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Favourite YouTube Videos


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I wonder if the people who make instructional videos like this think to themselves that this dope shit right here is gonna make people remember to clean the kitchens at McD's?

At my old work they had an instructional video about the company's core values and it was a terrible cartoon about a knight who bears everyone because he follows those values. I thought it was a fucking joke when I first saw it but they absolutely adored that video and made me dub it to English as well for our US department.

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lol, fits the genre perfectly imhoafaikamirite?



people often wonder why the world's leading religions are so old and how come there aren't new and more modern ones being created that would supplant them. the truth is that this is occurring all the time. this anonymous youtube video is simply the modern equivalent of a holy text being communicated to a chosen prophet on a mountaintop.

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