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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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I think Bane and Batman are about to make love here. Deep passionate eyes.



damn, it's interesting how when Nolan evokes a full on Shumacher his fans don't even bat an eyelash, jesus christ all the new batman suit needs are nipples and we're in full on Clooney VS Arnold batman world


the next person with actual balls to bring batman to film will finally do a proper blue/grey batman costume and none fo the Tim Burton legacy water carrying

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I think Bane and Batman are about to make love here. Deep passionate eyes.



damn, it's interesting how when Nolan evokes a full on Shumacher his fans don't even bat an eyelash, jesus christ all the new batman suit needs are nipples and we're in full on Clooney VS Arnold batman world


the next person with actual balls to bring batman to film will finally do a proper blue/grey batman costume and none fo the Tim Burton legacy water carrying


That pic really doesn't look official, though.

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Shit, I guess it is official, which is weird because it looks out of step with Nolan's other Batman movies. It's not a screen shot, though. Bale and Hardy aren't that absurdly huge.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

That's gotta be a publicity shot/possibly poster image, definitely not a screen cap of the movie or anything, Nolan probably had little if any real involvement in it. If it is they did lots of photoshoping or CGI over it. Seems like some of you guys really just want this movie to fail because Nolan is getting too much hype, respect and money from his films or something.


I'm not one of those people that think The Dark Knight was the best movie ever, I think Heath Ledger's performance gave the film a little bit of too much respect but I thought was really awesome and I think this movie has the chance of being a more entertaining flick overall. I know most WATMMers want all movies to be top shelf art but some films can just be good entertaining and not held up to that standard. That being said as far as big blockbuster action films go, how can you talk that much shit on Nolan, in that genre of Hollywood his films contain quite a bit more substance than most.

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It would be nice if Nolan is just ramping up all the militaristic superhero hubris levels in order to totally tear them apart and reduce batman to a pathetic quivering shell at the end of this (and I'm aware of the general arc of the Bane storyline), but it's just not going to happen that way. Shit's going to blow up and be epic and orangeteal or tealgrey and money will be made.


I don't hate Nolan, but that costume design is really, as Awepittance put it, Schumacher as fuck.


I'm still going to watch this, because maybe I want to be Tom Hardy's hetero life partner (except, you know, when I'm really drunk and feeling comfortable), so what?


edit: I mean we should get a beer, Tom, watch some sports.


edit: clearly, guys, I'm just, uh, trying to satirize all of the hyper-masculine imagery in that picture. Clearly. But Tom, those beers. Call me. I know you're not bi anymore, I'm just joking, Tom. It's ok, I love vaginas. Vaginas are... really nice.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

It would be nice if Nolan is just ramping up all the militaristic superhero hubris levels in order to totally tear them apart and reduce batman to a pathetic quivering shell at the end of this (and I'm aware of the general arc of the Bane storyline), but it's just not going to happen that way. Shit's going to blow up and be epic and orangeteal or tealgrey and money will be made.

You don't think Batman at the very least if not Bruce Wayne will be killed with many levels of substance? I'm pretty optimistic about the plot and confident in my assumptions it will have some relevant ethics & metaphors for the corruption in modern society right now. Say what you will about his execution but it's pretty apparent from everything I've read that Nolan puts a lot of thought into his films, this being the end of this highly regarded trilogy I know he at least putting a lot of effort into giving it at least undertones of real substance.


I seem like a total Nolan fan here but really I don't care thaat much to defend him or his films. Just my modest opinion.

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maybe this is the movie we need to make dumbfucks who think they have movie taste realize that nolan is half as talented as he styles himself to be


Totally agree. The only movie i like of his is Momento, Inception is alright.

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It would be nice if Nolan is just ramping up all the militaristic superhero hubris levels in order to totally tear them apart and reduce batman to a pathetic quivering shell at the end of this (and I'm aware of the general arc of the Bane storyline), but it's just not going to happen that way. Shit's going to blow up and be epic and orangeteal or tealgrey and money will be made.

You don't think Batman at the very least if not Bruce Wayne will be killed with many levels of substance?


I don't rightly know, sir. It's Hollywood. It looks Hollywood. I don't expect too much formula-subversion. I lower my expectations and expect shit, and hope to be pleasantly surprised.

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maybe this is the movie we need to make dumbfucks who think they have movie taste realize that nolan is half as talented as he styles himself to be


Totally agree. The only movie i like of his is Momento, Inception is alright.

*cough* The Prestige *cough*


But I agree completely that he's "half as talented as he styles himself to be" I think his Batman movies are all dull, predictable, and borderline incoherent...

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Guest analogue wings

The Raid - 10/10


Pure unadulterated action movie, perfectly executed. Fucking amazing fights.

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'The Prestige' is a damn fine film. David Bowie playing Tesla in it and portraying his life in Colorado Springs gets this film a 9 from me just for that fact alone.


The new Batman film has me worried. Anne Hathaway looks cheesy as hell. We might not be able to understand what Bane says. The poster that I put up is ridiculous on so many levels. Bane should never look like a GQ model.


Way to go marketing geniuses.

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am I the only one who likes that poster? I think it's fine (artistically speaking, in terms of the poses, composition, negative space, costumes, etc). And Awepittance you're just being a diva, there's a huge gulf between Shumaker's nipple & codpiece suit and this one. If anything this is more inspired by modern ballistic body armor type stuff. It's the same as the batmobile, they want it to look plausibly real-world and militarized...

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oooooh, you said Militarized! *waits for Robbie's response*


I don't hate the poster. I just think it is too clean and light for what these films are trying to portray. The rain in the pic bugs me because neither of them have a drop of water on their selves.

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prestige never really gets there in my opinion. it promises a lot but never really delivers.

now dark knight was great, especially in a theater. i think nolan all in all makes movies to watch in the theater. you need to feel the epicness.

gotta appreciate that at least he tries to deliver some content without getting all silly or cheaply artsy artsy. his movie are really decent.




the awekening - late night tv discovery. a canadian/hungarian harlequin production that takes place in miami. it made no sense and i laughed a lot. shelly/sally from northern exposure plays the lead!!

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am I the only one who likes that poster? I think it's fine (artistically speaking, in terms of the poses, composition, negative space, costumes, etc). And Awepittance you're just being a diva, there's a huge gulf between Shumaker's nipple & codpiece suit and this one. If anything this is more inspired by modern ballistic body armor type stuff. It's the same as the batmobile, they want it to look plausibly real-world and militarized...


im not even complaining baout the poster, i just don't want batman to look like some kind of asian inspired mech suit.

look like shit to me, but im sure it's not going to be too distracting in the movie. I thought the

'The Prestige' is a damn fine film. David Bowie playing Tesla in it and portraying his life in Colorado Springs gets this film a 9 from me just for that fact alone.


The new Batman film has me worried. Anne Hathaway looks cheesy as hell. We might not be able to understand what Bane says. The poster that I put up is ridiculous on so many levels. Bane should never look like a GQ model.


Way to go marketing geniuses.


i just think Nolan is kind of a cunt from going from such ballsy villans in Part 1 (ras a ghul and scarecrow) to the fucking joker and catwoman again, if you're going to try and do an update of Bane why not Poison Ivy or just simply someone else from the batman universe who is NOT a shitty character, penguin, clayface, mad hatter, anyone.

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balls of fury - Saw the first 10 minutes in Spain a little while back with Spanish dubbing. Seemed funny. Thought it might be a lol - maybe half as good as Blades of Glory (so low expectations). Had to turn it off 15 minutes in. Can't actually remember seeing a worse comedy. Scores one point for not being Sex and the City 2. 1 / 10


sex and the city 2 - Left the room before the DVD had loaded. -10 / 10


50/50 - Not too bad. I don't what it is. I think I might be a bit gay for Seth Rogen. 5.8 / 10


King of California - Rubbish. Even more annoying for trying to be cute and quaint with the ubiquitous indie folky plinky wank score (which never actually seemed to stop). One point for not being Sex and the City. Couple of points for Evan Rachel Wood. 3 /10



It's been a real dry spell lately. Maybe I've exhausted LoveFilm's catalogue. Still have 50 more queued up on the rental list :/

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rewatched No Country For Old Men because of this thread.


I won't bother rating it, as my brain doesn't work well that way. I still really enjoyed it. I think my favorite thing about the Coen Brothers films is that the ellude to a lot of stuff that keeps me interested. Such as the story of of Uncle Max being shot on the porch by Natives (at least he mentions one speaking "Indian"), or The Goys Teeth in A Serious Man. It reminds me a lot of Borges/Umberto Eco novels, which I am a big fan of. These little scraps of stories that seem to have a lot behind them, but the author chose to hold back, less is more etc.


I would like more dialogue heavy movies like this from the Coen bros.





I should add that I haven't read the McCarthy book, though I have been thinking about it. I like his writing style, and they could have easily just taken that mini-story from the novel. Not sure.

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