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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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^ context :



official white house youtube vid


what an age we live in


fuckingc hrist


btw im drunk

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^ context :



official white house youtube vid


what an age we live in


fuckingc hrist


btw im drunk



can't wait for their Marilyn Manson montage

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This whole hilariously convenient and forced "video games are the problem" angle is a great example of cognitive dissonance among Trump supporters. They'll get a patriotic half chub fantasizing about kicking ISIS ass but then point to this montage as some kind of tragic social failing, completely detaching the fact that violent video games are linked heavily, albeit indirectly, to recruiting soldiers who want to see combat. I think in their minds war is some clinical triumph of clean-cut Americans defeating dirty terrorists with superior tech and morality. It's not, it's literally billions of dollars of spending to insert a few people trained to kill a few other people, with a fuckload of air strikes, spent artillery shells, and dead civilians in between. It's ugly and while that those VG's exaggerate the context a little, that shit isn't at all far off from real life horror of modern combat. That youtube video could literally be spun as effectively, if not more so, as an antiwar video.

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Funny how the administration seems to tiptoe around the issue of gun control and scapegoat video games instead, being the NRA whores that they are. Didn't they rescind an Obama-era gun regulation law last year?

I'll admit that some of the scenes in that WH vid are a bit grotesque and over the top, even for someone who's been playing shooters for more than two decades. But including Fallout 4? C'mon.

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Hilarious and no mortal kombat?

Yeah they should ban video games, mario made me take shrooms

Interesting you bring up Mortal Kombat. I think it was either late 1992 or early 1993 it made its debut on arcades (and SNES?). And the ESRB was founded shortly after, I think partially in response to MK.


But yeah, all games today are legally obligated to feature the ESRB age rating label. And on top of that, violence has been occurring for the past several centuries, not to mention millennia. LONG before video games were ever even conceived.

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Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have spent the past year consistently proving that they couldn’t care less how many awful things Donald Trump says or does, or how much damage he does to this country. They’ve voiced cautious bits of concern here and there, but they’ve done absolutely nothing. Yet something just fundamentally changed, and Ryan and McConnell are suddenly publicly going berserk about Trump. What happened? Here’s a hint: follow the money.

When it was revealed that Trump conspired with the Russians to cheat in the election, Ryan and McConnell did nothing about it. Circumstantial evidence even suggests they may have been in on it. When Trump’s status as a Russian puppet began impacting his foreign policy moves, Ryan and McConnell still did nothing. When Trump publicly sided with white supremacists, Ryan and McConnell put on a good show for a few seconds before sweeping it under the rug. When it was exposed that Trump sexually assaulted woman after woman, Ryan and McConnell did nothing and hid under their desks. But they’re lashing out at Trump over, of all things, tariffs.
How on earth could Ryan and McConnell view Trump’s current minor trade war as being worse than every other thing Trump has ever done? Simple. Up to now, Trump’s antics haven’t cost the Republican Party’s wealthy donors any money. In fact Trump’s tax scam bill and reckless financial deregulation have helped those billionaires quite a bit. But now that Trump’s back is against the wall and he’s so desperate for a random distraction from his worsening criminal scandals that he’s trying to start a trade war over steel and aluminum, it’s a different story.
Donald Trump’s new trade war threatens to cost Republican donors money. For that reason, and that reason alone, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are now leaping into action to try to stop Trump before he harms any more billionaires. Trump should have known better. The GOP doesn’t care how many racist things he says, or how many women he assaults, or how badly he weakens the United States on the world stage. But now that he’s screwing with Big Money, he’s finally in big trouble with his own party. We’ll see if he backs down.



Edited by very honest
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I don't know anything about the Palmer Report nor did I read anything of his outside of what you posted: those statements are mostly right and, to me at least, very obvious points. I just wanted to jump in to say that they seem to be understimating one point: Ryan/McC/Reps in general do care about how badly he weakens the US on the world stage because long term trust in the stability of the US dollar (therefore, at least partly America's /image/) is a huge source of income/economic leadership/etc. for the country as a whole. I probably said that wrong as it's the DONORS to Ryan/McC/Reps that care about that money more than anyone else...and honestly I don't see how Trump isn't damaging the America 'brand' in the long term already. Maybe no one much cares because the short term is stable (or maybe even booming at moments, it seems) but I can't help but assume (perhaps wrongly of course) that his general shittiness will hurt us in long term ways many aren't even aware of. I'm not well-read on the current state of anything I'm saying though, so I could be completely contradicted by facts.


Secondly, I've always wondered how the donors actually get their influences and concerns to the congressman. I'm quite sure it happens somehow, this just reminded me of the how...do they get a phone call from a guy? Is it all communicated through staffers and assistants on all sides of the table so there's no direct links? Is it just an "understood" thing? CEO Richie Fatcat met with McConnell at a fundraiser and when signing the check to hand over, he gets 15 minutes alone with McC to explain what he wants in the future, and it's all hands off afterwards? I know it's not quite as cinematic as I'm imagining but there has to be some sort of communication of wants and levels of what's acceptable and what's right out. I dunno.

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This Palmer Report stuff seems sensationalistic but most of the shit he says seems to be backed up with evidence. Only really grabby thing I found was the Mike Pence post, but even there he makes the valid point that Pence stands to benefit the most from Trump's inevitable downfall. It's suspect that he doesn't seem to link anywhere else, though.

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What Palmer does is basically speculation and deduction to offer a window into things that aren't strictly known. If you bear that in mind, the sheer amount of things he puts out makes it useful because if even a portion of it is right, it offers insight into what's going on behind the scenes with the Mueller investigation.


Also he's pretty knowledgeable about legal things and watches details amazingly closely so he routinely offers great insight.


For example, If Priebus, McGhahn, and Spicer all have the same lawyer, and one of them has flipped, then that means they have all flipped. And we know that Priebus provided his notes to Mueller.


These kinds of things a news outlet can't say, but they're interesting to consider.

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Good work team! Now we can all go home.

Lol what a fucking shitshow.

Even if they see this as some sort of victory over the next 72 hour news cycle, this will come back and bite them in the ass so hard when more and more evidence is made public.

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Good work team! Now we can all go home.

Lol what a fucking shitshow.

Even if they see this as some sort of victory over the next 72 hour news cycle, this will come back and bite them in the ass so hard when more and more evidence is made public.

See but now uninformed Trump supporters will see "that Russia probe" has been shut down and will forget all about Mueller. I bet the approval rating will get a decent bump. Mueller better bring the gasoline the next few days.

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