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What TV series are you watching at moment?


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Finally getting into Game of Thrones... Just finished the first season, about to start Season 2 next week. Shit's intense.


yeah i just got caught up. certainly good.


just finished season 1 of silicon valley. started out good but not real funny, around episode 4 it started getting funny.

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Watched Always Sunny in Phili / Man Meets Woman last night. Had some laughs. Man Meets Woman reminded me of some comedy directed by Cronenberg or something. But, that was the first episode I've seen, so not sure if it's indicative of the show.

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seen the Scandi drama The Legacy? Thats pretty decent


Fortitude is on tonight, big cast etc


enjoyed the 1st couple of episodes of Togetherness until the 2guys rocked out in the car like a couple of lost sheep in ep3, not so sure now


colleagues are gushin over Wolf-Hall, but not seen mesen & i dont trust them over other cultural manifestations (so make of that what you will)

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It's Always Sunny I Philadelphia, but i'm getting kinda bored of the premise of them all being horrific human beings.


I also got bored of Community and The Sopranos


can anyone recommend anything?


I'm in the same camp as you about Always Sunny. But, I guess that's what the show is.


You may try Man Meets Woman. I only saw one episode, strange comedy. But not sure if the prior episodes were any good. Like I stated, if David Cronenberg did a comedy, this was it. Minus violence, but on the surreal, strange level. I'll give it another go next week.


Other than that, ain't much else going these days.

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It's Always Sunny I Philadelphia, but i'm getting kinda bored of the premise of them all being horrific human beings.


I also got bored of Community and The Sopranos


can anyone recommend anything?

rectify? pretty heavy stuff but quality tv,dunno if its on netflix tho ,2 seasons so far

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Transparent - funny as fuck in places, poignant, had a hard time with the self-absorbed offspring doe, bah humbug

followed your recomendation and checked this out, pretty cool, a bit too first world problems sad sometimes for it's own sake i dunno...

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Orphan Black (on netflix)


this one is really cool and made me watch the 2 seasons in a few weeks

yeah this is pretty fun, swallowed 7 episodes in a row.


ok this one literally falls apart in season 2, they blow they load of ideas towards the end of season 1 so the 2nd season is feels very tired and weary, it follows the characters around and waits for some bigger payoff. it feels very lost-like where the writers can just keep tweaking the plot slightly and keep it going forever, the original ideas of the concept have been exploited.

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have to include some class British bits from the 70's & 80's.


Dennis Potter's "Singing Detective" & "Pennies From Heaven" are unbeatable for evocative weirdness & the hallucinatory nightmares of broken dreams. Michael Gambon are Bob Hoskins are forces of nature and the various casts are addictive watching. SD just shades it for breadth of vision


also if yer in deep-viewing mood the BBC's production of Caligula is fiendishly good fun. John Hurt, Patrick Stewart et al,,,,,Little Boots gets up to no good time n time again, but u get the familial legacy/backdrop of the transition of Rome from Republic to dictatorship. Def one for getting cosey to on sunday with a favourite poison

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Reminds me, I should watch The Day Today again. Absolute classic.


Started Fargo last night. Glad I did. Quite surprised of the gory bit in the first episode. Good stuff though.

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I'm in Honolulu right now and I met Michael Imperioli (Christopher from The Sopranos) at a bar last night. I was wasted and just said "hey man thanks I appreciate it" and later he left with a supermodel or something.

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