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Idiot tories, mostly voting against all the options. All the other parties seem to be being pragmatic and willing to look at alternatives. If you look at how they all voted it's the Tories that have onee again ensured no options gain a majority.


They either want no deal or May's deal. Fucking absolute wankers. They've got to go.

Edited by BCM
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Idiot tories, mostly voting against all the options. All the other parties seem to be being pragmatic and willing to look at alternatives. If you look at how they all voted it's the Tories that have onee again ensured no options gain a majority.


They either want no deal or May's deal. Fucking absolute wankers. They've got to go.


Tories had a free vote which I think is fairer than Labour who were whipped into specific options.  Free vote all round would be the most sensible option at present.


They've all got to go, seismic shifts at the next local / general election.


Where to though - who knows.  Some new faces / party need to step up.

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Idiot tories, mostly voting against all the options. All the other parties seem to be being pragmatic and willing to look at alternatives. If you look at how they all voted it's the Tories that have onee again ensured no options gain a majority.


They either want no deal or May's deal. Fucking absolute wankers. They've got to go.

Conservatives all over the world seemingly try to always do the most stupid shit possible and skillfully avoid making good policy. They're a big factor in all of the problems we have today

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Too bad Nick Boles left. :/

yeah he seemed one of the good ones.


Labour really could have made a big impact on this but they seem happy to sit back and watch the Tories implode.


After no deal, they can then blame everything on TM. Cunts all round.


Same shit, different decade.

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EU are saying No deal appears to be the most likely option with this amount of time left. 


Might be a mixture of wishful thinking and reason. Watching the UK from outside, it looks like both leavers and remainers have an equal disdain of the EU. Ironically. The difference is that remainers see it in their best (economic) interest to stay, regardless of what they think of the EU. In this sense, a No Deal scenario could be the better option from the EU perspective. 

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EU are saying No deal appears to be the most likely option with this amount of time left.

Might be a mixture of wishful thinking and reason. Watching the UK from outside, it looks like both leavers and remainers have an equal disdain of the EU. Ironically. The difference is that remainers see it in their best (economic) interest to stay, regardless of what they think of the EU. In this sense, a No Deal scenario could be the better option from the EU perspective.

It certainly has some advantages but nah, it's not the better option
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there are an array of swords, daggers, needles/sharps, staplers, hammers, drills, blunt force objects, teeth & claws all waiting behind her from her own party


A50 to get extended, May gets clipped, Corbyn dusty binned, middle-earth-Inglan will never go for Corbyn & Boris could be too much for the more sane of mind


could see a Starmer &/or Watson govt at this rate regardless of competencies, or Neil Warnock

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What worries me about brexit is where will I order my records from? Shipping costs from the UK have usually been more reasonable than from Germany or other EU countries. After a no-deal brexit I would probably need to pay customs fees for them as well. I don't like it.


edit: also pre-emptive sorry for the food and medicine shortages UK.

Edited by azatoth
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the biggest direct downside for me is that as a guy who got caught selling joints aged 18, i will likely never be able to live in another country. i dont actually want to so its not really stressing me out too much, but its a weird thought. 

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Great, looks like Corbyn is leading us into soft Brexit world. The worst of both worlds.


Heard a good analogy on the radio this morning.


The EU customs union is like being a full paying member of a very expensive golf club, but only being allowed to caddy.

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