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post your most recent vinyl purchases

Rubin Farr

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My most recent vinyl purchases haven't really been purchases, I've just acquired them:


Gimmik - Slow Motion Process


Haha, my friend just straight up handed that one over to me too.


I got mine in a trade, which is nice because it usually goes for a fair amount of cash, and it's a lovely album.

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Just put in an order for:

Inga Copeland - s/t 12" (Rush Hour)

Ekoplekz - Fountain Square EP

Conrad Schnitzler - Live '72 (r.i.p.)



Neon Indian - New Album somethingorother

Split the cost with my sister, who will get everything except the custom mini-synth build from bleep labs, so whatever lol

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Cyclo - id


i finally gave in, after listening to the whole album and finding out that my favourite track is on the 4-track vinyl.




Nice, but it sounds like every one of these songs could just be different parts of the same song, but i guess all songs are just different parts of the same song: the song of life.

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Perhaps one of the Holy Grails of electronic music vinyl is finally mine now. In NM condition, no less...


And probably most shocking of all, is that I won it on eBay totally uncontested. I have fantasized about having this for years now and I always thought it would end in a bidding war somewhere.



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i dig the white vinyl a ton. I've listened to it probably 20 times since I bought it a few days back, great album [the first NEU! album in case you couldn't tell from the cover]. a bit expensive new.

Edited by vamos scorcho
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i dig the white vinyl a ton. I've listened to it probably 20 times since I bought it a few days back, great album [the first NEU! album in case you couldn't tell from the cover]. a bit expensive new.


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Wow nice find. How much was it?


$50 even! Which isn't bad at all considering it's NM, and musically it could be the strongest piece of Gas vinyl there is. I paid $40 each for Pop and Konigsforst, and I got the s/t 3LP in a trade, so once I have Zauberberg and the Modern EP, I've got it all!

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i dig the white vinyl a ton. I've listened to it probably 20 times since I bought it a few days back, great album [the first NEU! album in case you couldn't tell from the cover]. a bit expensive new.

Wow, is that the reissue? Neu!75 is great too if you haven't already heard it, actually I prefer it to the first album.


I've been buying a lot of 80s pop albums on vinyl recently:

Models - The Pleasure Of Your Company

Models - Cut Lunch 10" (comes with awesome poster which is a collage of polaroid photos! I need more posters from 80s albums)

Tears For Fears - The Hurting

Dire Straits - Brothers In Arms

Simple Minds - Sparkle In The Rain

Simple Minds - Once Upon A Time picture disc:


So beautiful!


Bombastic 80s pop sounds so amazing on vinyl. I'm building up quite a collection which will probably be worthless to most watmmers, zole.

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Dude. Brothers in Arms is so fucking amazing. One of the best road albums of all time. We had the tape when I was a kid and would listen to it on long road trips.

It kinda makes you almost want to try and install a turntable in your dashboard.

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Dude. Brothers in Arms is so fucking amazing. One of the best road albums of all time. We had the tape when I was a kid and would listen to it on long road trips.

It kinda makes you almost want to try and install a turntable in your dashboard.

Fuck yeah, too bad Money For Nothing is edited on the vinyl version :wtf:


I fucking love the DX7 all over the album though, especially the big bass stabs in this song:


Somehow they managed to make a folky/country song sound good with big FM synth sounds, hah!

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I had a pretty interesting trip today. I got all this for 25 dollars. The bolded records I'm particularly happy to have picked up. These were all spur-of-the-moment buys based solely on very quick and judgmental listens I had in the record store. Except for the Environments LPs, which I already know are going to be awesome.


Charles Wuorinen - Time's Ecomium


Philip Glass - Songs from Liquid Days


Muddy Waters - After the Rain


Environments: The Magic of Psychoacoustic Sound - Disc 8 and 10


Percee P - Put it On the Line 12"


Keith Mansfield and Richard Elen - Future Perspective (a sci-fi themed library LP I found laying around for five bucks)

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Environments: The Magic of Psychoacoustic Sound - Disc 8 and 10


"Wood Masted Sailboat" is my favorite on 8, really lush, but then like you said all of it is!


If you can find them, my favorites are easily "Intonation" on #7 and "Tintinnabulation" on #2. "Intonation" is like this dense vocal OM but with the attack cut down and the sounds infinitely seamlessly overlapping. "Tintinnabulation" is a minimal piece with lightly touched bells, which you'd assume would sound like Mood Bells but instead it sounds quite like SAW II to me, given the microtonality of the changes. Absolutely essential stuff!

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Not exactly a purchase, but my dad just gave me some records (like, 30 records) that has bought over the years. Just heard Dire Straits selftitled, now spinning this:




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i'm tapdancing around the decision to buy Sadistic Mika Band's self-titled debut on vinyl, almost entirely because of this song:

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Wow, is that the reissue? Neu!75 is great too if you haven't already heard it, actually I prefer it to the first album.



pretty sure it's the reissue. Neu 75! is amazing, was listening to it last night. I might prefer it too.

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