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What is a really niche/unusual hobby or interest of yours?


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Name something random or niche thing that you are really interested in as a subject, hobby, etc. that fellow watmmers might not expect or be fully aware of. 


For example I'm very much into military history and technology. Comes up occasionally but I'm not sure how much people know I read up on the subject. Before I was into music I was obsessive over memorizing details and stats of equipment (aircraft in particular). Suppose it's IDM at times...




Even now I love to read old books on it or browse sites, forums, and articles about military equipment and history. Same way with cars and other technology (ships, trains, spacecraft) but to a lesser extent. I find it relaxing and detached from social/political news.


Ironically I'm fairly anti-war myself and the one of my siblings who has had a civilian career. Then again I suppose it's normal to become anti-war when you are well versed in the horror of modern warfare.

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I remember when I was 10 I read instruction manuals for F-117A and F-16 flight sims for PC just out sheer curiosity. Used to be obsessed with firearms research too, but not so much anymore.

I guess my most recent thing is picking up more on Russian cooking last month. But music-wise I haven't made a track in a year and a half.

Wish I could be creative again. Maybe I should look into modding for classic Doom thru the GZDoom source port.

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Name something random or niche thing that you are really interested in as a subject, hobby, etc. that fellow watmmers might not expect or be fully aware of.


For example I'm very much into military history and technology. Comes up occasionally but I'm not sure how much people know I read up on the subject. Before I was into music I was obsessive over memorizing details and stats of equipment (aircraft in particular). Suppose it's IDM at times...




Even now I love to read old books on it or browse sites, forums, and articles about military equipment and history. Same way with cars and other technology (ships, trains, spacecraft) but to a lesser extent. I find it relaxing and detached from social/political news.


Ironically I'm fairly anti-war myself and the one of my siblings who has had a civilian career. Then again I suppose it's normal to become anti-war when you are well versed in the horror of modern warfare.

I've always been mildly curious about military aircraft and weaponry but I rarely look into it. Occasionally I'll read an interesting article about it and end up clicking links and reading about Chuck Yeager or whatever for an hour. And yeah I always thought that stuff is super IDM.
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Computer keyboards.


I have three Topre keyboards (one, two, three) where I have swapped around the keycaps between one and two, and I have taken the 55g domes out of three to create the ultimate end-game keyboard (a 55g HHKB) and a Cherry MX Clear version of the CODE Keyboard, currently rocking some side printed PBT keycaps, however I just received my HyperFuse set of double-shot keys...they're ABS though so I dunno if they'll go on there.

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I can bake some pretty good bread and I'm pretty handy with old-school hot hide glue, although I'm probably pretty rusty these days.


I can definitely appreciate a good keyboard enough that I'm on the lookout for a well maintained IBM model M.  Found and cleaned up a fully functional Gateway 2000 Anykey on top of the bin when I was taking out my trash last winter, so that's keeping me satisfied for now, although I haven't actually programmed it at all yet and it doesn't quite stack up to those model M key switches, although it's good.

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I'm really good at rolling spliffs/joints and blunts now. I actually look forward to rolling them without even thinking about getting high (but I do, of course)

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I've watched docs/read about more serial killers than is probably healthy, but gauging from the current Netflix content is also fairly normal.  I've played thousands of games of online Scrabble... also not particularly unusual.  I listened to noise/extreme metal exclusively for about a year, but that obsession sort of came and went.  Shit guys, I'm really grasping here.

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