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Autechre - PLUS 20.11.20


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9 minutes ago, Adamovich said:
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just took a walk with this one headphones - first impression: this is one of the best collections of tracks they've put out.

I still enjoy SIGN very very much - it's got its own unique, intricate sound-world with tons of subtle progression - yet I've found myself instantly invested in the complex, layered, more upfront compositions on this new album.

Perhaps my fav aspect about PLUS is how fresh it sounds - a welcome surprise after the Exai-elseq-NTS continuum, which all seemed to be cut from the same cloth (at least to me)

can't wait to deep-dive into these two new records.

Again: Sean & Rob, thanks!

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3 minutes ago, toaoaoad said:

lux 106 mod more like lush 106 mod amirite 

But does that mean it's modulated? Or that the Juno 106 in question has been modded?

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Alright... All caught up:

  • Title is a watmm meme
  • Beats
  • X4 is everyone's favourite
  • Comparisons to EP7 (in not really hearing it) 
  • Misuta Go hates everything

Just finished X4, enjoying the  album so far but the flow of it is harder to understand on first listen... 

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5 minutes ago, splesh said:

But does that mean it's modulated? Or that the Juno 106 in question has been modded?

I have no idea lmao I'm not knowledgeable about gear really.  Just lushness 

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The Autechre Twins are always a few steps ahead of us, thinking of a big picture we can't see yet. It comes into focus with time and digestion (and by then they're already onto the next thing). SIGN seems so much more substantial already, alongside the PLUS material. We really are spoiled!


EDIT: also lol at all the comparisons to BOC's rate of output.  Not mean spirited or anything but, how agonizing it must be to still be clinging on to them lol 

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4 minutes ago, Nenlow66 said:

Sign was just a warm: Plus is where it’s at 

I'm feeling similarly so far.

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X4 and bladelores are both the same length, 12 minutes 21 seconds. Listening to them mixed together right now.


Edit: sounding pretty decent if dense. Technically, X4 is 12:21.361 and bladelores is 12:21.493, making it 132 milliseconds longer.  (Wikipedia reveals that 132 is the smallest Osiris number)

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Just approaching the end of tm1open. At first i thought it was gonna be a throw away track. Now I think it might be my favourite so far. Strings at the end give me Envane vibes. Actually this is a really good ending track. It already makes me think of what came before in a different light. 

Overall what stood out to me the most was that SIGN was thick and syrupy and PLUS is far more sparse and dry. Like PLUS is the skeleton and SIGN is the flesh. Or SIGN is the ocean and PLUS is a desert (but like... At night). 

I look forward to listening to these on one sitting back to back... 

Again, a sincere thanks to Sean & Rob, very impressive stuff as always. 

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This is by far the best release I haven't heard in 2020.

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35 minutes ago, springymajig said:

Alright... All caught up:

  • Title is a watmm meme
  • Beats
  • X4 is everyone's favourite
  • Comparisons to EP7 (in not really hearing it) 
  • Misuta Go hates everything

Just finished X4, enjoying the  album so far but the flow of it is harder to understand on first listen... 

Yeah, I find it to be much more NTS-ish with over & undertones of Oversteps & Move of Ten. Maybe some of the more metallic percussion seem kind of ep7ish, but I'm not really getting a lot of that either.

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