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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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The same thing happened to me years ago Lada... Thankfully a public university here was sensitive to the issue and waived transfer fees + gave strong transfer credits. Is that an option for you if the school closes?

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It’s the only place in the area that offers a Bachelor’s degree. There are other schools that offer Associate’s and they’re making some noise about a teach out or credits transferring, but no one has had any success transferring credits in the recent past. Even the General Ed/Liberal Arts credits don’t line up because they’re accredited differently than most other schools. If the college tanks before I graduate and get my transcripts, I’m effectively out three years of life and work.


But hey, at least I got Pro Tools 12 and Live 10 with the student discount I guess.

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Shit that sucks Lada! I hadn't even heard about the art institute potentially closing...


I wouldn't say you're necessarily out 3 years of work though. All those courses and training are real. They will go on your resume. It's still experience that positions you above other job applicants. It sucks you may not get the papers to back it up, but your efforts still count for something.

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It’s the only place in the area that offers a Bachelor’s degree. There are other schools that offer Associate’s and they’re making some noise about a teach out or credits transferring, but no one has had any success transferring credits in the recent past. Even the General Ed/Liberal Arts credits don’t line up because they’re accredited differently than most other schools. If the college tanks before I graduate and get my transcripts, I’m effectively out three years of life and work.


But hey, at least I got Pro Tools 12 and Live 10 with the student discount I guess.

that is utterly fucked up. there has to be some way to salvage the credit and move to another institution for the last bit of it. I'd talk to the Dept of Education for help if your place isn't helping. even if you have to move out if the area for a bit to finish the thing, it'd be worth it.

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Shit that sucks Lada! I hadn't even heard about the art institute potentially closing...


I wouldn't say you're necessarily out 3 years of work though. All those courses and training are real. They will go on your resume. It's still experience that positions you above other job applicants. It sucks you may not get the papers to back it up, but your efforts still count for something.


Yeah, very true - but it would be nice to put the words Bachelor of Science on my resume without lying about it. I guess it's called a BS degree after all!


But hey, we made the news. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/art-institute-of-seattle-at-risk-of-closure/925877724

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if you've got a set amount of credits they should be transferable, it might mean moving for a temp period to another institution & your uni/college must surely be aware of the amount of legal action they face if they flub to this level (maybe set out a savings plan in the interim by working any p.t. jobs you can access?)


you can't let these cunts fuck with your progress, my first "attempt" at uni ended after a single fresher year (great drugs doe) but was able to transfer those credits over to a new gaff 10yrs later


disruption is a cunt, but invoke your inner pragmatist & don't let the bastards grind you down...it'll happen one way or other & staring this shit in the eye will only strengthen your resolve long-term

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stumbled upon an old acquaintance while on a walk, actually wanted to talk to her and ask what she's been up to lately but I realized I'd completely forgotten what her name is. At least I'm pretty sure she didn't see me (nor my very obviously crossing the street for no reason other than avoiding her)

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But what are the chances that she would quiz you on what her name is?  I'm bad at remembering names, so I just never use them.  "Hey, how are you/what have you been up to lately" works for everyone. 


you've a good point and I could've just avoided saying her name, but in true IDM fashion my first instinctual reaction to a possible social interaction mishap was to avoid socializing altogether

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But what are the chances that she would quiz you on what her name is?  I'm bad at remembering names, so I just never use them.  "Hey, how are you/what have you been up to lately" works for everyone. 


you've a good point and I could've just avoided saying her name, but in true IDM fashion my first instinctual reaction to a possible social interaction mishap was to avoid socializing altogether




Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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But what are the chances that she would quiz you on what her name is?  I'm bad at remembering names, so I just never use them.  "Hey, how are you/what have you been up to lately" works for everyone. 


you've a good point and I could've just avoided saying her name, but in true IDM fashion my first instinctual reaction to a possible social interaction mishap was to avoid socializing altogether



I've used both of these methods but I've gotten better at just pushing past any awkwardness lately:)

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Just ran into the president of my school, she was wearing rubber gloves and holding a toilet brush (they fired all the janitorial staff a couple weeks ago). Bathrooms are out of TP and paper towels. Lol

I would laugh but knowing your situation I'm sad to read this.... I really hope they get funding ASAP.

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6am flight. have to leave for airport at 4am. just realized i will have 30 minutes to catch my connecting flight. i'm fatigued as fuck from meds this week for some reason. stress? could be. fuggit. just gonna autechre for 8 hours until ipod goes dead. 


i should get one of those new ipods now that mine seems to get the battery death quicker than el-seq ends. 

jobhunting blows, im not even sure i want to stick to this career path anymore either, but not sure what else i'd do at this point...



just do a shitty job until you get let go then collect unemployment. i hear that the position of Russian Hacker is hiring but requires a move. 

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I woke up too early the other day and couldn't fall back to sleep because there was an obvious flaw in the experiment some flat Earthers did in this doc to prove their case.  Had their experiment been legit in the first place they would have disproved it anyway.  I was just troubled that nobody acknowledged the flaw in the experiment that made it a complete waste of time, including people on the other side who were like "that's actually a pretty cool experiment."  Anyway, I'm clearly not over it.

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FWP: Lost my phone and the store won't sell me one until I give them some code (because I'm on a family plan). Contemplating just getting my own plan so I don't have to put up with this bullshit.


Christ, the saga continues. I finally got everything I needed. I had my old phone repaired so I wouldn't have to buy a new one and went to buy a SIM card. Bought it, installed it, everything was back to normal until the account holder on the family plan got some emails that there was "activity" on the account. So they called our carrier and had it disable.


FFUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKDHOUHNGEKLJBSDNLBFJKH F :catrage:  :catrage:  :catrage:  :catrage:  :catrage:  :catrage:  :catrage:  :catrage:

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In Rome for a week. Hotel has excellent breakfast buffet. Great.


Coffee, however, comes from a lousy automated machine. From Holland.



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Third time I have traveler's diarrhea in a month.. And two of them were quite bad, felt like dying but the whole thing went away in a matter of hours. WTF? Today I was like sweating a ton, my stomach cramping, even my back cramping, hands getting all tingly, getting dizzy and shit and I was thinking should I call a fucking ambulance or what. And then it was mostly over in like 2 hours and I could even go to a restaurant five hours later for a dinner without a problem except still sweating a quite bit more than usually (well it's over +30C here and no AC in the restaurant).

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^ what kind of a shitass hotel you must be visiting to get lousy coffee in ROME! it's blasphemy *gesticulates in italian*

same thought here (including the Italian gesticulating). they must be giving people watery Americano-style coffee thinking that's what visitors enjoy. it can't be hard to go less than 100m from the place to find a good espresso.

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