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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Line 6 D4 delay pedal fucked itself. Again. This time right before tour. Last time it was an hour before a show. I wonder how much they are to rent for 10 days.... fuck it, I think I need to buy a new one. They're so unreliable yet so indispensable.... and expensive ($300-$040). Goddamnit. Last time it was just a matter of taking it apart and putting it back together. This time there was smoke pouring out of it, so I fear the fix will not be so simple (or possible). Hopefully there's something else comparable on the market I can grab that's less suicidal. it's the sort of pedal that requires a backup for live shows -I'm less likely to break a string than to have this thing die on me.

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I once was seeing a girl who was scared of moths, but the phobia was extremely specific...


She was scared of getting out of the shower and moths flying into her wet feet/ankles and the wing powder covering them(?)







if anything this would be helpful, a kind of natural talc if you will. not so great for the moths though, they might die.

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It's hot. I'm having some respiratory issue which might be related (allergies?)


Also, night is probably about 6 hours long now. I go to bed and it's barely dark, I wake up and it's already bright. This messes with my sleep. Oh well, just a few weeks until it starts getting dark again.

Blackout curtains.


Pretty common up here, but there's probably somewhere in the Spo you can get 'em too.

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For the last two months, there has been at least an hour of unscheduled overtime after work due to how busy and understaffed we are.

I'm looking forward to the overtime in my pay, but fuck I'm starting to really detest starting the day.

Just knowing that, no matter what we do, we're going to be late is majorly depressing. Why even bother trying to get it done early? :catbleed:

Edited by Bechuga
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Those moths are really beautiful creatures. I would really love to WHACK THE SHIT OUT OF THEM WITH A ROLLED UP NEWSPAPER - SAYONARA LEPIDOPTERA!

Continuing my most recent FWP, it just occurred to me that I may have developed a wheat or gluten intolerance. The symptoms seem to fit. That would really be the ultimate FWP.

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wow, this page has been a real whirlwind for me. mr. sanchez, thank you for turning things around and coming correct, exceptional specimens. please accept my offer of a free year subscription to Alco's Moth Monthly moth fanzine. i've taken the liberty of cyber-stalking you and will personally deliver each copy to your mailbox on the 4th of every month at 7am. please do not try to contact me further re: this issue.*


i see some members have really shown their true, incomprehensibly despicable characters itt. it is commonly known in moth-frinedly circles that moths can administer a unique serum into the eyeballs of their decriers which causes, among other ailments, severe wheat and gluten intolerance. so sweepstakes consider yourself duly, righteously pwnt.


*"issue" lol zine pun.

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Look at those tacky color combinations - is this what inspired the 1970s? (magenta & brown is pretty sweet, though, I gotta say)


Also what's up with all the caterpillars covered in toxic fuzz? Bunch of asshole kids.

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indeed i have no respect for caterpillars. and magenta & brown is indeed lush.

there's hope for you, kid.


*removed sunglasses and stares directly into sun through a telescope but eyes inexplicably are unacathed*

Edited by Alcofribas
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FLOL @ alco.


Now there's a bunch hanging out inside the pellet stove. I don't know what inspired them to go in there; it's 85F outside and we haven't used the stove in a couple weeks so there's no flame for them to wander toward.


This is like the start of a B horror movie. If you don't hear from me again, the moth man got me.

maybe they just want to chill in the stove and have some privacy mate. did you even consider that? it's possible they just want to flutter about there and relax, share moth items, jbc and shit? it's even possible they do it for the rush, the adaptation and the general backwardness of the act. it seems like you're being so ungenerous with the moths here.


i'm sorry to bring this up, I just can't bare to see this behavior and not say something.


Oh no no no, don't get me wrong. They can chill in the pellet stove all they want. They just better not fuck with my coffee again. You don't get between a man and his wakey juice.


i've got my eye on you nevertheless.


definitely reported to the mods


That's totally fair, because they displace one more bean and it's moth genocide up in this bitch



With an attitude like that toward moths, I'm surprised you're an autechre fan.

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With an attitude like that toward moths, I'm surprised you're an autechre fan.

Wait - are you saying Sine & Rib are moth enthusiasts? In that case, I take it all back; moths are lush. *hides enormous pile of moth corpses*

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Those moths are really beautiful creatures. I would really love to WHACK THE SHIT OUT OF THEM WITH A ROLLED UP NEWSPAPER - SAYONARA LEPIDOPTERA!




Is it too late to have moths as most IDM 2016 for real though?

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scarlett johansen is in the ghost in the shell movie playing the major.


i'm on a diet. no coffee or tea or booze of any kind for 10 days.

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With an attitude like that toward moths, I'm surprised you're an autechre fan.

Wait - are you saying Sine & Rib are moth enthusiasts? In that case, I take it all back; moths are lush. *hides enormous pile of moth corpses*
Ah shit my lame attempt at being clever failed...



Remember Prince Moth Mothy Moth Moth....?



Fwp: when you think you're being meta but it's really just scraping foetus off the void...

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