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I think the computers just won.

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Is music over? Or just beginning? I can't tell anymore.

This thing creates basically flawless music in every (popular?) genre...

It's pretty unbelievable.

country: https://www.udio.com/songs/jGjYfsRosZjYTkSBdFgEyF

gospel: https://www.udio.com/songs/uUjAaApMbjmMqBoj6Z6dsd

classical: https://www.udio.com/songs/xtju1X31YfVbKWTCGd4yw7

post rock: https://www.udio.com/songs/e6JkyRWci1W7ukMaWStm5A

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I think the people that want to keep listening to real and human produced music will know where to look tbh. That's why I don't think music is over yet. I do worry for the further saturation of the music landscape, genres getting flooded with this ai shit.

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It gave me an error message when I tried to submit my lyrics about wanting to get murdered so that you don't die alone. Though it does show that it's trying to generate something. But I think if it can't do this then that's a good sign that the computers will not win, because people will need to be able to sing about being murdered

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13 minutes ago, chronical said:

I thought this was about warp posting garbage AI remixes on social media lol

Nahh that Simpsons remix was funny and meant to be sarcastic. Love hudmo's sense of humor

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2 minutes ago, thumbass said:

Nahh that Simpsons remix was funny and meant to be sarcastic. Love hudmo's sense of humor

I did not find it funny :shrug: Good to know though. On topic, what you wrote here made me think:

54 minutes ago, thumbass said:

I think the people that want to keep listening to real and human produced music will know where to look tbh. That's why I don't think music is over yet. I do worry for the further saturation of the music landscape, genres getting flooded with this ai shit.

I already can't stomach most of the music in the charts, there's not really much creative difference listening to these AI songs and actual overproduced garbage. Just the image of a non-music-snob listening to AI music not realizing it at all is kinda weird and probably already happening

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any artists or developers integrating AI into any form of human art should be rounded up and tortured.  And the torture should be made available for the world to see and hopefully learn from.  

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2 hours ago, cloud capture said:

any artists or developers integrating AI into any form of human art should be rounded up and tortured.  And the torture should be made available for the world to see and hopefully learn from.  

nah.. they should be made to listen to Ai generated music and watch Ai generated movies for eternity. so, i guess that's torture

there's a catch all thread for Ai. the developments are often annoying. there's some interesting "sample searching" "stem extraction" things powered by ai apparently.. or so they're marketed that way.. and there's some Ai stuff in photoshop that's probably helpful to photoshop people. 


Edited by ignatius
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Idk, some of the stuff I find most interesting is when I hear something I didn't necessarily expect or something that I didn't necessarily know that I wanted to hear.

Seems to me that this kind of thing would be great at churning out representative examples of what's out there but might not be as good or good at all at actually generating something good, new, and exciting that rests in a musical whitespace, so to speak?

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I feel like "AI" would be really good for more experimental musical concepts but haven't heard any great examples of it except some of the early AI music proof-of-concepts which sounded super weird/glitchy, and using voice replacement tools and such for effect within a human-made track (oneohtrix kind of shit). Everything I've heard so far sounds like shit I never want to listen to. I guess thats how I also feel about AI images, I loved it until it started getting good. I think it definitely represents a shift in art, what a lot of artists, humans have strived for is to sound familiar, to sound like others. Now AI can replicate common genres, styles. Humans have to be more inventive to stand out. I've yet to see a piece of AI art that sticks in my mind that I remember, or find meaningful. If that happens though, maybe AI start getting weirder again to compete with humans.

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As long as the models are trained with what exists, they won't make anything resembling creativity. Yes, you can add all kinds of randomness, overlap and whatnot to get X in the style of Y, but it will still be a computed pastiche by a machine without introspection. The reason these tracks sound so bland is that there are no artists, no producers, no musicians, no audience, no feedback of any kind, just regression towards the lowest common denominator. Most (popular) music is bland by design, appealing to the aforementioned lowest common denominator  - formulaic, harmless, innocuous, inoffensive - geared to make people think that million flies can't be wrong. Now that the LLMs are already cannibalizing their own creations, the regression is just getting worse.

"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers." -- Pablo Picasso.

Edited by dcom
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We will likely enter an age of human vs. Ai created entertainment, will be interesting to see the subcultures that develop around that divide. 

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So what you're saying is we've already been listening to AI music for the past 10 years? Taylor Swift, that British ginger guy, and Drake... they're all AI generated? Well, I'll be...

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I tried using the app but in the search bar I called it a cunt and asked it to play some Aphex Acid. Error message came back saying my language was 'vulgar' and it could not process. Fuck you computer! What the heck!

Just gonna listen to the human version instead




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I love the fact that AI is getting better in faking art bc genius art will be easier recognized once AI kills the noise made of mediocrity!

And I don’t know what’s wrong with that! Music is not over; why should it be over? If AI can make good enough music it’s still better than many other music and if ppl can’t distinguish it from the real art then it’s their problem, that’s not even a problem imo //like they care

like ppl really listen to music anyway; we are watmm and we think that majority of ppl are crazy for music like we are; the majority of music produced today is for ppl that aren’t really listening to music; i mean, in every genre we hear “this is genius! that’s the next level shit” and when i listen to it to me it just seems like the old stupid shit just 10x dumber and it’s ready for Grammy! Congratz island boys! 

Edited by xox
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3 hours ago, dcom said:

regression towards the lowest common denominator.

90% of today's popular music in a nutshell, ai generated or not. so whatevs. music is ded, long live music. or something.

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17 hours ago, chronical said:

I thought this was about warp posting garbage AI remixes on social media lol

That would have been so fucking Warp thing to do init? Holy shit they are so cringe! 

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9 minutes ago, dcom said:

i think it's 95% though. 

also, maybe Ai will force all the people who make really boring mundane music to try harder??

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hopefully all this will make people start to really question why they listen to what what they listen to, what it means to them, if it connects them with the artist’s experience/story in some way… some among us will listen to any cringe Aphex-alike just because it sounds like Aphex. you’re about to have infinite Aphex-alike at your fingertips, so why do you want to hear that sound? does it matter if it was a particular artist’s take on the style that you like? or do you not care about the source at all, infinite variations of the same basic idea? do you want infinite variations at all, or just a few more tracks like Windowlicker? is it really just the sounds, that matter whether AI created or not? given the fervor around Aphex/AE/BOC/etc., it’s, at least for many, not *just* the sounds that are important but the innovation, the story, the artist…AI has none of that. 



until the AI becomes self aware, of course….


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The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (Walter Benjamin, 1935). Original essay.


The subject and themes of Benjamin's essay: the aura of a work of art; the artistic authenticity of the artefact; the cultural authority of the work of art; and the aestheticization of politics for the production of art, became resources for research in the fields of art history and architectural theory, cultural studies, and media theory.


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27 minutes ago, auxien said:

hopefully all this will make people start to really question why they listen to what what they listen to, what it means to them, if it connects them with the artist’s experience/story in some way… some among us will listen to any cringe Aphex-alike just because it sounds like Aphex. you’re about to have infinite Aphex-alike at your fingertips, so why do you want to hear that sound? does it matter if it was a particular artist’s take on the style that you like? or do you not care about the source at all, infinite variations of the same basic idea? do you want infinite variations at all, or just a few more tracks like Windowlicker? is it really just the sounds, that matter whether AI created or not? given the fervor around Aphex/AE/BOC/etc., it’s, at least for many, not *just* the sounds that are important but the innovation, the story, the artist…AI has none of that. 


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until the AI becomes self aware, of course….


Although I have a lot of learning to do on this topic, I do not think that AI will ever be successful in becoming self-aware or intelligent in the same way that a real person is. What is called 'intelligence' in the current buzzword fascination of 'artificial intelligence' is really just some techbro's (or a cadre of the most influential and wealthy techbros), it is just some techbro's understanding of intelligence (and their ability to implement it through software with the aid of all kinds of other tools, I'd imagine mathematics plays a big part, for instance). What this software provides so far, from the samples I've listened to, it just sounds like decent canned music or muzak - in other words stale, sterile, cheap imitation.

I really like the point you make about these issue, debates, and questions prompting people to reflect more on their taste and what they like about music instead of just passively listening.

When it comes to Aphex or any of the big electronic acts, I agree that the innovation, story, and artist (and above all, maybe, their taste and technical mastery of both their instruments and the recording process) is what drives my fascination and appreciation for the music. Like when I listen to a song like this one below in headphones, I feel pretty confident that it might not even be possible for a machine to recreate, or even come close really, such music on its own. Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution of the human ear and later of music have played a part in the decisions that were made to create even a short throwaway track like this. Even the peculiarity of how the synths are tuned, the rate and depth of the vibrato on the different voices, the mixing choices that led to a very interesting stereo spread that seems to move around during the duration of the track. Sure you can get some kind of cheap muzak imitation of this easy, but imo it will always pale in comparison to the thing itself, the human made music.


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