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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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What did she say when you told her about your first wank?

Best reply post of year so far, [[-;


please don't tell us about your first wank logak, not sure sometimes where you're coming from so I thought it best to mention that, heh.



i love youall

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nearly 2 months since I rolled my ankle and it's still hurting, still can't run. physio's helped some but how long is this going to take, bah.

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getting off psych meds. zoloft and high dose of klonopin. realizing the heart of my anguish is lack of confidence instilled in my from me frrom early years. ADD doesnt help.

i only see what i "think" i cant do. I only see the negative in me. i have to stop this pattern cycle and use what i can do well and or find it



have you looked at EMDR?


it can address complex trauma even if its a complete mindfuck at times (1 tip, dont take intoxicants for approx 48hrs after each session).


if yer honest with the therapist its a proven method in excavating and eliminating these older often buried childhood themes.


its helped me enormously thru some very sticky times, just make sure the people you might access are accredited cos you want an experienced hand at the tiller.


u can access it via the NHS here but only in certain areas across Britain, but it removed a series of uber-toxic influences from my own life and even though i'm going back to it for a short period, its a proven methodology/practice with masses of data proving the outcomes dont lie.


if u wanna know anything about the process or the techniques, just send us a pm,,,,, (absolute discretion assured of course)

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my lover died in my house at the weekend.


there are some theories but all i know is she was happy, no suicide, and we dont know about the circumstances until post mortem.



i was asleep and found her too late.



baths kill too many people, sober or high or whatever, look after your loved ones if they are in the bath all it takes is one slip and you lose someone forever.




and i dont know how to cope, i need counselling and support but they dont prepare you for this shit. last thing she said to me was i am having a bath, kissed me on the forehead and went upstairs a happy girl. everything else is just noise, i found her too late.


my crazy rationalized brain says oh i hope she did some drugs or something and felt no pain but my emotional head says why the fuck would she need drugs if she was so happy.


it's a fucked up tragedy for no reason does anyone on watmm have any advice for bereavement? i need to go to work occupy myself and after hours continue her legacy by doing something good for the world.



stay safe guys you dont know how much you've got even if you feel you drew a short straw you didn;t.

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i'm so sorry to hear that fenton. alot of deaths in my life/world lately. i find myself talking about it alot, kinda morbid, not upset but just thinking about death. which i guess is an ok thing to do, think about afterlife and loved ones, if you believe in that.

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my lover died in my house at the weekend.


there are some theories but all i know is she was happy, no suicide, and we dont know about the circumstances until post mortem.



i was asleep and found her too late.



baths kill too many people, sober or high or whatever, look after your loved ones if they are in the bath all it takes is one slip and you lose someone forever.




and i dont know how to cope, i need counselling and support but they dont prepare you for this shit. last thing she said to me was i am having a bath, kissed me on the forehead and went upstairs a happy girl. everything else is just noise, i found her too late.


my crazy rationalized brain says oh i hope she did some drugs or something and felt no pain but my emotional head says why the fuck would she need drugs if she was so happy.


it's a fucked up tragedy for no reason does anyone on watmm have any advice for bereavement? i need to go to work occupy myself and after hours continue her legacy by doing something good for the world.



stay safe guys you dont know how much you've got even if you feel you drew a short straw you didn;t.


fuck. that's tough, man. godspeed.


if you work in an office, I would advise against going back to work. I mean, it depends on your circumstances and what kind of work you do/who you work with, but I know if that happened to me I would take some time off. not too much cos I'd start feeling useless, but enough to get over the worst of it. trying to go back to work when you're carrying all that baggage and have to deal with other people professionally can be very trying, but like I said, it depends on your personal circumstances. maybe you can handle it.


other than that I can't think of what to suggest other than to keep talking to people and not become withdrawn. talk it out.

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That's horrible, Fenton... I couldn't even imagine that happening. My only piece of advice would be that once you've taken time to grieve and the situation has some closure that you keep yourself somewhat busy, surround yourself in loved ones and friends, let yourself be open with those people - never feel like you're annoying someone when grieving, it helps to let it all out...


If you shared love and gave love, that is everything one can really give, and she can feel that on this realm of consciousness or the next. I'm sorry for your loss man :sad:

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I can't imagine how traumatizing that must have been...just remember that we're here for you, Fenton.




I'd love to offer some sort of wisdom, but everyone else has touched on what needed to be said.


Absolutely here if you want to chat Fenton, sometimes it helps to vent to a stranger.

Edited by StephenG
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That sounds horrible beyond words. I am sorry for your loss, Fenton. Dealing with grief is such a personal thing, I'm really not sure what advice to give. Venting to close friends or family might be helpful. Or if you make art, incorporating some of this experience into it may be cathartic. That was one of the most useful things for me when dealing with the recent death of a loved one. That thing you said about continuing her memory through contributing good to the world is fantastic advice to yourself. She'd be happy about that I'm sure.

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Guest Chesney

Oh man, I feel for you Fenton. You got to let yourself process it, try not to blame or over analyse it too much, you'll drive yourself insane. Just take one day at a time doing normal things. It's going to be real tough man.

We all go through bereavement in life just some people get a bum deal and have to deal with worst case scenarios, it's some weird messed up lottery of chance. It will make you stronger as long as you don't let it destroy you. I have been through similar but not the same at all so I cannot tell you how to grieve, only tell you that it's ok to process it however you want without causing more hurt and harm.

Good luck man, thinking of you.

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it was like a week ago when i told a friend how no-one around me dies and how lucky i was but i guess you can go years before life comes to get you



work is fucked up i had to tell a select few people to monitor me and give me slack. i could take time off but i am a big dwelling self destroyer when i need to be so maybe these tasks will get me through



when people made morbid jokes or anything around me that was pretty much enough to walk out at times but i got to stay strong


:( look after yourselves everyone

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I've always been a little hard of hearing, it's neurological I was born with it, but lately it's becoming apparent that it's gotten a little worse... this kinda scares me. In all honesty I've needed new hearing aids for quite a while, but the damn things are fucking expensive, even with insurance. I don't know if it's further damage I've done by not protecting what I do have back when I used to play live shows or go to concerts more often, or because I tend to turn things up probably louder than they should be (especially in the car), or if it's nothing I did and my nerves are just deteriorating more... I know I should go to the audiologist but I'm kinda afraid to find out more, also because of the mentioned costs... This has been eating at me lately.

Edited by ghOsty
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That's tragic, Fenton. I'm really sorry.


I recommend that you keep your mind a bit preoccupied until you feel like you can deal with it without falling to pieces.

My friend's dad died and another friend's grandmother died as well. 'Tis the season.

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I am hungry, but the line to the lunch cafeteria is too long and I can't be bothered to queue. And now I am forced to wait in the study room until it clears, even if I want to get home and start writing (which I will probably procrastinate about anyways, but the thought is there to be productive, that's something at least).

Edited by azatoth
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getting off psych meds. zoloft and high dose of klonopin. realizing the heart of my anguish is lack of confidence instilled in my from me frrom early years. ADD doesnt help.

i only see what i "think" i cant do. I only see the negative in me. i have to stop this pattern cycle and use what i can do well and or find it



have you looked at EMDR?


im in the usa. ill look into it.


i spent 5 days in hospital due to benzo withdrawal. its a nightmare. i fucked up once. took too much. my psych doc thinks im a drug seeker now. he gave me thorazine (an old 60's chemical lobotomy drug) instead of klonopin. they cold turkey-ed me from 3mg of klonopin to a lobotomy drug. fucking cunts. i had to go to my GP to get a refill. now im trying to ween off properly with klonopin(thankfully). nightmare. i cant wait until im off all this junk and out of the psych loop. the sched II drugs automatically create suspicion with docs and nurses if you mess up and take to much or lose it. they never believe a word you say

Edited by marf
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it was like a week ago when i told a friend how no-one around me dies and how lucky i was but i guess you can go years before life comes to get you



work is fucked up i had to tell a select few people to monitor me and give me slack. i could take time off but i am a big dwelling self destroyer when i need to be so maybe these tasks will get me through



when people made morbid jokes or anything around me that was pretty much enough to walk out at times but i got to stay strong


:( look after yourselves everyone


That's terrible Fenton, I can't imagine what you're going through right now... Please get help if you're having trouble coping by yourself. Take care of yourself and work on keeping your mind together one day at a time.

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