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Just finished an Australian reality/cooking show called "My Kitchen Rules".

Finished first season of "House of Cards", now 2 episodes into season 2.

Going to try and stay with the new "24" as long as it's still offered on the fox app for my old xbox. Also trying to catch up on "Cosmos" using same app, holy shit episode 4 was like an acid trip.

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Just started watching House of Cards and I'm about halfway through the first season. There's a lot to like for sure but it cracks me up how they go for realism at first but then they go all soap opera with this outlandish steamy affair that either character should be waaaayyyy too smart to get into.


Not that I'm complaining. Nobody would watch a show like this unless somebody was bumpin uglies, but there's definitely other ways to work it in there. But here I am trying to think of a way to make a tv show more realistic while twiddling my thumbs at work when I should be stepping up my game in the political arena making power plays and blackmailing people myself. Doing it MY WAY. I guess I'm just too lazy to be a corrupt politician or anything like that.

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fargo's really good, ppl. you're missing out if you're not watching it.


2nded. The cold open in the last episode that ends with the camera panning out of the festering wound in Lester's infected hand gave me the queezys. Billy Bob is killing it.

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I guess I'm one of those people who just couldn't get past the 'weirdness' of them making a Fargo show. I made it through the first episode but I had zero desire to keep watching. Parts of it seem to work, but Billy Bob is part of the reason it's a non starter. After i saw him do this

"since you're instructed not to talk about shit like that" flol

it impacted my ability to just let go and enjoy his acting, like 10x more than when Christian Bale revealed himself to be an abusive asshole on the set of Terminator 4

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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Guest mrajh

man i used to love naruto but theres just no way i can help getting bored from that ultra slow story development anymore

someone should def put out an edited version of the whole thing it would probably be a few hours long or something

Edited by mrajh
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fargo's really good, ppl. you're missing out if you're not watching it.


2nded. The cold open in the last episode that ends with the camera panning out of the festering wound in Lester's infected hand gave me the queezys. Billy Bob is killing it.



3rded. ah you betcha yea

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Guest Al Hounos



fargo's really good, ppl. you're missing out if you're not watching it.


2nded. The cold open in the last episode that ends with the camera panning out of the festering wound in Lester's infected hand gave me the queezys. Billy Bob is killing it.



3rded. ah you betcha yea


i slept on this one out of prejudice and also respect for the original film. but three episodes in I can say this is a great great show that pays homage to the original while never feeling derivative of it.

Edited by Al Hounos
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It does look very nice i'll give it that, haven't actually watched it though but when i've stumbled on a screening during a flick around there's always something pretty and well thought out going on on screen. They should have had those people design the guardians of the galaxy movie, like emergency booked them and thrown money their way.

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Hannibal is blood-soaked crack cocaine and the prettiest show ever to air on network television.


latest episode was intense! face eating scene wtf!!!


and how the hell does Gillian Anderson keeping getting hotter?!

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Hannibal is blood-soaked crack cocaine and the prettiest show ever to air on network television.


latest episode was intense! face eating scene wtf!!!


and how the hell does Gillian Anderson keeping getting hotter?!


season 2 has been just fucking incredible. the cinematography, the writing are lush

michael pitt is fucking brilliant as mason verger

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Enjoying the slow burn of Fargo, it really is a chip off the old block.

Basking in the art horror of Hannibal. Poor Will Graham, what can he do to get out of this dreadful situation?

Checking in at the Bates Motel for the second series. The guy that plays Norman is an impressive actor, as is Vera Farmiga, the weird mother/son bond brings light to the backstory. Pretty intriguing.

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Hannibal is blood-soaked crack cocaine and the prettiest show ever to air on network television.


latest episode was intense! face eating scene wtf!!!


and how the hell does Gillian Anderson keeping getting hotter?!


season 2 has been just fucking incredible. the cinematography, the writing are lush

michael pitt is fucking brilliant as mason verger



agreed. this show. this...Verger stabbing hannibals chair. that was an lol & well played.


Will getting hannibal outta the straight jacket. I don't by 1 knife slash going through so clean. whatevs. The defacing & feeding it to the dogs, not sure how they got that scene on network tv. Guess the lack of lighting and whatnot. Glad they did though.

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I guess I'm one of those people who just couldn't get past the 'weirdness' of them making a Fargo show. I made it through the first episode but I had zero desire to keep watching. Parts of it seem to work, but Billy Bob is part of the reason it's a non starter. After i saw him do this





Kinda how I was/am about Tom Cruise. I won't watch the BB clip as to not ruin watching the show at this point.


If you can get past Billy Bob, the show has improved greatly from the first episode, which I think I kinda felt the same as you. The show is it's own animal, has depth & is shot loverly. I enjoyed the tie-ins to the original movie presented in the latter episodes.

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Guest Al Hounos

it impacted my ability to just let go and enjoy his acting, like 10x more than when Christian Bale revealed himself to be an abusive asshole on the set of Terminator 4




wow, he is a prick, but most good artists are odd. Tom Hanks seems like a great person, but that doesn't make me like his movies.


Speaking of, his son is pretty good as the bumbling pet control cop.

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Hannibal is blood-soaked crack cocaine and the prettiest show ever to air on network television.


latest episode was intense! face eating scene wtf!!!


and how the hell does Gillian Anderson keeping getting hotter?!


season 2 has been just fucking incredible. the cinematography, the writing are lush

michael pitt is fucking brilliant as mason verger



agreed. this show. this...Verger stabbing hannibals chair. that was an lol & well played.


Will getting hannibal outta the straight jacket. I don't by 1 knife slash going through so clean. whatevs. The defacing & feeding it to the dogs, not sure how they got that scene on network tv. Guess the lack of lighting and whatnot. Glad they did though.



I quite like Ginger Snaps as Margot Verger

The casting on this show is perfect

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