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Wes Anderson - Moonrise Kingdom


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whoa, hold up, hold up, stop with the quoting for a momentito...

just to clarify, we are all talking about the same wes anderson here aren't we.

as in wes "nemo" anderson from the matrix, right?

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whoa, hold up, hold up, stop with the quoting for a momentito...

just to clarify, we are all talking about the same wes anderson here aren't we.

as in wes "nemo" anderson from the matrix, right?


uhh no. we're talking about the guy who directed the resident evil movies.

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Will definitely see this, as I do all his stuff... He needs some fresh energy though...


For me Rushmore is his greatest achievement...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Backson

Official poster ..




I have no fucking idea what this movie is about or what the target audience is.


mind you, that's a fucking lovely poster.

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His quirky hipster humour is cringeworthy, but I like the perfomance of Gene hackman and Murray in some of his movies.

He should be raped by a grumpy bald Scottish fox for that massacred Dahl atrocity.


let's start our own club.

Can I be a member?

I might like this though, since I actually like Ed Norton

*ducks out*

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Guest Backson

White people




oh wow, that's astounding work from both of you guys.


you took an obvious joke, stripped it of all its humor and thought, and then just said what remains without a context. well done!


oh wait, its 2012! saying "hipster" automatically makes any shit hilarious! ahahahahahhah!

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Guest Glass Plate

So indie it hurts. Feels so much like commercial fashion design it makes me feel like a consumerist capitalist piece of shit just watching it, but I still well because it's still the craft of an individual and not a explosion cgi shit fest on my eye balls like a lot of stuff. I appreciate that Wes at least cares a little, so I return my care a little.

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White people




oh wow, that's astounding work from both of you guys.


you took an obvious joke, stripped it of all its humor and thought, and then just said what remains without a context. well done!


oh wait, its 2012! saying "hipster" automatically makes any shit hilarious! ahahahahahhah!


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Guest Mirezzi

In recognition of the fact that it has indeed become a bit to hip to hate hipsters and because I would like to show a bit of restraint in my old age, I'll say that I enjoyed the shit out of Bottle Rocket and Rushmore once upon a time, but the slow-mo of Gwennyth Paltrow a chicken crossing the road was the death of Wes Anderson for me.


All the same, I was not prepared for the sheer tedium and unimaginative, awkwardly horrible 90+ minutes of shenanigans he dared to call Fantastic Mr. Fox. Beyond unforgivable. I've not seen Darjeeling and this new one looks every bit as precious and nauseating as the rest of his films.


Oops, so much for restraint.

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ed norton looks like he lost weight, look more like his old self/younger


Ed Norton needs to do more stuff


I saw him at a Q&A for the premier of Stone and he looks like he hasn't aged since the late 90s. He definitively gets into his roles, in fact, I feel like he isn't in more because he doesn't want to half-ass anything.


All the same, I was not prepared for the sheer tedium and unimaginative, awkwardly horrible 90+ minutes of shenanigans he dared to call Fantastic Mr. Fox. Beyond unforgivable.


Really? It was wonderfully animated and it made for a nice compromise between his writing and the typical content of a film for children. I thought it cussing great.

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anderson's only weak movie is the royal tenenbaums and that's because it's the most transparently "first world problems of rich urbanites" movie. it sorta falls apart because there's no real conflict, imo.


actually, it's been a while since i've watched it so i might be entirely wrong.

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