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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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A validation, I suppose, meager as it might be


god that's fucked up. how the fuck is no one ever heard accountable here?



A validation, I suppose, meager as it might be


god that's fucked up. how the fuck is no one ever heard accountable here? it's so flagrant and gross.

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Apparently there are dozens of ex-GS in Obama admin

(And vice versa)

Not to mention all the other banks and corporations...

P.S. Guess who Obama's top campaign donor was?

Edit: or maybe 2nd biggest donor...it's surprisingly hard to get a straight answer

But anyway found this relevant article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/02/government-sachs-goldmans_n_210561.html

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Srsy fuck these GS cronies, I can only hope Satan's keeping a luxury suite warm for them down there.


Also $5B is chump change to niggaz, it's a number specifically engineered by both sides to be "ooh big" to Dick Butkus and Jane Jingleheimer. Just look at the way that retarded news clip flashes it on the screen even. I often wonder what % of the adult population here knows how many millions are in 1 billion. My guesstimate would be 20% or so, probably 5% among Trump supporters

Edited by Bob Dobalina
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another crazy american with a gun is gathering more like minded individuals to go "rally" against islam



Does that guy have gigantism in his hands?

Judging by his rationale - the bigness had to go somewhere as it's likely lacking in another spot...



The sad part is that those same people have likely never read the Bible or the Quran, but claim the religion is the reason for these problems. It's incredible to see the look of disbelief when you tell an idiotic Christian bigot that Jesus is pretty much the most quoted prophet in the Quran and it's all abrahamic at the root...


Falls upon deaf ears, innit? ;)

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Kingsburg Joint Union High School District votes allow staff and faculty to care firearms on school property: http://www.npr.org/2016/04/15/474411590/central-california-school-board-votes-to-allow-employees-to-carry-guns


Well, that's unsettling to say the least. Judging by how I treated teachers in school, I doubt I'd have made it too long in this newfangled Mad Max esque age of teacher/school protection.


I'd probably stay strapped as a student. What makes everything safer? - adding more people carrying guns so that bad stuff happens and is stopped in hail of gunfire. That's the mentality here.




Side Note: will this spur a string of 'for sport' school shooters/military mercenaries? It's a challenge now, or at least it will be in that school armed to the fucking hilt with weaponry. Probably gonna need to hire more intense staff who can teach these kids to deal with the inevitable blood-bath that they will encounter on a daily basis AND be able to field-strip an AR-15 blindfolded. Every day, there's a new group of foes entering the razor-wired walls of the compound. The classroom darkens, the alarm starts, Sargent McDuffle of the 1425th air brigade is fucking ready. He squints as he applies his war-paint and fondles the double trigger of his grenade launcher/machine gun...


"the game is on" - Sargent McDuffle, Kingsberg Joint Union Sanctuary for the Bloodening.

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americans like killing people

Nah I'm too busy killing the rap game. I kill the microphone watch your tone or I'll reduce your face to ash and bone. This lyrical mayhem can outright slay them these bars a heat seeking missile straight to the dome

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