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What TV series are you watching at moment?


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i don't watch much tv and dont have cable but big brother (us version) is one of the only shows i watch and a guilty pleasure.. i can't be the only one


its the only reality show you are guaranteed to know is "real" because you can watch a 24/7 stream online, except for certain times when they are producing the show's games and rituals that are broadcast on tv. i'm pretty sure the only part that it's actually not real is when they are in the "diary room" (talking to a camera about their emotions and events), they expect them to follow a certain persona and are kind of coached on what to say depending on the situation

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The Newsroom & House of Cards are the only recent shows i'm watching. I've also got The Mighty Boosh handy, and am peeking at some Breaking Bad. Am highly anticipating the new QI season and am looking for a decent anime show... maybe FMA:Brotherhood!

Most of my time is spent listening to music and chatting to strangers though :3

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Been going through a re-watch marathon of Breaking Bad in anticipation of it starting back up, got a few left of the first part of sesaon 5 to watch before Sunday. Also been finally getting into Archer lately.

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Yea I read an interview where they mentioned what would've happened in season 3, if they'd made it back then. For example, the first half would've taken place on Killface's home planet and stuff. I would love to see that.

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Guest Shit Attack

started breaking bad a while ago after hearing good things. its ok apart from walter white dont like any of the characters + particularly dislike the bald drug agent brother in law dude . just seems like a pretty average run of the mill tv show with a slightly wacky premise . definetly no wire or sopranos so far (start of series 2) probably stick it out anyways tho its entertaining enough and probably gets better

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started breaking bad a while ago after hearing good things. its ok apart from walter white dont like any of the characters + particularly dislike the bald drug agent brother in law dude . just seems like a pretty average run of the mill tv show with a slightly wacky premise . definetly no wire or sopranos so far (start of series 2) probably stick it out anyways tho its entertaining enough and probably gets better


I feel exactly the same way about the show. It's a neat premise with some decent acting by a couple of actors, with a whole lot of padded out confrontations and horribly annoying characters

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Breaking Bad is no more than silly light entertainment. It's certainly not in the same category as The Wire or The Sopranos. It's totally ridiculous and often appallingly scripted. It seems like it has been created by a team of 12-15 year old boys. There is probably about 5 minutes of genuine affecting drama in the whole series. It's addictive. I enjoyed it.

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Guest Shit Attack

yeah its just cause i always heard people talking about it like it was in the same league as sopranos + wire so was a bit shocked at first that it was just a pretty normal middle of the road type tv show with all the usual tv stuff in it . it is pretty entertaining overall tho + walter is definetly a good character, just a shame everyone else is so gimpy or stooopid

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just finished the entire Sopranos series. Overall a pretty awesome show, though I couldn't help but feel that the quality of the show declined rather quickly (to me s1 and 2 were by far the strongest, s4 seemed to be a marked decline). Tony's philandering and psychiatry meets just seemed too repetitive (fucking go to the shrink or don't you fucking moron).



The cast did a phenomenal job. My personal favorites were Adrianna, Christopher (im guessing hes a fan favorite?) and Junior (when he shoots Tony is such a perfect mixture of shock and comedy....LOL grandpa flippin out....wait....wait a minute he just shot a guy!)



Lastly, and I think this is probably because Im so detatched from the series as it actually ran on TV....I thought the ending was pretty fantastic. I'm pretty sure it's meant to mean Tony died, hence our viewpoint was cut off from Tony's sensory perception (his brain penetrated by a bullet). I haven't really read up on it though...are there conflicting opinions?

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there's a silly amount of theorizing about the last episode.

to me, the cut to black signifies the ending of our viewing experience of tony and co's slice of life, but that doesn't mean tony's life had ended in that moment. i think it would be out of character to portray his death like that, it's the sort of shit "lost" makers and the like are expected to do, not the dude who made sopranos.


shame that joyrex hates watmm and deleted archives of gen-ban, im sure there was an interesting discussion about it back in 2006.

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Guest Shit Attack

tony definetly got whacked by the members only jacket guy ( + then by lunch in real life.........sorry that was in poor taste RIP )





you probably dont even hear it when it happens

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What's it like??

It's kinda melodramatic (especially in the first few episodes), but the atmosphere is amazing. It often goes several episodes at a time just focusing on the human characters, building up the tension, so that when an actual titan shows up you'll be all like ahhhhh fuckkkk


Also the way it's animated captures the sense of scale quite nicely

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