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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I watched the Maddow episode with the audio of those kids last night... holy fuck this is heartbreaking. Besides calling representatives, is there anything meaningful that citizens can do from afar? Pretty sure this administration is immune to protests...

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This whole situation is the most evil shit, how do they get away with this? People defending the gop have to be fucking brainwashed. For shame.

And I'm physically surrounded by them. I think the "dumbing down" of America was a deliberate attempt behind the scenes for the past couple of decades to make it easier for the populace to fall in line. It seems to have succeeded.



I love Trump's exhausted expression... he looks like he's JUST about to die.



If only that actually happened..

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welp- the us just pulled out of the un human rights body- and i'm guessing this (might) have something to do with all the kids being detained at the us. mexican boarder although the united states has supposedly been threatening to leave the un human rights body for a while now because they alleged the united nations was anti-israel



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I watched the Maddow episode with the audio of those kids last night... holy fuck this is heartbreaking. Besides calling representatives, is there anything meaningful that citizens can do from afar? Pretty sure this administration is immune to protests...


the administration is but the GOP reps and senators are not - this might actually be the issue that GOP office holders might not be able to BS themselves out of - this will really separate the de-facto Trump apologists from the fanatic supporters


welp- the us just pulled out of the un human rights body- and i'm guessing this (might) have something to do with all the kids being detained at the us. mexican boarder although the united states has supposedly been threatening to leave the un human rights body for a while now because they alleged the united nations was anti-israel




yeah that timing is disturbing

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“Look at the council membership, and you see an appalling disrespect for the most basic rights,” said Haley, citing Venezuela, China, Cuba and Democratic Republic of Congo.


that's pretty fucking rich coming from these cunts

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That Nielsen bitch who did the press briefing about the child detainment has possibly out-counted Huckabee-Sanders and I didn’t think she could be out-cunted at all. Impressive.


I hope this completely rapes the GOP. They deserve no mercy at all.

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I watched the Maddow episode with the audio of those kids last night... holy fuck this is heartbreaking. Besides calling representatives, is there anything meaningful that citizens can do from afar? Pretty sure this administration is immune to protests...

Hmmm well, we can start a hashtag #NoSeparation... It's sure to open up the eyes of the infrastructure and change the world... just like how #BringOurGirlsBack #Manchester #Paris and #MeToo did.


And the best part is it only takes a few seconds and it feels good too.


Thank God for our social media lives and identities.



Edited by Lane Visitor
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welp- the us just pulled out of the un human rights body- and i'm guessing this (might) have something to do with all the kids being detained at the us. mexican boarder although the united states has supposedly been threatening to leave the un human rights body for a while now because they alleged the united nations was anti-israel




in all fairness, what even are rights

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But for real, I've felt the same way with all of this. It makes you feel helpless and angry. Sometimes wish we lived in a different era where the idea of "revolution" didn't take place from the comfort of our friendly little mobile devices, and where we didn't forget each tragedy, each injustice second after second as it competes with the utter noise of political cartoon, soap opera reality and memification of our apathetic western world.

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...the idea that that only way to fight against or stand above the noise - whether it be political tryanny, cultural jadedness, media burnout, the blandness of mainstream culture and so on... Is through creating your own memes, 10 second snippets, lolable kickstarters, in the hopes of standing out for 10 more seconds before your message is shredded into digital dust. We're all infected with ADD and there's no cure. And there's no revolution in a world like that. That's why Trump can become president, that's why Charlottesville happened. That's why kids are shooting up schools by the dozen.

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Australia's fucked on the same record. I personally suspect it might be worse in some ways actually, because a lot of it goes undocumented and undiscussed as there isn't a collective desire for accountability from the Australian public.


(in that vein, with the recent inquiry into possible ADF war crimes in Afghanistan, there's a sickening amount of popularly-approved commentary out there along the lines of "they're our diggers, they're doing their jobs, they're defending us, we can't criticise them, there are no rules in war [like fuck there aren't], why don't you look at what the enemy's doing instead", blah blah blame-dodging irresponsibility. it's disgusting, and comes from the same place as our unspoken racism.)


I'll give this to America, there's enough diversity there that if a problem exists it will likely be talked about publicly, no matter how much sensitivity or controversy there may be around it. in Australia, the comfortable middle and upper classes don't have the spine to speak up against injustice, especially if it doesn't directly affect them.

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I'm not sure what you mean by the recent round of articles or the leader they reference - do you mean in connection with the Afghanistan inquiry?


it's amazing, that kind of complacence and wilful cognitive dissonance. a medal as an object means nothing, it's the principle of the thing, and principle is supposed to be universal and equally applicable to everyone. if you grant a medal to someone for bravery or heroism, you don't hold their actions to any less of a standard than that associated with someone who is an actual "hero" i.e. someone who fights for what is right, as a principle, regardless of the cost to their allegiance.


I think this type of complacence is uniquely Australian, and is the central reason we haven't been able to root out racist attitudes and why we're pretending we've succeeded as a multicultural society when we're not really one in spirit (or practice, for that matter).


it's worrying to think about this in the long term when things are becoming increasingly unstable and fluid internationally. we're going to get migrant flows (legal and illegal) whether we like it or not, we're going to be entangled in international conflicts whether we like it or not, and when our principles aren't right at home I worry about how we're going to handle all that.

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I see what you mean. I wonder what the conclusions of the inquiry will be and how they'll be received. I haven't been following the actual proceedings closely, I find it too depressing. there is some solace in the fact that at least some of our institutions and processes are capable of pursuing justice (e.g. the fact that we even managed to get to the point of having a serious inquiry), even if people/officials don't particularly care for it.


aging is especially disastrous here, it's like once you exceed 50 you unironically become Bob Katter.

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That Nielsen bitch who did the press briefing about the child detainment has possibly out-counted Huckabee-Sanders and I didn’t think she could be out-cunted at all. Impressive.


I hope this completely rapes the GOP. They deserve no mercy at all.



they ruined her dinner tonight. bunch of protestors went into the restaurant where she was eating and chanted and yelled at her. 


what's more fucked up is they don't have a plan to reunite these kids w/their parents. absolutely no plan.  a lot them will just be lost in the system here in the US. wtf. 

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This was an unforced error I honestly didn’t expect. I see this as the Republican party as a cornered animal, lashing out before they go down.

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zero fucks


The amount of smug on that face. You what else it could use? A high-impact coffee mug.




That Nielsen bitch who did the press briefing about the child detainment has possibly out-counted Huckabee-Sanders and I didn’t think she could be out-cunted at all. Impressive.


I hope this completely rapes the GOP. They deserve no mercy at all.



they ruined her dinner tonight. bunch of protestors went into the restaurant where she was eating and chanted and yelled at her. 


what's more fucked up is they don't have a plan to reunite these kids w/their parents. absolutely no plan.  a lot them will just be lost in the system here in the US. wtf. 


The GOP don't go by plans, or logic for that matter. They go by sentiments, grudges, and their deep-seeded racism. Needless to say, they're bankrupt of both rationality and morality.


This was an unforced error I honestly didn’t expect. I see this as the Republican party as a cornered animal, lashing out before they go down.

The sooner, the better.

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Nothing matters. This is what the US is and has always been, a racist country. Half of the country will always support the GOP, no matter what. Racist policy and rhetoric is now commonplace, Trump has emboldened other racists and idiots to run and their platform is getting support. The Dems might get their blue-wave but them being as spineless as they are, they've been moving right-ward for years in the name of bi-partisanship and decorum, as the GOP have gone farther right in the same time. Just waiting for "liberals" to point out that there aren't enough women guards in the concentration camps.

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Nothing matters. This is what the US is and has always been, a racist country. Half of the country will always support the GOP, no matter what. Racist policy and rhetoric is now commonplace, Trump has emboldened other racists and idiots to run and their platform is getting support. The Dems might get their blue-wave but them being as spineless as they are, they've been moving right-ward for years in the name of bi-partisanship and decorum, as the GOP have gone farther right in the same time. Just waiting for "liberals" to point out that there aren't enough women guards in the concentration camps.

Yep... don't hold your breath for a Disney ending.

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