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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Oh, 1 more thing about Rage on PC is you can't change any of the graphics settings. It will always run at 60fps, and it will sacrifice some of the graphics to make sure it runs at 60fps. I'd rather have the game run at 30-40 fps with flawless graphics. I have the computer to run anything on the highest settings: i7 2600k @ 3.4GHz, GTX 570, 8GB DDR3 RAM.


If the game ends up being really cool, then I'll probably buy it for PS3 when it drops in price, cuz the PC version isn't superior at all.

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Just saw that there's a Speedball 2 Evolution out on PS3 by Bitmap Brothers. Excited. Has anyone got this yet? It seems like the same sort of gameplay, views etc as the one I had on Amiga so it's definately worth a purchase.


It's on that Firstplay thingy that you can get in the store. You also get to play multiplayer Unchartered 3.

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I'm continuing my game in Mass Effect 2. Haven't played it since it came out for PS3, when I got maybe half way through the game. I forgot how good it is. I have no idea why I stopped playing it and then forgot about it. I'm definitely hooked again on this game. I'll be finishing it soon, that's for sure.



I've been playing through it again in recent weeks. My playtime is now at an embarrassing 45 hours or thereabouts - and I've not finished scanning all the planets yet. Nor have I even started the final DLC. And sometimes I wonder where my life went...

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Oh, 1 more thing about Rage on PC is you can't change any of the graphics settings. It will always run at 60fps, and it will sacrifice some of the graphics to make sure it runs at 60fps. I'd rather have the game run at 30-40 fps with flawless graphics. I have the computer to run anything on the highest settings: i7 2600k @ 3.4GHz, GTX 570, 8GB DDR3 RAM.


If the game ends up being really cool, then I'll probably buy it for PS3 when it drops in price, cuz the PC version isn't superior at all.

there are guides how on how to tweak some gfx settings for pc by creating a config file


here's one very expansive that i haven't tried yet:


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I tried Rage that morning but then got blocked because of a corrupted file that make a script not getting triggered (that's out I figured out anyway) so I'm searching the right file so I can continue. Probably my punishment for not having bought the game.


Apart from that, my very firsts impression are :


- Crappy scenario

- Amazingly linear

- The first level was a piece of fun, smooth gameplay, beautiful etc so I expect a lot from what will follow !!


so when will some FPS game makers make one both as fun and beautiful as Rage seems to be AND WITH A GOOD STORY. With not all the cliché about having big balls or being a fuckin bad boy and things like that ? I think the only times I experienced that was for Deus Ex 1, maybe Half Life 1 also. Bioshock 1 & 2 are coowl but that's not about the story, which finally doesn't really make sense, but more about the amazing atmosphere.

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regarding rage on pc,

no fiddling with the patches, config files, driver updates made the textures (especially in proximity) look better than an uncircumcised penis/xbox 360 unfortunately, the id will have to release some higher res texture pack to solve this..

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Guest CraniumXII

Playing New Vegas... Again... But with mods, the fun goes on n' on. Just holding of till Fatman comes out, which will hold me out till Skyrim :D

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regarding rage on pc,

no fiddling with the patches, config files, driver updates made the textures (especially in proximity) look better than an uncircumcised penis/xbox 360 unfortunately, the id will have to release some higher res texture pack to solve this..


games are made for consoles now.. Carmack just admitted they are more focused on them, and i guess i can kind of understand.. but not totally. they are supposed to be the ip that stays true to their roots but the world has changed to much to do so.


what they also said is that the pc version is purposely watered down (at first) so most computers can handle it. i could hardly play it at first with all the loading going on.. but after changing the page file around (which really helped), putting some memory commands in and tweaking the ATI software and updating it, it runs almost perfectly now. i have the memory cache at high and antialiasing at low.


have you tried raising the texture settings your the gfx card software? maybe a dumb question, but it's like how Quake Wars was where the game will load based on how well it can load with your set up.

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I tried Rage that morning but then got blocked because of a corrupted file that make a script not getting triggered (that's out I figured out anyway) so I'm searching the right file so I can continue. Probably my punishment for not having bought the game.


Apart from that, my very firsts impression are :


- Crappy scenario

- Amazingly linear

- The first level was a piece of fun, smooth gameplay, beautiful etc so I expect a lot from what will follow !!


so when will some FPS game makers make one both as fun and beautiful as Rage seems to be AND WITH A GOOD STORY. With not all the cliché about having big balls or being a fuckin bad boy and things like that ? I think the only times I experienced that was for Deus Ex 1, maybe Half Life 1 also. Bioshock 1 & 2 are coowl but that's not about the story, which finally doesn't really make sense, but more about the amazing atmosphere.


the story is good (not sure why everyone says it's not), you get shitloads of weapons (tho all ppl say is you get none), it's not linear (except for the missions), basically just don't listen to what anyone says about this game because they're all full of shit teeny boppers who rely on media hype to judge things. BF3 is promoted everywhere all the time, so it must be better.

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the only thing to tweak in CCC regarding textures is anisotropic filtering, it's maxed in the game anyway.

the performance is absolutely flawless with everything maxed out, and im using 2 generations old hd4870 videocard, so i bet they have a lot of degrees of freedom should they desire to do something about those textures, the environments do look gorgeous though. so far i've played it for less than 3 hours in total, i loved the mutant tv thing, so twisted and scary.

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the story is good (not sure why everyone says it's not), you get shitloads of weapons (tho all ppl say is you get none), it's not linear (except for the missions), basically just don't listen to what anyone says about this game because they're all full of shit teeny boppers who rely on media hype to judge things. BF3 is promoted everywhere all the time, so it must be better.


Well I have to admit that I've judged the linearity and the story a little bit too fast. That's because the only thing I saw at this time about the story was that the people in the first village already love you after the first 30 minutes of the game because you've killed some of their enemies and you're their big saver now and you're special and blablabla. But anyway I think it gets better after that. The level design is fresh (yeah they're linear but fuck it, the few proper level I've made so far were simply varied and fluid), the graphics and design are awesome (even if some texture are a little "?!?? :ohmy:" next to the good ones).


And above all, I don't know how do you guys feel about it but I honestly think the gameplay is the smoother I've met in a FPS so far. The animations, enemies movements etc during the combat are incredible. Or more likely heavily credible. I play in nightmare difficulty level and yesterday night I really had the impression of fighting with these kind of ghouls in the dead city :P

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not really a game, but just flashed the firmware in the dvd drive for my 360 to LT plus 2.0, so now I can play XGD3 backups like rage and all the newer games.


I think you're looking for the thread "What video games are you currently pirating?"

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the story is good (not sure why everyone says it's not), you get shitloads of weapons (tho all ppl say is you get none), it's not linear (except for the missions), basically just don't listen to what anyone says about this game because they're all full of shit teeny boppers who rely on media hype to judge things. BF3 is promoted everywhere all the time, so it must be better.


Well I have to admit that I've judged the linearity and the story a little bit too fast. That's because the only thing I saw at this time about the story was that the people in the first village already love you after the first 30 minutes of the game because you've killed some of their enemies and you're their big saver now and you're special and blablabla. But anyway I think it gets better after that. The level design is fresh (yeah they're linear but fuck it, the few proper level I've made so far were simply varied and fluid), the graphics and design are awesome (even if some texture are a little "?!?? :ohmy:" next to the good ones).


And above all, I don't know how do you guys feel about it but I honestly think the gameplay is the smoother I've met in a FPS so far. The animations, enemies movements etc during the combat are incredible. Or more likely heavily credible. I play in nightmare difficulty level and yesterday night I really had the impression of fighting with these kind of ghouls in the dead city :P


Yeah, I really would fault the "hype" (or unrealistic expectations) more than anything - I mean, it's true, if this came out before Borderlands than people would decry that as a pale imitator. Frankly, it's pretty in line with any other FPS in terms of mission design/storyline and the level design, controls, graphics, fluidity in general is really top notch and well polished. One of those things were it just "works," which is hard to quantify sometimes (all the individual elements are well refined, it's hard to point to just one and say "that's it.")


Kind of a nice change of pace - so many games try to do everything and end up doing everything moderately well - this game seems aimed at giving you numerous ways to just roll through a "level" and blow shit up. Very satisfying.


And, man, ain't that wingstick tha shiznit?

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In other news dragon age origins sucks ass I seriously regret purchasing it. I will play it for about 1/2 hour at a time and have some surreal moment where I'm just constantly thinking "did they really fucking do this?". Like I was in the fucking elve's camp and this elder guy was like "hey I will tell you about the woods if you listen to a story". and then he procedes to tell some dramatic tale about how they were all raped by the humans around the campfire, it was like straight out of southpark or something, the voice acting. Like he tells the kid come sit by him and asks him questions, "now young one, come sit by me, now why do you think this was little one?" *kid mumbles something* "correct! it was the humans!". Most of the game is this kind of bullshit which is mildly entertaining but really fucking annoying, the other half is really shallow combat that somehow still manages to be difficult to control(I'm thinking it is more of PC game). I have a feeling I will eventually beat it but it might take me 3 or 4 years because I absolutely cannot play it for more than an hour. Also the framrate is really fucked up and jumpy on the ps3 downloadable version(which is what I have).

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If I'm near my computer on halloween it'll be Amnesia all the way. Lets not fuck about here :)


...yeah, that thing is included for free in this months gaming magazine I buy occasionally. Review says it´s really(really) scary. I still have some time before halloween so I´ll get it maybe or turn myself into Resident Evil 4 which is lying in my shelf since I bought it.

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I think ID missed the target with Rage and hope they'll be able to correct. They could blame the vsync issues on drivers. But they messed up on the texture tech. It clearly allowed the artists to go all out. But it doesn't look and behave like a step forward.


There is no way to have no pop-in at all. It's always visible on the sides of your screen while turning. There should be some sort of prefetch and cache. The pop-in isn't the only texture problem either. Despite being a 22GB download, textures are low resolution and often (always?) at lower color depths. The art deserves better and I hope we get a high resolution patch, no matter the size.


Great game though.

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In other news dragon age origins sucks ass I seriously regret purchasing it. I will play it for about 1/2 hour at a time and have some surreal moment where I'm just constantly thinking "did they really fucking do this?". Like I was in the fucking elve's camp and this elder guy was like "hey I will tell you about the woods if you listen to a story". and then he procedes to tell some dramatic tale about how they were all raped by the humans around the campfire, it was like straight out of southpark or something, the voice acting. Like he tells the kid come sit by him and asks him questions, "now young one, come sit by me, now why do you think this was little one?" *kid mumbles something* "correct! it was the humans!". Most of the game is this kind of bullshit which is mildly entertaining but really fucking annoying, the other half is really shallow combat that somehow still manages to be difficult to control(I'm thinking it is more of PC game). I have a feeling I will eventually beat it but it might take me 3 or 4 years because I absolutely cannot play it for more than an hour. Also the framrate is really fucked up and jumpy on the ps3 downloadable version(which is what I have).


it is a pc game, and you should play it on the pc, but you probly might as well not because you seem to be no more than 2 hours into it and you already hate it for no good reason but ya

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i used to have a pop-in problem too but its fine now with the latest drivers and a patch, you should look into it, it's very annoying but easily solvable.

Oops, you're right. They added a cache option which mostly solves it. And v-sync seems to be working now as well. Neat.

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