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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I don't care anymore. This nuclear standoff between these two clowns has cried "wolf" more times than anyone can count. Not like I can do anything about it anyway.

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 He's clearly losing his grip, also could it be any more obvious this man suffers from "little dick syndrome"? Can't we remove a president for being deemed mentally unfit to hold office?



jesus tapdancing Christ




must be sweeps week in teh whitehouse




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Neologisms & strawman arguments abound, and a few ad hominems for good measure!  Typical indoctrinated leftist rhetoric.


I hope that you can allow God's grace to flow through you and transcend your station as basement-dwelling unemployable Marxists.

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When I show up to work next week I’ll be like: “hey guys, whatever you do, don’t believe the news or the cops. Don’t fire me, please and don’t look at my search history on the company WIFI. Also, fuck with me and I’ll piss in the coffee.”


Everyone will think I’m a great guy and innocent of any wrongdoing.

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"Now that he is on his own, Steve is learning that winning isn't as easy as I make it look."



Neologisms & strawman arguments abound, and a few ad hominems for good measure!  Typical indoctrinated leftist rhetoric.


I hope that you can allow God's grace to flow through you and transcend your station as basement-dwelling unemployable Marxists.


Can you go back and edit 'cuck' and 'soyboy' into this post please?

I was playing /pol/ Bingo and I nearly got a full house

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Neologisms & strawman arguments abound, and a few ad hominems for good measure!  Typical indoctrinated leftist rhetoric.


I hope that you can allow God's grace to flow through you and transcend your station as basement-dwelling unemployable Marxists.



god's grace flowed through me into a catch rag that i picked up off the floor this morning and put into the dirty clothes bin. 

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Neologisms & strawman arguments abound, and a few ad hominems for good measure! Typical indoctrinated leftist rhetoric.


I hope that you can allow God's grace to flow through you and transcend your station as basement-dwelling unemployable Marxists.

Can you go back and edit 'cuck' and 'soyboy' into this post please?

I was playing /pol/ Bingo and I nearly got a full house

Is there a script that generates /pol/ posts yet? Oh, duh, most of them are from bots already.


EDIT: royally fucked up the quote

Edited by sweepstakes
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Neologisms & strawman arguments abound, and a few ad hominems for good measure!  Typical indoctrinated leftist rhetoric.


I hope that you can allow God's grace to flow through you and transcend your station as basement-dwelling unemployable Marxists.


Can you go back and edit 'cuck' and 'soyboy' into this post please?

I was playing /pol/ Bingo and I nearly got a full house



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Neologisms & strawman arguments abound, and a few ad hominems for good measure!  Typical indoctrinated leftist rhetoric.


I hope that you can allow God's grace to flow through you and transcend your station as basement-dwelling unemployable Marxists.


Can you go back and edit 'cuck' and 'soyboy' into this post please?

I was playing /pol/ Bingo and I nearly got a full house




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No way in hell Donnie actually wrote that statement about Bannon. We all know he can barely put a sentence together in 120 characters and reads prepared statements out loud slightly better than a 3rd grader...no, that statement reeks of Kushner. I'm guessing he typed it up and dictated it to Donnie, while Don don sat there shit grinning watching Fox news munchin on some Mickey D's...


Donnie is riling everyone up like this is all some big WWE wrestling event...I bet Stevie B concocted this whole shit storm with Donnie and in a few weeks they're besties makin 'mericans great again!

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trump is right to say that bannon doesn't represent his base\


This is BS, most of Trump's base is Braitbart's base


Breaitbart created the rhetoric, trump repeated it during the campaign, thats why all those chimps that read breaitbart loved trump from the start, he was telling them what they have been reading on breaitbart for years.

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