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How does the World view China these days?


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26 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

Not how does the world China these days, but I'd never seen this particular archive of the Tiananmen Square massacre before: https://archive.ph/7Tdzh

Many pictures of dead bodies, as a warning.

yeah.. had seen some of those.. NSFL for sure. it was a massacre. destruction of a movement. the state showing its will and power.  weren't there estimates of 10,000 dead?  at times there was a million people or something crazy.. going through there. 

uncropped tank man pic


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i didn't realize the protests were so big and that so many were injured/killed. obviously i knew about the massacre but i didn't realize the extent/possible extent as it seems pretty unclear still. thanks for posting that chen (even tho i couldn't make it through the whole gallery, pretty sad seeing even the first ~half)

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38 minutes ago, auxien said:

i didn't realize the protests were so big and that so many were injured/killed. obviously i knew about the massacre but i didn't realize the extent/possible extent as it seems pretty unclear still. thanks for posting that chen (even tho i couldn't make it through the whole gallery, pretty sad seeing even the first ~half)

without casting doubt on the generally agreed facts of what happened at that time, I would be a little careful with that archive post. it's just an unsourced imgur dump of pictures with added unverified, unattributed text/analysis. this image in the dump looks doctored to me and there's random gore from ogrish in there with no context. it'd have more value as an historical document if it was able to tie everything together properly but it's all over the place. let's not accept reddit standards.

Edited by usagi
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2 hours ago, usagi said:

it'd have more value as an historical document if it was able to tie everything together properly but it's all over the place.

That’s true.
In my defense, I was under the influence of copious amounts of vodka when I posted that. 

Don’t drink and post.

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5 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

That’s true.
In my defense, I was under the influence of copious amounts of vodka when I posted that. 

Don’t drink and post.

gotta say.. you did well for drunk posting.  if that's you w/altered judgment we'll all be fine. 

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5 minutes ago, sheatheman said:

The statements from Chinese officials these days are sounding increasingly North Korean.

”clumsy political show” LOL

i listened to the statements about the hong kong protestor/organizer arrested for mentioning the tiananmen memorial gathering on social media.... very 1984.. statement given in english... referencing the security law that was passed recently. 

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5 hours ago, usagi said:

this image in the dump looks doctored to me

There’s a documentary series about the event (might be “the gate of heavenly peace”, don’t remember) that has video footage that looks like this. Basically it was students (so the elite) having a camp out.


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7 hours ago, usagi said:

without casting doubt on the generally agreed facts of what happened at that time, I would be a little careful with that archive post. it's just an unsourced imgur dump of pictures with added unverified, unattributed text/analysis. this image in the dump looks doctored to me and there's random gore from ogrish in there with no context. it'd have more value as an historical document if it was able to tie everything together properly but it's all over the place. let's not accept reddit standards.

not only are many of the captions random, there are many pictures of dead Chinese soldiers without captions saying so.  seems like the dump intends to paint a certain narrative

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leader of chinese student protests admits she intended for a bloodbath to happen, and she was angry that some people were trying to help the chinese government avoid the bloodbath.  she wanted a bloodbath to happen so the chinese people could see it and oppose the government


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Anyone wanna catch me up on this China thing? They're destined to consume us all, correct? 

I picked Russian to learn in high school because I thought we were gonna be reds by 2007, but looking back Chinese would've made way more sense. Oh well. 

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4 minutes ago, Audioblysk said:

Anyone wanna catch me up on this China thing? They're destined to consume us all, correct? 

I picked Russian to learn in high school because I thought we were gonna be reds by 2007, but looking back Chinese would've made way more sense. Oh well. 

their goal is to envelop global capitalism, achieve socialism in china, and presumably begin spreading socialism everywhere else once they succeeded while working on achieving communism in china and elsewhere.  im hoping they succeed but also that its not a perverse instantiation.

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6 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

their goal is to envelop global capitalism, achieve socialism in china, and presumably begin spreading socialism everywhere else once they succeeded while working on achieving communism in china and elsewhere.  im hoping they succeed but also that its not a perverse instantiation.


Well, I mean--I can't say I'd be upset at the whole dismantling capitalism thing. But those later parts seem like there'd be a lot more... issues with the whole changing everyone everywhere thing, don't ya think? 


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1 hour ago, Audioblysk said:


Well, I mean--I can't say I'd be upset at the whole dismantling capitalism thing. But those later parts seem like there'd be a lot more... issues with the whole changing everyone everywhere thing, don't ya think? 


socialism means empowering workers to be able to democratically control their own labor without the requirement of higher levels of power above them directing them.  achieving it would be a great step forward for humanity, and an unambiguously empowering step for workers.  the same can be said of communism which requires a very high level of material development and which abolishes entirely the traditional wage labor forms of labor and jobs

you can look at it as "forcing everyone to become socialist" but this is wrong.  if they had achieved socialism, would they agree to give a small handful of people private ownership over their democratically controlled workplaces so they can become wage laborers with no power again? no, they would not voluntarily take that backward step, so it is therefore an improvement on human freedom

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9 hours ago, cyanobacteria said:

leader of chinese student protests admits she intended for a bloodbath to happen, and she was angry that some people were trying to help the chinese government avoid the bloodbath.  she wanted a bloodbath to happen so the chinese people could see it and oppose the government


dude come on lmao

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china wants to put chinese facebook on your phone and make sure you never say a bad fart against the chinese system or they'll reduce your social credits to the point of you only being able to date the undesirables or sex up anime pillows while you make enough plastic products for americans and the world so it'll all end up in the ocean and fill in all the holes and cracks in the ocean so it'll be flat and smooth down there and we can drive chinese made underwater cars down there like it's a big road and there won't be any traffic.

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leader of chinese student protests admits she intended for a bloodbath to happen, and she was angry that some people were trying to help the chinese government avoid the bloodbath.  she wanted a bloodbath to happen so the chinese people could see it and oppose the government

She’s featured in the latest 6 part Adam Curtis doc series. There’s a scene of her damn near apoplectic in tears over what was going to be a bloodbath. She told people not to go because she knew a lot of people would die. I forget the words she uses about why she won’t go but basically says it’s pointless I think. I’ll have to watch it again. It’s a moving scene. And totally fubar.

It’s a good doc series with a long winding narrative. The parts on China I found fascinating. The power struggles and popular movements etc. big time manipulation of people for personal agendas. the big picture aspect of his docs are always interesting to me and he takes on things in the documentary format that others don’t.

Regardless, I hope the CEO of the universe finds his way into an Adam Curtis documentary

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19 hours ago, auxien said:

i didn't realize the protests were so big and that so many were injured/killed. obviously i knew about the massacre but i didn't realize the extent/possible extent as it seems pretty unclear still. thanks for posting that chen (even tho i couldn't make it through the whole gallery, pretty sad seeing even the first ~half)

China has done its best to scrub this from history, thankfully we have the internets to remember. 

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