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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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the fade was tedious. if it was shorter, then it would've been awesome.


and also, now playing minecraft! we should start a watmm server and build a castle in the shape of rdj's eyeballs.


lol the fade / circle tower thing was about as long as any of the other missions in the game.. you probably just suck




this is how i felt the game was treating me during that section: "LOL U ONLY HAVE MOUSE FORM, U HAVE TO GO TO DIFFERENT PLACE TO PROGRESS!!! --loading different section for five minutes-- LOL NOPE WRONG PART OF FADE, LOL TRY ANOTHER ONE!!! --loading different section for five minutes-- LOL U HAVE NEW FORM NOW, U ARE TEH FIRE MAN!!! U CAN GO THROUGH TEH FIRE AT THE PLACE YOU GOT MOUSE FORM!!! TIME FOR BACKTRACK!!! ROLFLMAOLOLOLOLOLOLOLJFKLA:JKFAL:JF:LSAJFLK:ASJ!!!!"

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lol it didnt take me that long and i thought it was really fun. i didnt have a problem with the back tracking.. i knew thats what it was going to be like so i had it in my memory banks where to go back to and stuff.. so when i got the new abilities i went straight back and got it finished with.. there was never a problem where i was roaming around trying to find out where to go.. you can also just look at your map and see , oh theres the door i havent gone through yet..and 5 min load times? the fuck?


i thought it was a really neat little section and a neat change of pace from the style of gameplay up til that point... also running around as a golem smashing stuff is friggin fun i dont care what anyone says not even a noob like u

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Just beat X-men Origins: Wolverine. Pretty good game for a hack and slash.


Am gonna try to platinum Fallout 3 before New Vegas comes out.


Noticed you didn't mention you've Platinumed Cars and Up! :rolleyes:

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Just beat X-men Origins: Wolverine. Pretty good game for a hack and slash.


Am gonna try to platinum Fallout 3 before New Vegas comes out.


Noticed you didn't mention you've Platinumed Cars and Up! :rolleyes:


I rented them for my nephew. He went back home and I still had them so I got the platinum for both. Up! was fun, minus a few glitches. Cars was too easy. You don't even have to come in first place to win. I'm not ashamed for getting them if that's what you're implying.

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Just beat X-men Origins: Wolverine. Pretty good game for a hack and slash.


Am gonna try to platinum Fallout 3 before New Vegas comes out.


Noticed you didn't mention you've Platinumed Cars and Up! :rolleyes:


I rented them for my nephew. He went back home and I still had them so I got the platinum for both. Up! was fun, minus a few glitches. Cars was too easy. You don't even have to come in first place to win. I'm not ashamed for getting them if that's what you're implying.


No, not all all (looks sheepishly at Buzz! Robo Jam trophies) :blush:

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Guest underscore

bummed they are done with skate 3 DLCs! anyone else playing this on ps3? i'm trying not to care about finishing all the lame ass trophies, but i only need three more til i've 100%'d the game and they are all the team online skate shits

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playstation move / sports champions


dragon age: awakening


transformers: war for cybertron


bioshock 2


mass effect 2


just cause 2


f1 2010


colin mcrae dirt 2



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Guest Dirty Protest

I just play Flash games all the time, I cant remember that last retail game I really enjoyed, maybe World of Goo. Cant work out if mediocrity has killed gaming or im just jaded, feel like CSS is all there is for me now, forever.

Might just replay Vampire: The Masquerade-Bloodlines and weep all the way through it, like Les Dennis flicking through old photos of Amanda Holden.

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I just play Flash games all the time, I cant remember that last retail game I really enjoyed, maybe World of Goo. Cant work out if mediocrity has killed gaming or im just jaded, feel like CSS is all there is for me now, forever.

Might just replay Vampire: The Masquerade-Bloodlines and weep all the way through it, like Les Dennis flicking through old photos of Amanda Holden.

bloodlines is one of the best rpgs i have ever played. i never finished it though, damn.

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Guest Dirty Protest

The ends the worst part of the game, it degenerates into killing everything in sight, which isnt so good if youve spent the game making a nosferatu with no fighting skill. I remember reading a few months ago that fans are remaking it using HL2 engine, probably never see the light of day, but i hope it does.




its 5am, wtf am i doing up.

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I just bought Resistance 2 and Where the Wild Things Are for $15 each. And I rented Dark Void, which hopefully will be fun.


It bugs me when I rent games and the disk has scratches and fingerprints on it. I mean seriously, how hard is it to take care of a piece of plastic.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I remember reading a few months ago that fans are remaking Vampire: The Masquerade-Bloodlines using HL2 engine, probably never see the light of day, but i hope it does.


Be sure to post a thread if you see that actually comes out. I remember watching a friend play it for quite a few hours back when it came out and wanted to get into it but never did. Then I wanted to a few years back but I looked and some screenshots and thought it would probably feel so outdated I wouldn't be able to get into the vibe nearly at all like I would back when it was a cutting edge atmospheric RPG. We need more epic dark as fuck games RPGs like that these days.

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I just bought Resistance 2 and Where the Wild Things Are for $15 each. And I rented Dark Void, which hopefully will be fun.


It bugs me when I rent games and the disk has scratches and fingerprints on it. I mean seriously, how hard is it to take care of a piece of plastic.


Resistance 2 is epic and fun to play - it will get you in the right mindset when Resistance 3 hits hopefully next year sometimes... Where The Wild Things Are? Seriously? Ah, for your "nephew" again? :emotawesomepm9:


Dark Void got terrible reviews - the 8-bit online (I think) version was rated better than the current-gen version. It had promise, but apparently didn't live up to expectations.

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