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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Smet have u played Borderlands? I find it like Fallout w less technical worries and more focus on infinite weapons combinations and just shooting the shit out of everyting. It's a little light on story, but it's all about the looting. Very cool DLC to boot. Already preordered the sequel so I'm def a fan.



Btw I thought Reznor peaked w Downward Spiral so...


I was under the impression that it was pretty much a multiplayer game? Is that accurate? If it is, is the MP community still pretty large?


also, I was referring to the original Fallout PC games, not the new-gen ones. Not to be rude, jus' saying...but yeah Borderlands seemed interesting but Ive never really been able to get into MP games.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Smet have u played Borderlands? I find it like Fallout w less technical worries and more focus on infinite weapons combinations and just shooting the shit out of everyting. It's a little light on story, but it's all about the looting. Very cool DLC to boot. Already preordered the sequel so I'm def a fan.



Btw I thought Reznor peaked w Downward Spiral so...


I was under the impression that it was pretty much a multiplayer game? Is that accurate? If it is, is the MP community still pretty large?


also, I was referring to the original Fallout PC games, not the new-gen ones. Not to be rude, jus' saying...but yeah Borderlands seemed interesting but Ive never really been able to get into MP games.

i've heard that Fallout 2 was actually the best out of them all. and no Borderlands doesn't force to to play MP. haven't played in awhile so im not sure if the community is still there or not. chances are though that it is.
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Definitely worth getting the first two Fallouts imo. Havent played them myself but I plan to.


so do you say this based upon friend's recommendations?



Im just always edgey when I like a new adaptation of an old franchise and I get the "pfffft, original game X was where it was at. makes the new flashy graphic games look like shit." Then I buy the original, play it, and get pretty disappointed.


like the early Elder Scrolls (i have yet to play morrowwind though) never clicked with me, but theres nonstop shittalk about Skyrim from my oldskool nerd gamer friends.


But the whole Fallout mythos just seems awesome.

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Borderlands actually scales up the difficulty the more players u have. There is tons of fun to be had in single player, the Island of Dr Ned kept me busy for weeks. There was a big weapons mod community, which will probably carry over to the sequel, as Gearbox has basically said they will leave them alone, but not produce an SDK.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Definitely worth getting the first two Fallouts imo. Havent played them myself but I plan to.


so do you say this based upon friend's recommendations?



Im just always edgey when I like a new adaptation of an old franchise and I get the "pfffft, original game X was where it was at. makes the new flashy graphic games look like shit." Then I buy the original, play it, and get pretty disappointed.


like the early Elder Scrolls (i have yet to play morrowwind though) never clicked with me, but theres nonstop shittalk about Skyrim from my oldskool nerd gamer friends.


But the whole Fallout mythos just seems awesome.

for the fallout games, you can't really compare 3 to the other two. since technically they aren't the "same" game. for the most part all they have in common is the name. but if you do end up getting them and it turns out you hate them your out of only a couple bucks. not 60.


As for Morrowind, you gotta play that game. i am one of those Morrowind elitists but i hate the people that are so narrow minded like you describe. the first two sucked. and personally i don't like Oblivion but Skyrim was a pretty good game (and definitely MUCH better than Oblivion), but i still play them all pretty regularly. the reasons i like Morrowind the most is because it was longer, had more things to do (i think there were about 20 something guilds and thousands side quests), and had a MUCH larger and enriching story. but Skyrim and Oblivion have one big thing, better Game mechanics and graphics.


Morrowind was a true adventurers game and was very unforgiving. you dont get a compass that tells you where everything is. you have to use the natural land marks that people give you and find things yourself. this i love a lot but i also realize that not everyone does. its also a game that really throws you into the "you can do anything you want" deal. when you start you are given your one story quest and when you go turn it in the next story quest literally is "go do whatever you want." this can be cool but also frustrating. it took me about 3-4 new games before i actually did anything and was able to actually start the story. your decisions actually mattered too, in the sense that you could fuck up your game and not realize it until too late. people that are part of quests can be killed, they aren't "knocked out." for the main story ones it will tell you real quick that you fucked up but for side/guild quests it wont. so if you accidentally killed someone of importance you won't be able to advance the quest.


HOLY SHIT, i didn't realize how much i wrote. and the scary thing is i could go on for another couple pages. lol well, it goes to show you i love that game. so to sum up, for me - Morrowind>Skyrim>Oblivion. but in the gaming world, They all rock. its really just a, "you pick which one is your favorite" kind of game.

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Guest nuclearaddict

Been playing the hell out of DayZ for the past month. I've had most of the loot in the game, but never get attached to shit, because it's always more fun to use it to kill people with.


I haven't read the whole thread, but I'm guessing you guys have already gone through the DayZ phase. Anybody down to play with my group?

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someday I am going to sneak up to that catwalk and stealth stab that motherfucker in the head. and the I SAID COME IN, DON'T STAND THERE guy as well, although it probably isn't possible to get into that area for a stealth kill instead of just straight up shooting him in the face and instantly becoming most-wanted for every Dutyer in the Bar.


are you playing a mod, amber? I'd strongly recommend one, there's just too many cool mods out there not to try.


I could talk about the fun I've had in Stalker all day. two things in fiction that I've always loved are 1. dread of the unknown, and 2. the sense of an impending cataclysm, and Stalker has plenty of both.


I've never played any of the mods actually...only the "vanilla" version. There should be a weapon that's actually an artifact that you can throw like a grenade, and turn into a Whirligig anomaly as its form of detonation. So next time some posh catwalk snob tells you to vacate the premises...

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My roomates and me have been talking about space games (focused on spaceships, I don't know what can be the name of that kind of games) and we were telling that no one of us really know that kind of game. I used to play to Freelancer A LOT some years ago but I don't feel I'd like to play it again.


Do you guys have some recommandations for that ? A game where you are the pilot of a spaceship and where you go through missions that make you earn money, which allows you to upgrade your ship. Or something like that. A not too old game with multiplayer support would be the best


thanks !

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Guest Frankie5fingers

My roomates and me have been talking about space games (focused on spaceships, I don't know what can be the name of that kind of games) and we were telling that no one of us really know that kind of game. I used to play to Freelancer A LOT some years ago but I don't feel I'd like to play it again.


Do you guys have some recommandations for that ? A game where you are the pilot of a spaceship and where you go through missions that make you earn money, which allows you to upgrade your ship. Or something like that. A not too old game with multiplayer support would be the best


thanks !

Like Obel says. EVE. but the Best space game ive ever played was the X series. personally i love them much more than EVE. the only thing is that it doesn't have any Multiplayer. but really youll never notice cause the game is built like a free-roam multiplayer. and the AI is is outstanding. it literally is EVE with no Online. so other than no Multiplayer, this game is literally what your asking for. but if you must have Multiplayer then you want to get EVE.
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Finally finished the original Dead Space on Impossible difficulty... now just to do the Chapter 2 money glitch and get enough credits and buy all the power nodes needed to max out every weapon and get the trophies for those to finally get that Platinum trophy.


Then, on to Dead Space 2 - hopefully I'll finish that in time for Dead Space 3 in 2013, lol


Also, been thinking about trying a PC game (shock, I know) - is Tera any good? Does it run on a Mac?

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Also, been thinking about trying a PC game (shock, I know) - is Tera any good? Does it run on a Mac?

The MMO? well it didn't get really any good reviews. i am a little biased when it comes to MMO's though. i hate a LOT of them. But it really is a game that youll like or hate. not really a "Meh, its ok" game. OH, but that really doesn't matter to you. no it will not run on Mac operating systems.
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Also, been thinking about trying a PC game (shock, I know) - is Tera any good? Does it run on a Mac?

The MMO? well it didn't get really any good reviews. i am a little biased when it comes to MMO's though. i hate a LOT of them. But it really is a game that youll like or hate. not really a "Meh, its ok" game. OH, but that really doesn't matter to you. no it will not run on Mac operating systems.


Yeah, I found out after I posted that - and it's a "subscription" game, like World of WarCrap. No thanks.

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EVE is a very different game than Freelancer. You need to put a lot of time into it to get to the point where things get interesting and it's not action oriented like Freelancer is. No manual flight controls. X3 is ok, so is Darkstar One. But neither are as good as Freelancer.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

My roomates and me have been talking about space games (focused on spaceships, I don't know what can be the name of that kind of games) and we were telling that no one of us really know that kind of game. I used to play to Freelancer A LOT some years ago but I don't feel I'd like to play it again.


Do you guys have some recommandations for that ? A game where you are the pilot of a spaceship and where you go through missions that make you earn money, which allows you to upgrade your ship. Or something like that. A not too old game with multiplayer support would be the best


thanks !


X3 is quite close to that, but it's incomplete and clearly broken in parts. I also found it stupidly difficult and tedious (grind-y). and it has annoying elevator music, though the visuals are kind of nice.


kept telling myself I'd revisit it but never did.

thats kinda true about the difficulty. its extremely hard at the beginning (no matter the difficulty you choose) but once it gets going it really gets going. but which one did you play?
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Thanks for the recommendations. I think I'll try EVE, I wanted to do so for a while. The fact it's not focused on action is not a problem for me. Is it still sold in a xxx money / month format though ?


As for the X series, the lack of any multiplayer support is a problem for me as the idea was to play with my roomates.

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I'm just finishing on Unchartered 3. I've loved all three of these, this one being my favourite. Although they all have the same sort of battle, climb, battle, climb, run..... actions in each game, each one is better and is still as enjoyable to play.


I think the storylines, animation and voice acting are so spot on for this series that it can never be dull. I hope there's more to come.



Am also very surprised that Sully got killed near the end. As I say, I haven't finished it and hope that he isn't actually dead. The pairing of them both in each game has been perfect.


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