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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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6 hours ago, ignatius said:

a ball for a ball leaves one ball to rule them all. 

ah yes, the tagline of the classic series Lord of the Balls, a trilogy comprised of Fellowship of the Ball, The Two Balls and The Ball of the King.

btw Ariel Pink got dropped by his label over this shit. absolutely no loss there.

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The free market hath spoken:

Those fucks who licked his boots and kissed his ass are covered in the stench of his feces. Hopefully forever, you reap what you sow. 

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1 hour ago, chenGOD said:

The free market hath spoken:

Those fucks who licked his boots and kissed his ass are covered in the stench of his feces. Hopefully forever, you reap what you sow. 

they're all going to work at OAN or news max or fox or Mercer or something.. 

my guess is parler finds a home on a russian server farm.. 


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20 hours ago, usagi said:

hey man, he was a human being. we don't know what he's been through in his life that prompted him to fry his ballbag. an eye for an eye leaves the world blind, bro. similarly a ball for a ball leaves the world... something, idk.

I really like David Chappelles comments in The Bird Revelation when he talks about me too and having allies to help women fight against being exploited sexually. He mentions South Africa aparteid and talks about how the system has to be put on trial and that putting individuals on trial does not work. I am probably extending his logic here and maybe applying it in a context that David Chappelle would not endorse, but it seems like this guy is in a way a victim as well

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8 hours ago, chenGOD said:

The free market hath spoken

The "free" market is not a person and cannot speak and it is entirely unfitted for governing societal and political matters. The fact that Donald Trump was president was the result of an all too free market where those who manage to accumulate the most capital also have more political power. It's the free market that undermines democracy and restricts freedom.

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3 hours ago, bupkis said:

I really like David Chappelles comments in The Bird Revelation when he talks about me too and having allies to help women fight against being exploited sexually. He mentions South Africa aparteid and talks about how the system has to be put on trial and that putting individuals on trial does not work. I am probably extending his logic here and maybe applying it in a context that David Chappelle would not endorse, but it seems like this guy is in a way a victim as well

er no, don't get it twisted. he didn't say putting individuals on trial doesn't work, at all. individuals are responsible for their choices and their actions. how would any kind of justice system function without individual accountability, exactly? what Dave meant to say is the bigger picture also matters, fixing the systemic issue requires putting the system on trial as well, instead of focusing exclusively on individuals. you've made a huge leap here.

the only victims in this particular equation are that man's balls, may they rest in peace. I don't know what you have to be smoking to look at a picture of a comfortably potbellied middle class old white man wielding assault rifles, a dangerous magatard (with all the wilfully-chosen bad beliefs that implies) pretending like he's some heroic liberating warrior and getting himself killed behind that dumb ass fantasy, and then say "poor guy, let's not beat on him too much", while in the same world POCs born into entrenched disadvantage get fucked up by the law just for existing. that we have indulged their bullshit for so long with our misplaced good will is what has allowed the situation to devolve to this point.

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3 hours ago, dingformung said:

The "free" market is not a person and cannot speak and it is entirely unfitted for governing societal and political matters. The fact that Donald Trump was president was the result of an all too free market where those who manage to accumulate the most capital also have more political power. It's the free market that undermines democracy and restricts freedom.

It was a tongue in cheek comment. Forbes represents the ideals of the free market, Trump and his bunch of loyalists love that idea, and one of the leading publications that represent it have slammed them.

Like seriously, if you’d read anything I’ve ever posted, you’ll know that I strongly believe in well-regulated markets, and the US and the GOP in particular erode regulations in a ridiculous manner. 

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1 hour ago, usagi said:

the only victims in this particular equation are that man's balls, may they rest in peace.

His name was Toadstool Princess.

His name was Toadstool Princess

His name was Toadstool Princess


The best thing about that fucktard (after the self-ball tazing) was he was trying to steal a picture of Tip O'Neill, who was one of the longest serving Speakers of the House in history, and he was a Democrat.


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this timeline is so weird. 



there were guns inside. a capitol police officer was killed with a fire extinguisher. they were looking for pence. one guy texted friends he would murder pelosi. 

house reps were in the chamber as armed cops had a standoff at the door of the house chamber. the mob was 1 minute from getting into the senate chamber before it was sealed. this lone cop did a roadrunner, luring the mob away from the open door


trump spoke to the crowd from behind plexiglass, at the mall, and told them to go to the capitol. it was a long time after the capitol was breached, and a girl was shot, and a cop was struck with a fire extinguisher, and pence and harris were evacuated, and the congress members were secured, when he finally put out a disingenuous tweet calling for nonviolence. he was watching from a tent near the mall. he refused to instruct them to stop, after they breached the capitol (until much later, after it was over). he was watching captivatedly. 


just because some people looked like dumbasses does not make this not a coup. in real coups sometimes there are dumbasses there. this was a trump-brand shitty and wormy coup attempt. president bush called it an insurrection incited by trump. 

good hayes segment with some good footage and data points:


Edited by very honest
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It was 100% a coup attempt by domestic terrorists. There will be attempts to change that fact through narrative reworking. The fact should never be forgotten. 

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49 minutes ago, hijexx said:

He did call it an insurrection but he did not mention Trump.


ah, you're right. he avoided saying that explicitly, but i think the clear and obvious interpretation of his words is that this was the implicit meaning.


Laura and I are watching the scenes of mayhem unfolding at the seat of our Nation’s government in disbelief and dismay. It is a sickening and heartbreaking sight. This is how election results are disputed in a banana republic – not our democratic republic. I am appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election and by the lack of respect shown today for our institutions, our traditions, and our law enforcement. The violent assault on the Capitol – and disruption of a Constitutionally-mandated meeting of Congress – was undertaken by people whose passions have been inflamed by falsehoods and false hopes. Insurrection could do grave damage to our Nation and reputation. In the United States of America, it is the fundamental responsibility of every patriotic citizen to support the rule of law. To those who are disappointed in the results of the election: Our country is more important than the politics of the moment. Let the officials elected by the people fulfill their duties and represent our voices in peace and safety. May God continue to bless the United States of America.


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  • trump withheld backup from dept of homeland security, dept of justice, and dept of defense (who control national guard in DC)
  • the normal thing would be for these departments to assist the capitol police in this kind of a situation. 
  • capitol police did not request pentagon assistance in the days ahead
  • capitol police did request help around noon
  • acting defense secretary miller did not authorize national guard until 5:45 

it seems to me relevant that the 10 living secretaries of defense advised the defense department not to get involved in trump's efforts to overturn the election. executive branch departments are all instruments of the chief executive. do we want trump directing the military inside the capitol as the congress was ratifying the election results? 

i see a scenario in which capitol police didn't want executive branch forces in the capitol on that day. capitol police, knowing they had inadequate forces, and wanting to minimize violence, opted for a controled retreat. this controlled retreat is being spun in disinfo-land as the event being staged. 


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