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[New BEHRINGER Products]


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Yeah, I don't understand how they managed to make this and the crave so butt ugly.

Most of their synths look like shit come to think of it. My point beingLaugh At Ha Ha GIF by MOODMAN

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/4/2021 at 10:26 AM, TheBro said:

Neutron is pretty sexy though. ?

The Neutron is a genuinely great semi modular.  That being said, I did get a different faceplate that wasn't as....red.  

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My opinion on Behringer keeps changing. I’ve probably mentioned some of this before- hated the mixers back in the day for no reason other than everyone said they were trash. Then I ended up using a small Behringer mixer a few times randomly playing live, and honestly thought it was just fine. We had been using a mackie and a carvin- and the Behringer was just as good.

Cut to 2007 and I randomly got a Behringer patchbay. I have four different brands, and I think the Behringer is the best. But still….. seemed like a shitty brand, just because of the bad reputation.

Then they started making synths. Originally I was like “no, fuck them”. But then, I realized I was being stupid, and they never did anything bad to me. If anything, I had nothing but positive experiences with them. 

Still, I was skeptical. So- I convinced one of my friends to get the neutron when it came out. I thought it was pretty cool. Definitely worth the value. If you are into Eurorack, it is super useful, and you could never get all that functionality for that cheap. Also another friend of mine got the crave. Didn’t really mess with it much, except for experimenting with my maths and making some pretty noisy shit. Which it did well, but was maybe more the maths.

I decided I would get the pro1 and the td3. The pro1 is a pretty damn accurate clone, seems well built, and the original is too expensive and fragile. The td3 I got just because it was cheap and it adds another midi port onto my akai mpc live. I’m very happy with the pro1, and the td3 is cool too, mainly I like the sequencer. 

So- at this point I’m happy with them. Similar to my relationship with champion clothing, I changed my tune and became a fan of something that seemed generic and shitty beforehand.


I got the vocoder. Time to try out a keyboard, not just a module. The first one came and had a wonky key. The key itself was raised higher than the others. Still sounded ok, but for the price- I sent it back for a new one. Then it came and one of the keys felt weird. Also their was something banging around in the box. I realized it was a weight under the key that had fallen off. Sent it back and got another one. Finally one that was perfect. But….. pretty annoying. 

To sum it up- they make pretty good affordable clones and random things from a utilitarian perspective. But the builds are shitty and weak, so I wouldn’t ever get anything with keys, or that you are gonna play live with. 

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I've never had a good experience with Behringer mixers, but a couple of their cheap pedals and older rack units are among my favorites.


Really have to get the V-Verb working again.


I've only bought one piece of Behringer gear new, a small Xenyx mixer, and I had it for about 3 months before I traded it away.  Noisy, flimsy, low headroom and not very pleasant distortion when you drove it hard.  


As far as the people who hate them on ethical grounds, it's not like any other big company is likely to be any better - they're just quieter about it.

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I've had a bit of a history with shitty behringer gear, lots of bad but mainly average leaning towards good.
I've released a few records using a behringer mixer making techno/electro, the thing used to sound great overdriven and resampled through with some more lofi gear (mpc, dx100, emu sampler, mfb522 etc) 
Had quite a few sound nerds scoff when they saw it + some behringer pedals for fx when i sound checked but no one ever mentioned the quality of it in studio and live sound wise but tbf the sound I was going for lent into a bit more of a rough hardware sound. Still got a soft spot for that mixer but its so rinsed now. Have had people asked what i was doing to get some sounds in a sort of complimentary way, im a big believer in that someone should be able to get decent sounds out of 97% of gear to some degree, curious to even try that steamy turd rhythm wolf just for a laugh but i bet i could make a half decent tune with it. 

Anyways fast forward a few years and earlier this year, decided to bite the bullet and got one of the 2600 clones.
Got to admit, its a fucking mad synth for its price. Got a few odd patch points but I can hardly get a bad sound out of it, super easy and fun to use and it goes deep for sound design if you are making fairly standard sounds with it and some fx can really bring it to life. 
I'd sold all my analogs a few years ago so its great to have one back in the studio for general use and sound design but this has blown my super low expectations out of the water. 

Quality build, had bet itd start to crack by now but its all holding up physically after heavy use and I continue to find sweet spots in patching it. Def won't be selling it anytime soon, would recomend if anyone is looking for a reasonably priced 3OSC analog. I eventually wanna expand it with some modular gear, the LFO is a bit fast at its slowest and would rather an external unit over using one of the oscs for another lfo. Would like to get deeper into the FM mod but again think another module might be the best option as some of the pre built patches are a bit weak. The spring reverb is just ok but glad I got the spring over the other versions cause that digi reverb sounds sort of dogshit.

The thing is a bass monster, tbf ive never used a super high end analog but really rate this and think itll last if i really look after it. Not sure im confident taking it to gigs just yet but shit its fun for ambient jams with a tonne of delay and would be fun to play with live.

Anyone else got one?  What you thinking about it? 

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On 11/7/2021 at 9:09 AM, sun drugs said:

curious to even try that steamy turd rhythm wolf just for a laugh but i bet i could make a half decent tune with it. 

I've probably mentioned it before, but I had a couple friends who worked as product testers at Akai around when the Wolf synths came out, and according to them it literally started life as a running joke between some of the testers about who could come up with the worst name for a product, long before .  Rhythm Wolf was the worst they could come up with.  Later that year, the marketing department had gotten wind of it and picked it up unironically as the name for the new synth that was starting development to tap into the Volca market.


I've always kind of wanted one, but not enough to actually pay for it.  Same with the Beat Thang.


EDIT: I'd unironically get a Timbre Wolf if  found one for $200 or less and had the money to spare.  For whatever weird design choices it has, a little keyboard with a 4-DCO, Mono/Poly style architecture and direct outs for each oscillator sounds a lot more interesting to me than most of the affordable monosynths of the last decade and supposedly the actual synth part of it is fine, it's stuff like the onboard sequencer that gets weird.

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/7/2021 at 6:09 PM, TubularCorporation said:

I've probably mentioned it before, but I had a couple friends who worked as product testers at Akai around when the Wolf synths came out, and according to them it literally started life as a running joke between some of the testers about who could come up with the worst name for a product, long before .  Rhythm Wolf was the worst they could come up with.  Later that year, the marketing department had gotten wind of it and picked it up unironically as the name for the new synth that was starting development to tap into the Volca market.


I've always kind of wanted one, but not enough to actually pay for it.  Same with the Beat Thang.


EDIT: I'd unironically get a Timbre Wolf if  found one for $200 or less and had the money to spare.  For whatever weird design choices it has, a little keyboard with a 4-DCO, Mono/Poly style architecture and direct outs for each oscillator sounds a lot more interesting to me than most of the affordable monosynths of the last decade and supposedly the actual synth part of it is fine, it's stuff like the onboard sequencer that gets weird.

I've had the follow-up , the Tomcat, for a while. Very sweet looking and good build. Snare is ace and the clap is one of the best I've heard. Other sounds are mediocre to quite bad, such as the kick and hats. Would be great to use as a complementary drumbox. Not what I was looking for though. And the midi implementation of that thing was the lousiest I've ever seen on a device.

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I don't remember if anyone I know was still there for the Tomcat. One of them got promoted to a different department (and the quit) and the other I sort of lost touch with after I moved. Te person I was closest with worked there through the MPC Renaissance development and production cycle before his promoton and everything I ever heard was that the hardware was really well designed and high quality (for the Renaissance specifically and the Akai/Alesis/Numark product line in general but especially the Akai-branded stuff) but the firmware and ESPECIALLY the software was really poor.  The Renaissance was released with unfinished, beta software that was just pushed to release version and when he left that department a year later it still ahdn't been finished.  The hardware was excellent and (in his opinion, at least), would have been all but peerless if it had been released as a MIDI controller and audio interface with bundled software, and an SDK so third party developers could release compatible software, instead of being (at the time, anyway, no idea if they changed this later) tied to their unfinished software.


I've never used one myself but apparently the hardware emulation of the dfferent classic Akai sampler converters is really good, and they more or less actually recreated the different i/o sections in hardware and letthe user switch between them, instead of emulating them in DSP.  But don't quote me on that last bit, I could easily be misremembering. Also all of this is me remembering what a disgruntled mid-level employee complained about at band practice a decade ago when the company was under different ownership, so take it for what it's worth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well would ya look at this... 

I'm guessing the next few posts here will still talk crap on Behringer, but this is worth hearing about anyway. Benn seems to be doing a lot of good via his YouTube channel lately. 

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I'm an underprivileged child as well and didn't get any synths ?

Ok jokes aside: Nice move...but I still get an odd feeling when a company is 'buying' it's image based on completely laid out external requests. No hate towards Behringer though.

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12 hours ago, luke viia said:

well would ya look at this... 

I'm guessing the next few posts here will still talk crap on Behringer, but this is worth hearing about anyway. Benn seems to be doing a lot of good via his YouTube channel lately. 

Undiluted moral high horse this has a blackmail feel to it, idc who's morally on the right side of things. It's about the "how" not the "what" right here





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Maybe Behringer deserved this though, maybe its the result that counts. But it's kinda like some lame ass gamer threatening to give a bad review to get the game for free. Except the money here goes to charity 

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good on Behringer donating a good chunk of money to undoubtedly good causes. good on Benn holding their feet to the fire and holding up his side of things, i seriously doubt at least some of the good Behringer did would've been done if Benn hadn't made a fuss about it.


i still won't be buying any Behringer gear based on their past actions (to be fair i probably wouldn't anyway based on their mediocre reputation otherwise).


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Came here to post this vid - I'm w/ @auxien here - very grateful Benn helped push them on this, have 0 doubt this actually prompted follow through. But, also


yeah, fuck those guys. I get trying to make your business successful but their practices seem like being a dick just to be a dick about things/playing as dirty as possible. Reminds me of the recent bit of news about Clapton suing a lady in Germany for selling an 11$ bootleg of one of his shows on Ebay. .. like, wtF dude? 


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I have the 808 clone and find it a bit underwhelming without some post-processing. The snare is stupid quiet and some of the other sounds (claves, cowbell, clap) seem to be much louder at the same volume.

Is this what actual 808s are like lol? 

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On 12/21/2021 at 11:07 PM, luke viia said:

well would ya look at this... 

I'm guessing the next few posts here will still talk crap on Behringer, but this is worth hearing about anyway. Benn seems to be doing a lot of good via his YouTube channel lately. 


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5 hours ago, Audioblysk said:

underwhelming without some post-processing

welcome to vintage style drum machines lol

I actually think it sounds great though. I got some ridiculously excellent footwork jams going at my friend's place a few months back. 

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“What an exciting day – the first Polyeight has come alive:-) While this is still an early prototype, the firmware is all based on our new ARM platform, which will certainly speed up the development and time to market. As you can see, the Polyeight is not a pure clone. We have retained the analog section, but added 2 more voices and especially a much improved user interface with very useful functions. What do you think?”

- Behringer 



Kinda makes me want to trade my PolySix in for one of these ?

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