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What kind if an animal wishes a perfect stranger have "a nice evening"? Totally disgusting. On a serious note though, that guy following her was very creepy.


For some reason complete strangers come speak to me when I'm outside. In general this is pretty rare in Finland, especially here in the north. Couple of my friends have this theory that it's because I look so unthreatening. This summer some guy I've never seen before just biked next to me and started suggesting that I come with him to his home to smoke pot. This was during daytime on Sunday. What the actual fuck.


I didn't go. I was afraid of my bum getting penetrated by some pot smoking hippie.



Maybe I just appear gay.


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What kind if an animal wishes a perfect stranger have "a nice evening"? Totally disgusting. On a serious note though, that guy following her was very creepy.

For some reason complete strangers come speak to me when I'm outside. In general this is pretty rare in Finland, especially here in the north. Couple of my friends have this theory that it's because I look so unthreatening. This summer some guy I've never seen before just biked next to me and started suggesting that I come with him to his home to smoke pot. This was during daytime on Sunday. What the actual fuck.


I didn't go. I was afraid of my bum getting penetrated by some pot smoking hippie.



Maybe I just appear gay.

I have the approachable face too, its been referred to as "toilet face" meaning people usually ask you where the toilets are. However I would call it "map face" as it usually ends up people asking me directions. I take this duty of the mapface very seriously and endeavour to give people directions, in some cases even walking them there (only if I'm headed in that direction anyway). The flip side of this though is sometimes I make them up as I can't stand to not have an answer. My screwed up mapface should tell them they could be being sent in the wrong direction though.
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What kind if an animal wishes a perfect stranger have "a nice evening"? Totally disgusting. On a serious note though, that guy following her was very creepy.

For some reason complete strangers come speak to me when I'm outside. In general this is pretty rare in Finland, especially here in the north. Couple of my friends have this theory that it's because I look so unthreatening. This summer some guy I've never seen before just biked next to me and started suggesting that I come with him to his home to smoke pot. This was during daytime on Sunday. What the actual fuck.


I didn't go. I was afraid of my bum getting penetrated by some pot smoking hippie.



Maybe I just appear gay.

I have the approachable face too, its been referred to as "toilet face" meaning people usually ask you where the toilets are. However I would call it "map face" as it usually ends up people asking me directions. I take this duty of the mapface very seriously and endeavour to give people directions, in some cases even walking them there (only if I'm headed in that direction anyway). The flip side of this though is sometimes I make them up as I can't stand to not have an answer. My screwed up mapface should tell them they could be being sent in the wrong direction though.


dat mapface


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heh yeah, that's the thing i don't really understand with feminists, as if they don't get that there are ways to project sexuality, even if it isn't intended on the part of the woman. i mean they are obviously free to demand that particular clothing should not mean "i'm willing to dock with random men on the streets" but the fact is that at this point it simply does mean that in the eyes of many men.

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heh yeah, that's the thing i don't really understand with feminists, as if they don't get that there are ways to project sexuality, even if it isn't intended on the part of the woman. i mean they are obviously free to demand that particular clothing should not mean "i'm willing to dock with random men on the streets" but the fact is that at this point it simply does mean that in the eyes of many men.

This is definitely the underlying problem, a woman shouldn't have to wear a hijab just to feel safe. Even in normal non revealing cloths they're still being harassed

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I don't really see the point of the hijab video, it means nothing without taking the social climate of the city it was shot in into account. a woman in a hijab can still get harassed walking down a street in a city where all women wear hijabs and everyone is massively sexually repressed.


so maybe it's a neat little experiment, insofar as you trust how fairly the footage has been edited and whether or not it's straightforward account of what happened, but ultimately it says nothing.

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