspended.  Imagine what other heinous shit he's gotten away with.


That pig and another officer placed on administrative leave, police dept. apologized to the hospital.

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don't miss this bit of the story


John Gamble, chief financial officer; Jospeh Loughran, president of U.S. information security and Rodolfo Ploder, president of workforce solutions solutions sold shares days after the company was aware of the breach, according to SEC filings. Bloomberg, which first reported this, estimated the total value of shares sold to be $1.8 million.


Edited by ignatius
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Yeah that Equifax thing is just lovely. The company that you're supposed to give your personal information to sign up for a report on your credit, has a data breach, which leaks said personal information. So you go to their site and they ask for more personal information to check if your personal information was leaked and they tell you to check back in a few days... so that you can give them more personal information to sign up for a report. In a fair world, the people who run this racket would be imprisoned or fined out of existence.

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3 Equifax executives sold company stock before revealing hack to the public:




This is their official response to see if you might have been in the hack:




You don't have to enroll.

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3 Equifax executives sold company stock before revealing hack to the public:




This is their official response to see if you might have been in the hack:




You don't have to enroll.

Jesus this is a clusterfuck.





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review at 538 is pretty positive btw. they're even covering the coverage of the coverage. and lets be honest though, whatever you think of Clinton, the coverage of the media is close to being ridiculous.


but hey, you wont see it that way if you've got a thing against hills, i guess.






Clinton’s book may be a more accurate 2016 postmortem than most media postmortems.
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